Chapter 34

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"Zane! I'm back," Travis called out as he entered the house and closed the door behind him. His eyes wandered around the place before landing on Zane who was in the kitchen eating.

"Hey Travis, welcome back. I made some dinner, feel free to get some and eat." Zane motioned to another plate filled with food with the fork he was currently using.

"Thank you, but I really want cuddles and to sleep right now." Travis stretched out his arms with a smile. "Eat something first before you sleep." Zane told him and continued to eat the food he cooked.

"Alright, but I want cuddles afterwards." Travis sat next to his boyfriend and got the other plate. "Don't worry we'll cuddle later." Zane reassured Travis, who happily cheered. The two finish their food and placed their dishes in the sink, one of them will wash them tomorrow.

"Want me to carry you upstairs?" Travis asked with a toothy grin as he looked over at Zane. "Unless you want me to carry you." Zane said and held a small grin himself. "I would prefer that way more."

Zane slipped his arms around Travis before picking him up bridal style and carrying him up the stairs. He enters his room and makes his way to the bed before dropping Travis onto it. Travis let out a quiet yelp when he was suddenly dropped but soon laid on his back taking up most of the space as Zane plopped down onto the bed.

Travis rolled off the bed to switch into his sleepwear as Zane did the same and both males returned back to the bed. In one swift motion, Zane wrapped his arms around Travis' torso as Travis slipped his arm around Zane pulling him closer.

At first neither of them spoke, they didn't need to speak. They were rather comfortable with just staying in the silence as long as they were in the presence of one another. The lights were off and the only light was whatever was provided by the sun that was currently setting.

It was until much later when Travis softly nudged Zane's head to gain his attention. "You still awake?" He softly asked not wanting to disturb Zane. "Yeah I am," Zane quietly answered and shifted his position slightly.

"Can you sing right now?"

"Sing you to sleep?"

"Just sing in general?" Travis kept silent and so did Zane, but a smile tugged at his lips when he felt soft fingers tapping on his arm in a beat.

"Do you hear me, I'm talking to you.
Across the water across the deep blue ocean.
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying.
Boy, I hear you in my dreams,
I feel your whisper across the sea.
I keep you with me in my heart,
You make it easier when life gets hard."

Before Zane could continue singing his song, Travis slowly began to hum to a different sing causing Zane to go quiet and allowing Travis to sing.

"Eyes blue," Travis reached out and cupped Zane's face before pushing his hair back to reveal his right eye, "like the Atlantic. And I'm going down, like the Titanic." He pressed his forehead against Zane's while wearing a warm, soft smile.

Zane reflected the smile and his hand wandered around before finding Travis' and intertwining their fingers. "I look into your eyes and the sky's the limit. Down for the count and I'm drowning in them. I am so into you, I am so into you. I'm helpless," He sang earning a happy chuckle from Travis.

Zane let out a light laugh as he tossed his head back into the soft pillow underneath him. "Are we just going to be singing songs to each other?" He questioned as he raised a brow. "How about one more and then we can stop?" Travis rested his chin on Zane's chest and looked up at him waiting for his response. Despite it being extremely dark, Travis could still make out the outline of Zane's and noticed his nod.

Travis cleared his throat slightly before he began singing,

"Every day before today was never gray
It's always black and white
Until tonight, yeah
I wasn't expecting you to have me seeing sepia
And shades of light
But it feels so right, yeah

The way you touch me
The way you hold me
My heart's about to burst
You are the first to really know me
I wanna love, but first I need someone to show me
Afraid to fall in first, but that's the old me."

Travis goes quiet and looked at Zane with a look that said continue the song, which Zane did.

"There's something 'bout you
That makes my skies blue
And whenever we're through
All I can do is see color
There's something 'bout us
When we're together
Whenever you're there, everywhere
I see color

Every second you can bet my heart's collecting
Little butterflies
When I see those eyes, yeah
When our hearts collide
I hope our world is a kaleidoscope
'Cause black and white
Never shines so bright, yeah."

The small smile soon enlarged on Zane's face when he heard Travis' voice join him in singing.

"The way you touch me
The way you tease me
I'm trying not to fall for you
But falling seems so easy
My heart was locked, but boy you got the key to free me
Invisible to love but boy you see me."
Travis leaned in and planted a kiss onto Zane's lips and soon rolled off him to lay right besides him. "That was fun," He stated while looking up at the ceiling trying to see the details of it in the dark. "Yeah it was." Zane lowered his head to rest against Travis's and found himself staring up as well.

The two fell into another silence, which one would assume meant that they fell to sleep however that wasn't the case. Of course Travis is the one to break the silence, "Hey did you know freckles are angel kisses."

Travis rolled to his side to look at Zane and he raised his hand up to his cheeks to softly tap at Zane's freckles. "So each one of these are angel kisses!"

"Oh really? Can mine be from the angel, Castiel?" Zane questioned as he watched Travis tap at his freckles. "Yeah, no sorry but his kisses are reserved for this guy called Dean." Travis sent a wink in Zane's direction earning a chuckle.

