Chapter 38

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Zane angrily and tiredly mumbled to himself as they all got out of the van and got their stuff for the beach. "Sorry Zane, should of told you we were already at the beach instead of giving you small hope that you could of napped." Travis wore a sheepish smile while he appeared by Zane's side. "It's fine, but I'm tired now." Zane muttered and leaned partially against Travis. 

"Just take a nap on the beach." Aphmau suggested as she appeared right besides Zane. "And possibly get sunburned for napping under the sun? No thanks." Zane had his arms crossed over his chest.

"That's why you nap under an umbrella and not the sun." Aphmau stated while she adjusted the sunhat that rested on the top of her head. "And if I wake up to find out that the umbrella was taken, someone will get hit by an umbrella." 

"Okay Zane, let's not resort to hitting people with umbrellas." Travis held a pair of sunglasses to the male. Giving a silent thanks, Zane took the pair and placed them on. "Besides, who would steal the umbrella if you were napping?"

With no hesitation, Zane quickly pointed over to where Garroth, Laurance and Dante were at. Travis looked over at the three before his gaze returned back to Zane. "Yeah, they probably would."

Before they started heading to the beach to find a spot for all of them, Aaron had advised them all to start applying sunscreen first. 

Travis finished applying sunscreen on himself and waited for everyone else to finish. His eyes wandered around before they landed on Zane who was still putting sunscreen on himself. The corners of his mouth curved upwards forming a grin as he inched closer to Zane.

"Hey Zane, need some help?" Zane picked up his head to look at Travis for a moment. "I can manage." Travis stood behind Zane and slipped his arms around his waist, "Boo, I could of helped you reach the places you couldn't." He placed his chin on Zane's shoulder. A noticeable pink tint appeared in Zane's cheeks. "Yeah, no I'm good Travis." 

By then Zane had already finished putting on sunscreen and now the two were waiting for the rest of the group to finish as well. 

"Hey, did you know you octopi my thoughts?" 

All he got in response was a light chuckle, so he continued on with some other pickup lines. "Your eyes are blue like the ocean and I'm lost at sea!" 

Before Travis could continue, Aphmau's voice could be heard.

"Stop flirting with Zane! We're already heading off!" 

Travis and Zane turned their heads to see the entire group either walking off to the beach or staring at them. "I'll tell you some more pickup lines later." Travis grasped Zane's hand and led him to the group. 

The moment they started walking on the sand, Zane's expression twisted to discomfort. "Are we sure this is sand and not lava or something?" He questioned with a raised brow as he looked down at the sand. His gaze flickered over to Vylad, who was walking barefoot on the sand with a smile. 

"Vylad, how can you stand walking on the sand?" Zane stared at him with disbelief that he was actually walking barefoot. "Oh c'mon Zane, it's not that hot." Vylad claimed and gently kicked some of the sand forward.

"Besides it's not like," Vylad paused while the smile on his face grew, "the floor is lava!" 

"I am not playing that game-" Zane was cut off by Travis picking him up from the ground. The moment Vylad started to countdown from five was when Travis ran past everyone. Luckily the group was heading in the direction of an empty spot with some beach chairs already set up. 

Somehow Travis managed to plop Zane down on one of the chairs and sit besides him right before Vylad reached one. "Never do that again without warning." Zane laid back on the chair and glanced over his shoulder to look at the others.

The girls, excluding from Aphmau, Gene and Aaron didn't take part of the whole floor is lava game so they continued to walk to the spot. Aphmau on the other hand had jumped on Aaron's back. Laurance jumped into Garroth's arms though Garroth ended up stumbling back and falling on his back. Dante had nowhere to go so when Vylad stopped counting, he dramatically dropped to the ground while reaching out for Vylad's hand. 

"Wasn't that fun?" Vylad asked once he reached the beach chairs that Travis and Zane were sitting on. "Oh yeah definitely, I enjoyed being randomly picked up with no warning and being rushed away somewhere else." Zane answered and Travis just chuckled.

"Didn't you have sunglasses on?" Vylad pointed at Zane and Zane raised a hand up to his face to notice that the sunglasses weren't on him. "They must of fell off when I just suddenly picked you up. Woops, sorry about that." 

Travis took off the sunglasses that were on him and placed them on top of Zane's head. "Want to join me and go to the water?" He offered with a tip of his head. "No thanks, you go have fun. I'll stay here." Zane slid the sunglasses down.

