Chapter 8

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"Oh hey, Zane what brings you here?" Travis asked when he answered the door. "I-uh.." Zane glanced down then back up to Travis meeting his bright, forest green eyes. "I wanted to take that coffee offer." He explained. 

"Oh, totally! Come on, let's go." Travis closed the door behind him and took hold of Zane's wrist before walking down the sidewalk towards the cafe. They soon arrive at the cafe place and order their beverages before sitting down. 

"When do you start working at the maid cafe?" Travis questioned in attempt to start a conversation as he sips his coffee. "Tomorrow, I'm not looking forward to it." Zane raised the cup to his lips and took a sip. 

"You know, you should really keep your mask off more often. You look cuter like that~" Travis winks taking another sip. This causes Zane almost to spit out his drink while a pink hue dusts his cheeks. 

Zane sets his cup down and shifts a bit turning away from Travis while tugging up his mask. "No, don't hide your lips Zane!" Travis whines watching him. "Shut up." Zane faced Travis once again with his mask back on. 

"Travis.." Zane then spoke up gaining the other male's attention. "Do you have anything planned later today?" He asked. "No, why?" Travis raised a brow. "I was wondering maybe we could hang out or s-something." Zane looked away.

A grin tugged at Travis's lips, "Of course we can hang out! Let's go to the mall right now!" Travis took hold of Zane's hands yanking him up to his feet. "R-Right now? I didn't even finish my coffee." The raven haired pointed out. 

"Take it with you! Come on Zaney, let's go." 


"Wow, look at those two." "They're cute aren't they?" "So cute!" He could hear everyone whispering causing his pale cheeks to heat up. 

Travis continued to hold Zane's hands taking him to the mall. "T-Travis, stop!" Zane yanks his hands away and Travis tilted his head. "What?" Travis asked. "W-We look like some couple when you do that." Zane muttered.

"Let people think what they want!" Travis tossed an arm over his shoulders. "Besides I don't mind people mistaking us for a couple if it's a cutie like you~" Travis whispered. Zane's face burns up and he looks away. "A cutie with a booty!" Travis pats Zane's butt earning a growl and a punch to the arm.

"Ow!" Travis pulled away and rubbed his arm where Zane punched him. Zane crossed his arms and continued to walk. 

The two end up at the mall and literally spend the whole day there with one another. The day consisted of Zane yelling at Travis for buying him things, Travis flirting with Zane, Travis attempting to touch Zane's butt, and Zane just wanting to look at the ponies.

"I can't believe you bought me things." Zane was carrying some bags, mostly all of them from Hot Topic. "I was trying to be nice and I bought myself things too," Travis states walking besides him. 

"Whatever," Zane rolled his eyes and they walked to his place. "I had fun today, did you Zaney?" Travis asked. "Don't call me that. And yeah..I did." Zane unlocked the door. "Then maybe we should do this again." Travis suggested. "Y-Yeah..I like that." 

Travis smiled and gave a small nod before ruffling Zane's raven hair. "I got to go, but I'll see you tomorrow." 

"Tomorrow? That's when I have to work at the Maid Cafe." Zane pointed out. "Exactly." Travis grins and waves before walking off. 

Zane enters his place and drops all the bags quickly pulling out his phone and dialing Vylad. 

"'Ello!" Vylad greets. 

"Vylad, I did what you said and hung out all day with him today." 

"'re on speaker now."

"Hey Zane!" 


"Anyway, so? You hung out with Travis all day and,"

".....I think I have a crush on Travis." 

Zane quickly pulls his phone away from his ear and flinches slightly as he hears a squeal from both males on the other side of phone. 

"I knew it!" Vylad and Dante exclaim in unison. "Ask him out!" The two practically scream. "What? No way! Look, having a crush on him is not something I'm proud of? Don't you remember our conversation earlier about how I didn't want to like him?" Zane asked. 

"Zane you're bound to embrace it sooner or later." Dante states. "Yeah, and the sooner the better!" Vylad added. "Now tell us all about your date with him!" "I-It wasn't a date!" "Sure it was! Now spill." 

"O-Oh, would you look at that I'm getting another call." Zane was going to hang up when he actually did get another call. "Oh wait, I'm actually getting another call. Bye Vylad, Dante." Zane hangs up and answered the other call. 

"Zane! It's the manager from the Maid Cafe, and I have a very important question for you!" 

"Which is..?"

"What color maid dress do you want?"  

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