Be preparded for an onslaught on your eyes

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Hello~ ( • ω • )ノ

To those of you who are reading this, thank you very much. I know, I know, you've probably seen better artists around, but... Anyways, thanks for reading (or looking I guess?)

I'm seriously better at writing than drawing, but writing is too much work...

I'm lazy, I know.

There's school, so don't expect too many updates.

Um, I'll apologies to those who were here for my stories first. I'm an idiot. And a terrible writer at that, so....

Most of my art are anime/manga centred . Some I referenced to the Internet to draw but I can reassure you that all my drawings are drawn by my own hands. I'll tell you the ones I have taken reference from okay?

Oh yeah, sorry about the cover. I'm still working on a nice drawing to put on the cover so please bear with the blueness for a while

Right, for those of you who haven't skipped this, onto the next page.

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