You is Cute, maybe (AU!)

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Longest Javid Fic I've written in one go let's dO thIS

Fanfic for Nervously-Spouting-Poety on Tumblr of their DND/Fantasy AU
Davey Jacobs couldn't describe his life simply because it just wasn't constant.
Everything seemed to be a never changing cycle, while in rival with that, it never seemed to stop changing.
To put it plainly, history had seemingly been repeating itself, just with different people in different towns. The one constant that he could clearly put a pin to was safety. Or rather, the lack thereof. Safety was a luxury that Davey Jacobs was unable to have, and a prompt to make sure that the opposite was true for Les.

David was sure he could put up with the constant riots and protests that came with being a Giant, but he wasn't sure if Les was able to as well. And given that the other boy wouldn't even have to deal with these issues in the first place if not for Davey left him feeling as though he constantly had to make up for everything he did.
Les was different to Davey in ways that could be spotted from the first time you saw him- in size, species, and characteristics.

Davey preferred a quiet life, one that didn't take too much energy to uphold but gave him the opportunity to feel energetic about it when he wanted to.
Les was a nonstop ball of energy, he had been since Davey had first found him, a very small abyssal tiefling, abandoned by his parents in a rickety building, part of an empty town Davey had resided in until bandits drove him out.
Les had no desire to continuously live in the confinements of a cave- such as their current residence.
It was a nice cave, in comparison to others they'd lived in. It wasn't too drafty, seeing as it only had one clear entrance, a make-shift door set up there that kept trespassers from coming in, and Les from getting out.
It wasn't as if Les was some kind of prisoner though, if he truly wanted out, Davey couldn't say no to his pleading. He understood what it was like to have your life controlled by other people's actions and he didn't want that for the younger, but that didn't stop him from enforcing rules that were set with their current location.

"What do you mean I can't go to the edge of the forest? It's just the edge! Not even in it- and it's halfway down the mountain anyway!" The tiefling whined.

"Because, knights could very easily be waiting there- or lord knows who-"

"And what's wrong with knights? Not all of them are bad." Les scoffed and rolled his eyes from where he sat on Davey's shoulder, the older boy sitting with one knee up and the other leg laying flat as he struggled to read a book the size of his finger, "These words are just gibberish at this point..." he muttered before processing Les's words, "Not all bad? Les, there are many people after me but knights are the most persistent. Stubborn, I should say. They're not good news and they'll take any chance they can get to have leverage over me. That means you."

"I can outrun their swords!" Les defended, standing up shakily.

"And what if they have bows? Their aim may be god-awful but an arrow to any part of your body means possible immobilization. You can't even fly yet-"

"Can too!" Les argued, bending his knees and tearing up to jump.

"Les-" Davey groaned with a tone that implied that this was a frequent occurrence.

The smaller boy had already set his mind to it, jumping swiftly from the brunette's shoulder before spastically flapping his wings and squeaking as Davey caught him a few feet above the ground.

"Nice try, but until you learn proper self-defense and basic flying, you shouldn't go beyond the meadows." Davey set Les down gently to his left on a small pile of lamb's wool that Davey had managed to collect from where the local livestock had left bits of their tufts on prickly bushes, making Les a make-shift bed.

"They won't attack me if they don't know I'm with you! I can be sneaky!" Les tried, looking up at his brother with a pleading grin.

"Humans go after me specifically because of how noticeable I am. It doesn't matter to them what species you are- if you aren't human, you aren't worthy of their presence." Davey spat out the last part cynically.

"Oh come on, not all humans are bad." Les groaned, flopping onto the wool and staring up at the stone ceiling, winds spread out behind him, laying flat on the wool.

"Oh yeah? Which humans have you been talking to?" Davey chuckled, bringing the book closer to his eyes and squinting, "I can't see when it's this dark- we need to get some lanterns in here, or- hey, how about we go catch some fireflies later? Of course, we'll have to release them in the morning but-"

"That Human with the cape that keeps comin' to talk you seems awful friendly." Les hummed like this was nothing, closing his eyes.

Davey flinched, laughing nervously, "What?"

"Oh please, you think I don't listen whenever I hear you talking outside? The cracks in the door may be small for you to see out of- but they're Les head sized for me!" Les grinned up at his now panicking brother who had set his tiny, for him, book down on the side of him that Les wasn't on.