"Aw, who'll be the angel that kissed me then?"

"I can be that angel." Travis playfully wiggled his eyebrows and Zane snickered at what he said. "Hey, I can be your angle or yuor devil." "Oh my Irene, stop being a meme you dork."

"Never!" Travis exclaimed with a laugh and held a toothy grin. "Go to sleep you meme." Zane tiredly raised his hand and pushed Travis down to lay on the bed. "Alright, alright. Night Zane," "Goodnight Travis."

A couple of hours passed, you would think they would get some sleep by now. But these two have yet to fall asleep despite it being terribly late.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

Travis propped himself up with his elbows and sat up before looking at Zane, who was sitting up. "I've been meaning to ask if I could officially move in with you- if you're alright with it." "Well yeah I'm alright it. You already stay over here like you live here, might as well officially move in with all your stuff." 

"Great," Travis leaned against the bed frame, "I talked to Garroth about it and some stuff. He said he'll get Dante and Laurance to help pack my stuff." Zane gave a nod in response and let out a small yawn.

"I think it's pretty clear that we aren't going to sleep anytime soon." Zane stated and began to lean against Travis as Travis did the same. "Yeah, what should we do?"

"Watch something?" Zane suggested as he blindly reached out to the side attempting to find his laptop in the dark. Once his fingers touched the cold surface of the laptop, he gripped it and brought it onto the bed and turned it on.

"My Little Horsies?" Travis offered as he held out his arm to shield his eyes from the light of Zane's laptop screen. "Do you want to watch that?" Zane questioned whilst he was getting onto Netflix. Travis shrugged, "If you want to that's fine."

"We could watch something else like Steven Universe or that one show everyone is talking about recently."

"'That one show', very specific."

"Shush, I'm tired." Zane stuck out his tongue and looked back at his screen. "Which one?" He questioned and tilted his head to the side to look at Travis. "That one show." "That one show coming up."

Zane clicked on the first episode and laid down in his bed with Travis snuggling up to his side. After three episodes in, the two fell to sleep as the show continued to play in the background.

By the time they woke up, it was about to be twelve. "It's going to be one soon, wake up Zane." Travis pulled the covers off the other male and shook him lightly. "I'm coming," Zane pushed himself out of bed and trailed behind Travis.

Zane groaned as he was attempting to fix his messed up hair whilst walking to the kitchen. He gave up his with trying and grabbed two bowls as Travis went to grab the cereal.

"Do you pour your cereal first or are you a freak that pours milk first?" Zane suddenly questioned as he slid one of the bowls to Travis. Travis gave a chuckle at the random question as he poured cereal into his bowl. "I pour cereal first."

"Why do you ask?" Travis asked while Zane was pouring cereal into his own bowl. He gave a shrug and nibbled on some of the dry cereal before getting the milk. The two enjoyed their quick breakfast in silence.

"Great now I'm thinking about it. Who pours milk first-?" 

"That's what I want to know."

After they finished up their breakfast, the two got ready for the day with a quick shower and change of clothes. The two left the place and headed towards the shared house chatting along the way.

Zane raised his hand and knocked on the door waiting for someone to open the door. "Zane, Travis!" Garroth greeted the two and held the door open for them to walk in. "Laurance, Dante!" He called out while closing the door.

Laurance and Dante showed up and the group head down to Travis' room and began to help out with packing and taking it back to Zane's, well now both Zane and Travis', place.

"Thanks guys!" Travis pushed the last of the boxes to the spare room in the house. "No problem bro! You sure you don't want us to help you unpack everything?" Dante questioned as he tilted his head.

Travis shook his head, "Nah, it's alright. Thanks again." He flashed them a grin. "Well if that's it, we'll be heading out. See you two later!" Laurance waved as he, Garroth, and Dante headed out. 

"Let's start with unpacking to get it over with it." Zane stated earning a nod from Travis. They talked about random things before going to a comfortable silence, but after a couple of minutes Travis soon realized that Zane no longer was in the room.

"Zane?" Travis called out as he stepped away from the boxes. ". . .Zane-?" He still didn't get a reply which soon began to worry him. "Zane? Zane??" Travis looked around the room and was about to walk out the room when Zane jumped out of a box, shouting slightly.

Travis stumbled backwards giving a pretty loud yelp in response. "Holy Irene- you scared me." His hand flew to his chest as he stared at Zane with partially widened eyes. He walked over to the box that Zane was in and wrapped his arms around him.

He picked Zane out of the box and placed him besides it. Seeing how Travis has yet to remove his arms, Zane simply leans forward and slipped his arms around Travis. 

They stood like that for a while before they went back to unpacking however they took a bit longer. They were doing everything with one arm since their other hand were too preoccupied with holding the other one's hand.

"Oh finally, we're done." 

Travis let out a sigh of relief as he threw himself onto the bed, accidentally dragging Zane along seeing how they were still holding hands. Due to their tiredness, and the fact that they were lying on a rather comfortable bed, they soon fell into a blissful sleep.

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