"Alright, but I'll gonna get you to do some beach stuff later." Travis planted a kiss on his cheek and jogged over to the water. The others were already swimming and splashing water to each other, well not everyone.

Aphmau sat on the beach chair next to his and she was just watching the others in the water. Her eyes then lit up as she thought of something and turned her head over to Zane. "Zane! Let's make a sand castle."

"Sorry Aph, I don't want to do anything that involves sand." 

"Boo!" Aphmau stuck her tongue at the male and groaned. "I'll make one myself then while I wait for Katelyn or Aaron to get out of the water." She got off of the chair and found a spot to begin her sandcastle. Zane pulled out his phone and earbuds before putting them on and putting a song on. While the music began playing, he closed his eyes and quietly hummed along to the song.

After what seemed to be close to half an hour or more, the ones in the water were finally getting out. Zane opened his eyes and watched them get out the water and head to their towels. He sat up slightly and grabbed Travis' towel to hand once he walked over. 

"Thank you." Travis sat down and dried himself the most he could, water still dripped from his hair. "Okay now it's time for you to do something fun." He placed the towel on the chair and smiled at Zane.

"I'm having a blast just sitting here and listening to my music." Zane told him as he took out one of his earbuds to hear Travis a bit more clearly. 

"Well you can do that anytime. C'mon Zane, let's play in the sand!" Travis gently tugged on Zane's arm to get him to get up from the chair. He plopped down on the sand and laid on his back with his arms extended out as if he was going to do a snow angel. "The sand isn't even that hot anymore!" 

"Er, no thanks. Sand sticks to your body and gets everywhere." Zane pulled off the other earbud and set his phone aside. Travis sat up and glanced down at himself to see the sand sticking to his body. A small mischievous glint appeared in his eyes while he looked up at Zane.

He laid on the sand on his stomach before rolling a bit and standing up, making sure there was sand all over him. "Oh ZuZu!" 

Zane raised a brow as he stared at Travis. "Give me a hug!" Travis held out his arms while making his way towards him. "Travis, do not get any sand on me." Zane slowly got up from his chair and was backing away.

"But Zane, I want a hug." That was when Travis picked up his pace and Zane turned around and ran off. "I thought you liked my hugs!" Travis ran after Zane who continued to run.

Not sure how long he was running for when Zane skids to a stop having to catch his breath. "I hate running." He muttered under his breath as he coughed slightly. Suddenly he was knocked down onto the ground by sudden weight. 

"Ugh," Zane groaned and looked at Travis who was now on top of him. "Great now I have sand on me." He laid his head a bit back while he was still catching his breath. "How come you just stopped running?" Travis rolled off of Zane to get on his own feet before helping Zane up. 

"I'm asthmatic, remember? It prevents me from running that much." Zane did his best to dust off as much sand as he could. "Oh I forgot about that! I wouldn't of chased you and got you running." 

"It's fine, it's not as bad as when we were in high school. Just, let's not do anymore running." Zane earned a nod from Travis and the two walked back to the chairs. 

"Guys, guys!" Laurance motioned them over with Dante besides him, stifling his laughs. "What did you two do?" Travis questioned with his brow raised. "Garroth fell asleep and Dante and I are going to bury him in sand. Want to help us?" Laurance gestured to the sleeping Garroth that was snoring.

"I'm in." Zane spoke up and Travis joined in as well. The four began to cover Garroth's body up with sand, making sure not to get any near his head. It took them fifteen minutes and when they stood back to admire their work, they high-fived one another with quiet laughs.

"Do you think he'll be mad?" Laurance asked in between his snickering. Dante glanced over at Garroth then at Laurance, "Nah." The two were grinning and just laughed once again.

"We weren't apart of this if he's mad." Travis stated and gestured to him and Zane before waving bye to the two. Zane went back to the beach chairs and sat down with Travis sitting by his side.

Zane leaned his head on his shoulder and wrapped his arms around Travis, "I'm tired." Travis raised a hand to run through Zane's hair. "I'm pretty sure we're leaving soon to the hotel we're staying." 

"Why do we have to be here for three days?" He buried his face in the crook of Travis' neck and groaned. "Also why do I hear clicking?" "It's Kawaii~Chan taking pictures." Travis answered. "Of course it is."

"It's probably going to that shipping shrine of hers." Zane raised his head and sighed. "Wait, she has a shipping shrine of us?" Travis turned his head to the side to look at Zane. "Since when?"

"Remember when you lent me your sweater because you spilled coffee on mine?" 