"He comes to threaten me every week, Les- I wouldn't call that friendly-"

"He just doesn't know how to start a conversation and that's the best way he can!" Les sat up defensively, "He threatens you, you try to stutter out a response, and then you two go off on some nonsense about town politics or how the weather is going. His threats are like- completely empty." The small boy snorted.

"Oh please, he's a knight." Davey huffed.

"But you're always so happy to see him." Les scoffed.

"I am not!" Davey blushed, "I told you, all knights are-"

"Bad news, yeah, I know. But you guys just end up flirting and-"

"Flirting? How do you know what flirting is?" Davey stuttered out.

"Well..." Les shrugged, "I just figure it's when you make the other person kinda flustered and-"

"Jack does not make me flustered." Davey sniffed.

"You know his name?" Les perked up with a cheeky grin.

"Be quiet." Davey groaned, running his hands over his face.

Les paused before continuing, "Does he know your name?"

Davey kept his hands over his face a moment, "Obviously. I wasn't going to be rude and not introduce myself."

"How come you can he so closed minded about knights when you're obviously wrong?" Les argued, furrowing his brow.

"Jack is- I don't know what his intentions are-"

"I think if he had the means to hurt you by now, he woulda'." Les sighed.

"He could just be..trying to warm up to me and-"

"He comes here once a week red in the face when he sees you. Nobody is that good at acting, especially knights. We've got bards for that." The younger flopped back down onto the bed.

"He...he doesn't actually..." Davey whispered, thoughts that he'd tried so hard to suppress beginning to surface. He immediately snapped into productive mode to keep the thoughts at bay, "I'm going go out and do some gardening. You're welcome to come outside as well if you promise not to go past the meadows-"

"I'll stay in here until nighttime." Les yawned tiredly, curling up so he could tuck his nose under his tail, "Light hurts my eyes too much."

Davey smiled fondly at his brother before giving a small nod and heading for the door made up of tree trunks, laced together with twine, opening it, with a croak from the wood, before exiting and shutting the door behind him.

The feeling of bliss that sunlight gave him as soon as he walked out of the shadows of the front of the cave filled Davey with pure bliss. He gingerly placed a bare foot down on fresh, green grass before sighing and turning to the right where a field of orange poppy flowers that ran down the hill greeted him, a small stream running on his side of the field, he cupped a hand and threw it over the field, affectively watering a third of the flowers. He moved downhill so sunlight touched his whole face, and part of his shoulders now. The light of evening being soft and warming against a gentle breeze.
Davey sighed blissfully before taking another handful of water and tossing it onto the field, large droplets splashing down until Davey heard a screech, causing the giant to take a few steps back, "O-Oh dear-" He whispered, "Did um- did someone move into the flowers? I'm sorry I didn't notice- I-I was just watering them and-"

A brunette sat up from where he was laying down in the field, hidden from the poppies that had draped over him, he stood up slowly and shook his arms, water flying off around him, "Geez, this'll rust it for sure." He groaned.

"You-" Davey froze.

Jack stiffened at the acknowledgement before giving a small wave and immediately regretting the decision, "I'm, hi, I- uh- I was just uh- got tired walking up the hill and-"

"What are you doing here again?" Davey sighed tiredly but couldn't hide a small smile twitching at his lips.

"Th-The usual um- just- just checking in and-"

Davey suddenly frowned, "The usual is you threatening to take care of me, if that's the case, can I politely ask you to um- just- just not today?"

"N-Not today?" Jack sounded dejected, "Oh um yeah- I uh- just uh- was uh- well, I wasn't coming to slay you- I was just-"

Davey stiffened, "W-Wait are you- are you after my brother-" His voice was hushed and terrified and he began backing up towards the door protectively.

"No! No, no, I would never- y-your what?" Jack swallowed nervously.

"Listen, I can take you and your people getting after me, but you can't bring Les into this, okay? He wouldn't hurt a fly-"

"And you would?" Jack chirped up.

Davey furrowed his brow before leaning forward, crouching down and picking jack up by his cape, eyes solidly serious, "You think I would?"

"F-From my current point of view?" The knight squeaked.

Davey cocked an eyebrow, "I'm not hurting you, am I?" He sounded genuinely concerned.

"N-No- I um- no- I don't think you um- you don't seem to? To have the uh- the intentions to hurt others-" Jack looked at his dangling feet, "I-I do have um- a particular dislike of these here heights though- if you wouldn't mind- I jus' fell from this rickety ol' penthouse once an'-"

"You what?" Davey tried to stifle a chuckle, respectively placing Jack down.

