Chapter 29

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A groan escaped Zane's mouth as the sound of an alarm filled the silence in the room. His eyes fluttered open though immediately shut close as the sunlight coming into the room from the window was too bright. 

The raven haired buried his face into his pillow rather than letting his eye(s) get used to the brightness. "Of finally." He muttered when he heard the alarm turning off and sighed in content at the silence.

"C'mon ZuZu, time to get up." Said male raised his head from the pillow and looked at the white haired Casanova. "I don't feel like getting up." Zane states and once again buried his face into his pillow.

"You can't stay in bed, you have work." 

"You have no evidence that I do."

"I know what days you go to the Maid Cafe and wear that adorable maid dress. And I know for a fact that you have work today." Travis declared earning a small groan from Zane. The Casanova planted a kiss onto Zane's forehead, "It won't last forever." 

"It feels like it does." Zane grumbled and crossed his arms with a small frown on his face. Travis snaked his arms around him and held him with a smile. Zane leaned against Travis and rested his head on the other male's shoulder.

"I just want to stay like this and cuddle." The raven haired states. Chirping could be heard and suddenly a small ball of feathers landed onto Zane's shoulder. Travis chuckled lightly, "Looks like Ari wants to join us and cuddle." 

"But you're going to end up late if you don't get up and get ready." Travis reluctantly slid his arms off Zane, who gave a quiet whine. 

"Fine, I'll get ready." Zane carefully got Ari off his shoulder and placed him on top of Travis's head before getting up and heading to the bathroom.

The male took a quick shower and got dressed for the day. He walked back to the room and glanced at Travis. 

"You do know you also have to do something today." Zane reminded him while fixing his hair. "You have no proof that I do." Travis states as he was playing with Ari.

"Just like you know when I have to go to the Maid Cafe, I know when you have to go to the natatorium for swim practice." 

"Ugh," Travis groaned and laid down on the bed. "How about we both just stay and not go to where we have to go to?" He suggested though Zane shook his head. 

"Nope, come on you need to get ready too." 

"Alright, alright." 

Travis got up from the bed and quickly fed Ari before heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Zane went downstairs to work on breakfast and by the time he finished cooking, Travis was coming downstairs. The two ate breakfast with one another until it was time for the two of them to leave to their separate things. 

A couple of hours passed and Travis was already at home waiting for Zane's arrival. Of course he could simply just head to the cafe, but by then Zane would most likely already be on the way home seeing it wasn't long til the end of his shift. 

"Ahh Zane, hurry up!" Travis cried out as he fell onto his back while sitting on the couch. "Oh Ari, I want Zane to come already." He sat up and walked over to the birdcage, opening it so the bird could fly out.

Ari flew and landed onto the white hair of Travis as Travis returned to the couch. A few more minutes passed when the sound of the door unlocking filled the air. 

"Zane!" Travis excitedly exclaimed as the door opened to reveal the raven haired. "You take forever to get here and you're not even in the maid dress. I'm disappointed." Travis spoke in joking tone while Zane playfully rolled his eyes and made his way to him.

"I won't ever return home with the maid dress on." Zane states as he plopped down onto the couch. "Aw, what a shame. I love seeing you in that dress." Travis grins and moved closer to Zane, who automatically placed his head onto his shoulder. 

"Why don't you wear one? I'd love to see that." 

"Well I could, but I wouldn't look as amazing as you." 

"That doesn't matter besides you look amazing in anything." Zane nuzzled his face into the crook of Travis's neck. "And so do you." Travis wrapped his arms around the other. Ari carefully hopped off Travis's head and onto Zane's.

"Hello Ari," Zane greeted without moving a single muscle to look at the bird. The two cuddled while being on the couch before Travis said he had to do something and let go of Zane. He disappeared upstairs leaving Zane alone downstairs, who began to play with Ari. After a couple of minutes, Travis finally came back downstairs.

"Zane. ." The raven haired looked up at mention of his name to see Travis standing there in front of him. "Yes Travis?" He tilted his head as he spoke. "I. .I want to take you somewhere." The Casanova stated. 

"Oh? Okay, where to?" Zane questioned, raising a brow. Travis held a small, warm smile while shaking his head. "I'm not going to say. I want it to be a surprise, just know it's really special and important."

"Alright, lead the way." Travis took hold of Zane's hand and led him out the house after putting Ari back in his birdcage. He led him to a car, letting go of Zane's hand to open the car door, and waited for the both of them to be buckled in. He then started the car and began to drive without saying a thing.

The car ride wasn't long and soon enough they made it to their destination. Travis was quick to unbuckle himself and get out of the car to hurry off to Zane's side of the car and open the car door for him.

"Thank you." Zane said and Travis flashed another smile at the raven haired. "Do you mind closing your eyes while I take you to the place?" Travis questioned as one of his hands slipped into Zane's hand.

"Oh, yeah I don't mind." Travis's smile was the last thing he looked at before closing his eyes and darkness replacing everything in front of him. He was a bit hesitant to move not wanting to trip on something though Travis carefully led him to wherever this place was.

Nobody said a thing throughout their small walk and when they came to a stop Zane patiently waited for Travis to speak once again.

"You can open your eyes now." 

Zane's eye(s) opened and the first thing he saw was a tombstone in front of them. He turned his head towards Travis. 

"This is my mom's grave. I wanted you to meet her at least once some way. I don't know if I'll take you to my father because of the way he is, but I do want you to meet one of parents. So, yeah, this is my mom Zane." 

"Travis, you should of told me I was going to meet your mom. I look terrible-! I'm just wearing my usual sweater and my hair's a mess-" 

A light chuckle left Travis's mouth while he pressed his lips against Zane's, after pulling his mask down, to get him to stop talking. "Zane, you look absolutely fine! I'm sure my mom thinks the same."

"If you say so," Zane felt his mouth twitch into a small smile before averting his attention back to the tombstone. The two carefully plopped down to the ground and sat down near the tombstone.

"So mom, this is Zane. Zane Ro'Meave, my boyfriend." Travis raised his hands to gesture to Zane. "Hello, I'm Zane." The raven haired greeted before the two began a conversation. 

They lost track just talking and talking, sharing memories from what has happened to the very small moments with Travis and his mother that the male faintly remembers. "It's getting pretty late, we should head home. Bye mom!"

 Travis waved goodbye while getting up and dusting his pants before helping Zane stand up. "Bye Mrs. Valkrum!" Zane gave a wave and followed Travis back to the car.

"This was nice Travis, thank you for introducing me to your mom."

 "Of course, I met your parents. You deserved to meet mine, or well at least one of them."

Travis picked up Zane's hand and softly kisses it before lowering it back down, keeping his grip on it. Zane's fingers intertwined with Travis's as Travis started the car and they began their car ride back home.

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