"That was when she started the shipping shrine."

"Oh wow, I hope we never come across it." Travis states. "Why must she have shipping shrines?" Zane shook his head. Zane outstretched his hand to grab his phone and earbuds, putting one in his ear. He offered the other earbud to Travis, who put it on, and played some random song.

The sound of snores stopped and was replaced by Garroth shouting causing Zane and Travis to hold back their laughs. From the corner of their eyes they watched Garroth get up and shooting looks at Dante and Laurance who were bursting into laughter. 

Garroth chased after Dante and Laurance around while shouting nonsense at them. Once he was out of hearing range, Zane and Travis laughed.

About an hour had passed when Aphmau and Aaron suggested it was probably a good time to head to the hotel they were going to stay at then look for a place to eat. 

Everyone packed their things and went back to the cars to head to the hotel. "Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?" Travis wore a toothy grin. "Oh, we're back with the pickup lines." A blush dusted Zane's cheeks.

"Zane, are you a sea lion? Because I sea you lion on my bed later." Travis winked at the end. "Well we're most likely going to share a bed." Zane pointed out and Travis nodded. "That is true." He softly chuckled.

"If beauty were a grain of sand then you'll be a million beaches." The blush from earlier darkened. Travis opened his mouth to say yet another pickup line when Gene interjected, 

"How much longer are you going to flirt?" 

The smile dropped slightly as Travis looked away from Zane and to Gene. "Aw Gene, why did you have to interrupt them?" Vylad frowned slightly. "Bro, you should of just let them continue. They're not harming anyone, let them be cute with each other." Dante added and wrapped an arm around Vylad.

"Soo, we're at the hotel!" Aphmau clasped her hands together to divert their attention over to her. They all looked over to Aphmau and nodded waiting for the car to stop. Once the car came to a stop, they all got off and got their stuff before heading to the hotel.

Aaron got the room keys, guys were staying in one room while girls stayed in the other, and went back to the others. "Here you go." Aaron handed one of the keys to Aphmau, who led the girls in the direction of their room. Aaron looked over his shoulder to the other guys. "Come on," Aaron held up the room key and walked off with the rest following him. Turns out that the two rooms were literally right besides each other.

"How do we determine who gets the beds and couch?" Garroth questioned as they entered the room and placed their stuff to the side. In the room was two beds and a couch and there were a total of eight of them. "Two of us are going to have to sleep on the floor." Laurance pointed out.

"Dante and I could take the couch." Vylad was already on the couch taking up majority of the space and Dante just sat on his legs. "Okay so they have the couch. Who gets the beds?" Gene asked while nodding towards the two beds.

"I want a bed." Zane sat down on one of the beds and crossed his legs. Travis plopped down onto the bed, "Who claims the other bed?"

"I don't mind taking the floor so you three can figure it out." Aaron gestured to Gene, Garroth and Laurance. "You two are closer, so you guys can have the bed. I'll just take the floor." Gene walked over to his stuff as Garroth and Laurance sat on the bed.

"We should of gotten a room with three beds or another couch." Gene sat down on the ground as he scrolled through his phone. "Yeah with the girls, they're only four of them so they can all use the beds." Dante pointed out. "That's true but we're only going to spend three days here." Aaron brought up.

Aaron's phone beeped and Aaron raised his phone. "Aph said that they're ready to head out and go eat." They all got up and followed Aaron out the door and into the hallway where the girls were at. They all head out to the cars and went to one of the restaurants to eat dinner before they returned to the hotel.

Since it was already late, they took turns taking a quick shower and getting ready for bed. Vylad was checking social media on his phone with the brightness low since Dante was curled up against him asleep and he didn't want to bother him with his phone's brightness.

Gene had his eyes closed with his headphones on and Aaron was already fast asleep. Laurance ended up in Garroth's arms, the two of them asleep and snoring quietly.

"I just realized that who's going to feed Ari while we're gone?" Zane's voice was quiet to not disturb the others. "I already asked Brendan if he could and he said yes." Travis told him and slipped under the covers. "Okay that's good." Zane let out a yawn.

"Did you have any fun today?" Travis questioned as he tugged Zane closer to him. "Yeah, I guess so. It was really amusing to bury Garroth in sand." Zane chuckled quietly as he thought back about it. "Yeah that was amusing." Travis softly snickered. "I'm glad you found something enjoyable." Travis nuzzled Zane who nuzzled him back. "Mhm, but what I'm really going to find enjoyable is finally being able to sleep."

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