"Well I Uh- got a second story room in this inn down in the town and may have lost my footin' while sparring with Crutchie and-"

"Crutchie?" Davey cocked his head.

Jack's eyes lit up and he smiled with a nod, "He helps me with uh- with business and what not."

"Like slaying giants?" Davey frowned slightly.

"Um...yeah.." Jack muttered sheepishly.

"Right..well, it was um...interesting chatting with you...for the third time this week, but-"

"I've never actually-" Jack started at the same time.

"What was that?" Davey lifted his eyebrows.

"Dave, I don't have the means to- to hurt-" The swish of an arrow interrupted Jack as it whizzed by him, just missing his shoulder.

Davey swiftly looked to the edge of the forest, seeing two men, one with a sword drawn and the other with a bow.

"They're here for me." Davey and Jack both remarked in unison before looking at each other in confusion.

Another arrow flew and hit Davey this time in the hand. He hissed in pain, waving it with a few curses, "God awful aim-"

"Dave I-"

"Sh, no time for words, we have to go." Davey scooped Jack up and covered him with both hands, beginning to turn towards the cave before the aspect of them finding Les came to his mind, causing him to stumble down the side of the mountain, away from the two men who begin to race after them, appearing and reappearing just behind David, "How are they using magic, Jack-"

"Oh, you don't want tah know nothin' about them-" Jack mumbled from within Davey's protective hands, just barely able to see through his fingers, "Look jus- just uh- drop- drop me off somewhere, they'll stop chasin' you-"

"Aren't they just doing your job for you?" Davey remarked bitterly.

"That's- that is not a fair accusation, Dave-" Jack began.

"What is then?" The giant rolled his eyes, continuing on with some space between him and the two pursuers, "You come here every time under the pretense that you've got a job to do and all you do is stall. Why not just get it over with? Are you trying to- befriend me or something so you can get me when I least expect it? Because I- just do something, I can't continue to talk to you without ever knowing what to expect."

Jack swallowed nervously, "I-I don't have the means to hurt you-"

"How do I know that?" Davey whispered, not that Jack couldn't hear.

"Because-" Jack nudged with his back at Davey's hands, making him loosen his grip, "I ain't lettin' these fellas hurt you."

"What? S-So that you can- take the bounty versus them-"

"Christ, Dave! I don't care about no bounty, I care about you! You don't believe me? Fine, I'll show you-" Jack hopped on the edge of Dave's hand, looking down at the stream they were about to pass over.

"Jack-" Davey began to close his hands as Jack prepared to jump.

"I ain't lettin' them hurt you, Dave-"

"Jack-!" Davey clamped his hands shut a moment too late, Jack leaping from his grip and falling towards the water, "JACK-" Davey leapt over the stream, nearly falling over with how quickly her turned around to try and catch the boy, only to see him disappear from thin air, "O-Oh god- he disintegrating on impact-"

"Not quite!" A snobby voice came from a dark brunette, one of the pursuers who now had Jack held back by his arms, struggling for freedom.

"Thanks for the help!" The other pursuer cackle before tightening his grip on Jack, "I'm sure you won't mind us takin' care of your boyfriend then- they did say it didn't matter if he was dead OR alive, did they Morris?" The dark brunette cocked an eye at his brother.

"So they says." Morris nodded.

The other boy got a firm grip of Jack's head, "I'll be merciful to him, giant, you don't gotta worry about him anymore, just a quick snap and-"

"NO-" Davey yelled, grabbing for Morris and quickly picking up, holding him up high threateningly, "Touch him and and drop him." Davey growled, blood dripping from the arrow wound in the hand he held Morris in.

Oscar looked panicked, "He can just-"

"Oh trust me, I know how magic works, I can crush him faster than he can transfer himself anywhere." Davey's eyes narrowed as he tightened his grip on Morris, "Let him go."

Oscar looked conflicted before he seemed to growl and release Jack.

Jack stumbled forward, scrambling away from Oscar and looking up at Davey in a panic.

"N-Now let him go." Oscar glared up at Davey.

"Promise you won't hurt him again." Davey nodded fo Jack.

"I can't promise nothin other than his life is safe right now." Oscar spat.

Davey held onto Morris tighter, "Let him-" the breath got knocked out of Davey as something sharp pierced his skin, causing him to drop Morris, who quickly vanished from thin air, not reappearing anywhere that Davey could see.

