Sigurim Species

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Finally, a fantasy species I've been working on for a long time! Introducing the Pa Sigurim, (Meaning 'Free Floaters'. Siguri is the singular form) a CLOSED species of floating dragonoids!
1. (The numbers here correspond to the numbers on the ref sheet) The most noticeable feature of the Sigurim are their vents, which spew a substance belonging to one of three classes; Blazers, Liquids, and Plasmaes. Under the number 1, the regular substance that billows out is shown. Smoke, from the Blazer variety, steam, from the Liquid variety, and stardust, from the Plasmae variety. This normally billows out when the Siguri is calm and all-around "normal", or not experiencing any strong emotional reactions. Said substance also fills them, and allows them to float/fly. They can still walk, but are very bouncy and normally end up just gliding over the ground. If their skin is cut, the gas along with their bluish blood pours out. They lose their buoyancy and will sink to the ground, being forced to walk until the cut either heals or is covered, and cannot fly until their body refills itself with its gas. The order of rarity of the classes are as follows:
*Blazers, common.
*Liquids, uncommon.
*Plasmae, rare.
2. The other thing that their vents can spew normally appears when they are feeling a strong emotion/are excited/angry. The Blazer variety shoots flames, the Liquids shoot geysers of hot water that evaporates after a few seconds, and the Plasmae shoot pure, cloud-like and highly volatile plasma. There are other sub-types of the secondary substance, as well, such as Metallic Liquids, (molten metals/liquid elements), or Volcanic, (Magma/Lava), and many more. Do not anger a Plasmae, for they are the most dangerous in this state.
3. The Sigurim have, in total, four vents on their bodies; three located either on top of their head, neck, or along their back, and one at the end of their tail. This is where the substances mentioned before escape, keeping the Sigurim from filling themselves up like a balloon and exploding from the inside out. If all of their vents are covered for an extended amount of time, this happens. There are some genetic defects linked to their vents, such as slow release, which causes the Siguri to vent slower than average, which makes them unwieldy and chubbier. They also cannot control how they fly, and normally must ground themselves or risk floating upwards uncontrollably.
4. If faster flight is necessary, some Siguri have the ability to mold their feet into four extra vents, giving them more mobility and control over where they are going. It can also double their speed, making racing a common sport between Sigurim with this talent.
5/6. On rare occasions, there are Sigurim with 'rare' traits who are born. The two possibilities are horns of any shape, or opaque, insect-like wings. Having horns isn't as rare as wings, but it still isn't a very common trait. The horns are merely for combat uses, and are mainly for display. This trait is usually found on males, although some females do have horns as well. The wings, however, allow Sigurim to fly-- not float, like the regular Siguri, but fly with complete control of where they want to go. This trait is most commonly found on females, specifically of noble blood, (Siguri do have classes, but they aren't that important to the majority of the species. It's just a label that nobody really cares about.) although can be seen on males. Most wings are the same color/a paler version of their mane body color, and can also have intricate patterns and decorations.
7. Sigurim colors are literally boundless. They can be anything, although their color normally pertains to their class. Their patterns are all unique, and have no limits to how complex they can be.
Blazers are oranges/reds/yellow/occasionally pale blues, and are brighter colors in general. Although, they probably have the most variety due to the fact their fire can actually be any color. Liquids are blues/greens/purples, although they can be many other colors if they fall into a subcategory of Liquid. Plasmaes are the darkest in color, normally, and are very space-ish and covered in dark colors of all hues. Their plasma also comes in any color, as well.
This is a CLOSED species. You are not allowed to make one without my consent. Adopts of them will be up soon, though c:

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