"Having a giant on your side i-is cheatin'!" Morris snarled at Jack before also vanishing.

"So is usin' magic that ain't yours-!" Jack snapped quickly before becoming aware of the silence and absence of the Delanceys. He sighed and fell onto his back with a groan, "I hate those two and-" Jack yelped as the ground shook with Davey falling to his knees.

Jack sat up, looking concerned at Davey before his eyes widened, only just now noticing the long-sword plunged into Davey's palm, halfway through, "O-Oh my god, Dave-" he quickly waded across the river, chain-meal making it harder but not impossible to do so as he made his way to the other side of the stream, where Davey sat on his knees, clutching the base of his hand with his other, looking like he might cry.

"I-It really hurts." Davey's voice cracked and he mentally cursed himself for how childish he sounded.

"H-Hey, it's goin'a be okay.." Jack swallowed nervously, "Can I see it?" He murmured.

Davey hesitated before gingerly lowering his hand.

"Oh geez, Dave, that's nearly all the way through your hand.."

"Mhm.." Davey hissed in pain, the grass beneath him colder than earlier as night began to fall, "I need to- to get back to Les- the mountain is just a few minutes walk- I've got medicine there-"

"O-Okay, just take it easy." Jack murmured as Davey nodded, offering his other hand, only slightly covered in blood, allowing the brunette to kneel down on his palm, getting it wet from the stream water, not that Davey particularly cared or noticed as he slowly got to his feet and began to drag them back towards the cave.

"I'm sure you''ve got a lot of questions." Jack cleared his throat.

"That doesn't even begin to sum it up." Davey snorted.

"Well, those guys-" Jack began with a sigh.

"I don't care about those guys." Davey murmured into the cool, still night air, "I care about you and why you thought it was a good idea to jump into a river. That could have killed you."

"Yeah, I...hadn't really considered that until I was falling..." Jack murmured.

"Why did you do that...?" Davey slowed his pace as they reached the base of the poppy field, still having a ways up the hill.

"It was know...grand gesture and what not..."

"A grand gesture? You risking your life was a grand gesture?" Davey rolled his eyes.

"How else was you going to believe that I didn't want to hurt you..?" Jack murmured.

"I-" Davey sighed, shaking his head as he began the trek up the hill of a mountain, "I don't know..."

"You've had bad experiences with humans, I know- a-and to be honest, I wasn't really sure uh- what to expect before I saws you...and then I did and I..."

"You...?" Davey glanced down at Jack.

"I was just so...taken back?" Jack murmured, face redeeming, "I-I don't know- I was just surprised..."

"That I wasn't trying to eat you?" Davey squinted bitterly.

"That those town folk could see you as anything but this adorable dork who was polite enough to- to give me time to finish my sentence when I was trying to threaten your life." Jack scratched the back of his head.

Davey blushed with a shrug as he reached the door to the cave, "I uh- well, most giants are like me...they want peace, but everyone is too afraid of the potential that we have hurt others. I don't want to do that..." He mumbled before lowering his hand to the ground.

Jack paused, staying on his palm, "I don't think anybody is like you, Dave...giant or not..."

Davey felt his heart skip a beat at that statement. He looked away and cleared his throat, "You can leave if you want to..."

"You're not going to believe what I say, are you?" Jack chuckled softly, "I guess if...people've been treating you one way your whole would be difficult to-"

"Jack, I don't think it's a good idea you hang out around me-"

"I've already got a bounty on me, ain't I?" Jack laughed sarcastically, "You don't get it, do you, Dave? I want to be around you. Like a-a lot."

"I..." Davey couldn't find words. Until he finally could form the best thing he could think of, "I trust you."

Jack's eyes lit up and a small smile spread across his face, " you mind if I uh...hang out around here until morning?"

"Oh-" Was all Davey could say. He had never really had somebody come into any of his living areas before other than Les, it was a foreign concept, "Les is never going to let me live this down.." He sighed.

"Les? that your brother?"

"Yes-" Davey began, "You can stay...but you have to do me a favor.


Several minutes later, Davey opened the door, entering the cave with more nets and jars of fireflies than you could count, illuminating the cave as he shut the door behind him and set the jars around, pausing as he ran out of jars of lightning creatures and reached a sleeping Les, glowing yellow and green from the luminescent creatures.
He smiled fondly with a nod before turning to Jack, who was looking around the dim cave in awe, looking at a pile of cotton and wool that was the size of a house, "That looks comfortable as hell." He breathed.

"It gets a bit old after it's the only thing you can sleep on for years- and flattens more for me than it probably would for you." Davey chuckled as he headed for a large boulder with divots in it, harboring small herbs and medicine bottles.
He looked at them awkwardly before speaking up quietly, "I usually have Les so this but uh- could you help me with this?" Davey held his wounded hand up.

Jack smiled softly with a nod before heading over to help Davey.


Davey sat on his bed while Jack finished dressing his wound with large scraps of fabric that covered it. Signing when his work was done, the knight leaned against Davey's thumb, looking up at the boy's smile with a slight frown.

"What..?" Davey murmured in a hushed voice.

"This is all my fault...they wouldn't'a hurt ya if it wasn't for me...I'm sorry, Dave..." Jack looked away.

"Hey, no- people can just be...really...bad...sometimes- Sorry- words are um-"

"They don't come easily around you." Jack finished Davey's sentence before growing flustered, "Th-That's how it is for me about you anyway- not that you feel that way or even- uh- I should stop rambling and all that, but-"

"You're fine, Jack.." Davey chuckled quietly, gently moving the thumb that Jack leaned against to give him an affectionate nudge.

Jack rested his arms on the top of the thumb and laid his head down, "I'm just so sorry, is hurtin' now..."

Davey felt fears collect in his eyes as he mustered a shaky huff of a breath, "You about me, don't you...?"

"'Course I couldn't I...?" Jack blinked at Davey with a fond smile, making the giant blush further.

"Wh-Whats that supposed to mean?" Davey smiled in return.

"You caught me off were You is- cute-"Jack immediately shook his head, "Maybe- um-" He shook his head; "That uh- that sounds lame, f-forget I said that-"

"Y-You think I'm cute?"

Jack could feel Davey's heart beat through his thumb, quick and unsteady, he wrapped his arms gently around the thumb, reassuringly, "I-I mean sure- obviously- y-you gotta get a mirror in this place, Dave." He shuffled his feet gently.

Davey couldn't hold back a wide grin before he used his other hand to hide his face, "You're just being nice."

"I'm bein' honest!" Jack defended, "I- I mean it, Dave- you is- god, I mean- have you taken a good look at yourself lately?"

"I guess I wish I saw myself that way then." Davey eased himself into a laying position before gently setting his hand on his chest, Jack hopping off and sitting on it as Davey rested his hands to his sides, staring up at the ceiling, "People have been calling me a monster for so long that I guess I kind of...believe it sometimes..."

"I've never fallen faster for someone." Jack rested his head in his hand.

"F-Fallen?" Davey's eyes darted down to Jack who looked like someone had punched him in the gut.

"U-Uh- I mean- you know- when I feel to the stream- and what not-"

"Mhm." Davey smiled.

"You is cute, Dave, Jesus! Are you goin'a make me say it again until you believe it?" Jack scratched the back of his neck.

"I wouldn't...object..." Davey bit his bottom lip to conceal a grin.

"Cute and cocky, eh?" Jack smirked, "How charmin'."

"Me? Charming? Please, youre tue knight."

"Daveykinz thinks I'm charming~?" Jack batted his eyelashes.

"Shut up!" Davey's chest shook with laughter, causing Jack to wobble until he fell forward onto his face, face-planting on Davey's chin, he quickly sat up to lean against it.

"Careful, you'll make me fall even more for ya'." Jack grinned.

"That's not such a bad thing, we can fall together," Davey picked jack up by the cape, turning onto his side and placing the knight down beside his face where he could see him, "Get some rest."

"Mm, fine. But you're not allowed to accidentally crush me in my sleep."

"Giants aren't restless, you'll be fine." Davey chuckled in amusement.

Jack glanced over at Davey's face before gently leaning against his cheek, tucking his knees into the crook of his neck before swiftly playing a kiss on his cheek, "G'night."

It was a small feeling, Jack's lips on Davey's cheek, but was enough for him to feel it and smile, "Goodnight, Jack." He leaned forward to press the softest kiss he could on the top of the knight's head, making Jack curl up tighter from embarrassment, and in an attempt to hide a giddy smile before both boys began to drift into slumber.

Jack would later be rudely awoken by a chicken pecking at his face while an essentially purple demon tried to grab at the bird, yelling at it to get off his brother's new boyfriend.

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