A Content Feeling

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As Bakugou cooked dinner and Kirishima watched and helped where he could, a comfortable silence fell over them. Every time their eyes met they would smile, not a flirty one, just a happy one. Bakugou's smiles tugged on Kirishima's heart, especially when he thought about the boy he had first met.

The boy who scowled and lashed out, who didn't trust anyone and was just disagreeable compared to this boy who expressed his emotions and initiated affection, who currently stood at the stove, cooking his boyfriend a steak for his dinner while his cat sat on the bench watching.

Kirishima knew he fell in love with the boy he had met months ago but he loved this softer version differently, deeper.

"What are you grinning at you idiot? I can practically feel it." Bakugou huffed without turning around.

Kirishima came up to wrap his arms around his waist and rested his head on his shoulder. "Just this, us. I love you, Katsuki."

Bakugou leaned back into him humming contentedly. "I don't think I'll ever get sick of hearing that. I love you too."

Bakugou finished cooking and plated up their dinner. Kirishima would never get sick of eating Katsuki's cooking, especially when it tasted this good.

They kept up a light conversation as they ate, it was a miracle Kirishima could actually concentrate on conversation given the vigour that he was eating his meat with.

They cleaned up after they had eaten and cuddled up on the couch to watch a movie before they went to bed.

As they lay in bed that night, Bakugou hovered over him, looking into his eyes after pulling back from a soft kiss. Then his face pinched as he looked at Kirishima's right eye. "You have a scar. How have I never noticed it before?" He asked as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on Kirishima's eyelid.

Kirishima didn't say anything, just leaned into Bakugou's lips.

"You gonna tell me about it?" Bakugou prompted.

Kirishima let out a breath. He didn't like talking about it but this was Katsuki so it felt ok. "The first time my quirk manifested I was rubbing my eyes and I cut myself." Kirishima laughed derisively, "Not really a hero's quirk is it?"

Bakugou scrunched his brows in confusion. Did Kirishima not like his quirk? "What makes you say that?"

"Well it's pretty dangerous if you think about it. Better suited to a-"

Bakugou placed his finger on Kiri's lips shushing him. "My quirk is to literally make explosions from my sweat, I was kidnaped by the league of villains because they thought I'd make a good addition. Your quirk is amazing, Eijirou. Wait, is that why you added the sleeves on your costume? So you wouldn't hurt people?"

"Yeah, so I could do rescue ops and not worry about that."

"Well they look cool too."

"Was that a complement, Katsuki?" Kirishima smiled.

Bakugou just huffed out a laugh and cuddled into him.

Kirishima squeezed him tighter. "I was so scared for you when they got you. I felt so useless, not being able to help. Most of the class was pretty mad at me for coming up with the plan but I'd do it all over again in a second."

"I know you would," Bakugou said and Kirishima thought that was the end of the conversation until he said. "I've been carrying this weight since that night though. Eijirou, I caused All Might's end. If I had of been stronger then they never would have taken me." Bakugou felt tears well in his eyes but he blinked them back in frustration.

"Don't you dare think that this was your fault," Kirishima said, hugging him tighter. "You're trying harder than anyone to be the best and you will be. You did not cause All Might's end, that villain did and you know it. Nothing like this will ever happen again because I know you won't stop until you are the number one."

Bakugou realised that those were the words he'd needed to hear from Kirishima. He'd heard similar things from others but Kirishima's conviction and belief in him eased some of the weight that he'd been carrying.

They held each other firmly as they drifted off to sleep that night.

Bakugou woke with strong arms still wrapped around him. He snuggled, ugh yes snuggled, down into Kirishima as he reflected on how things had turned out. Kirishima knew how ugly he could be and loved him anyway, for who he was. He made him want to do better, be better and not just for Kirishima anymore but for himself.

He felt so close to this boy even though they hadn't been dating for that long. He started to wonder when exactly it was that he had fallen for him. He could pinpoint the moment when he'd started to see him as more than a good sparring partner.

Back when he'd started to really notice how he looked and had to deal with that confusing attraction but after he had acknowledged what it was and realised he liked Kirishima in a different way he fell fast and hard. And now he was here, cuddled in his bed as the sun started to come up, more content than he had been in months.

Kirishima woke and looked down to Katsuki who was pressed against his side doing his best to pretend he was still asleep. Probably so they wouldn't have to leave the bed yet. Kirishima smiled, he was just so very much in love with this boy who had given so much of himself to him.

Not physically but emotionally. He had come to realise over the last week that Katsuki really never intended to hurt him. He had shown, in his own way, that he wanted the best for him and at that time he didn't think he was good enough. Kirishima was doing his best to convince him otherwise and he was beginning to think it was working.

They used Sunday to go to a milkbar nearby. Kirishima sheepishly admitted he didn't know what flavours Katsuki liked and a five minuted argument then ensued about the merits of chocolate verses strawberry milkshakes. Observing that there would be no clear winner, Kirishima slid out of the booth to order their drinks.

As Kiri placed their order Bakugou noticed the girl serving him was giggling and batting her stupidly long eyelashes. He had seen enough and came up behind Kirishima to wrap his arms around his middle, glaring slightly at the waitress. She looked at Bakugou and shrugged giving him a can-you-blame-me-for-trying look and winked. Kirishima had missed the exchange entirely while paying for their drinks.

Back at their table Kirishima measured Bakugou's surly mood and asked. "What's got you so grouchy all of a sudden? Not that I'm complaining about a cuddle in public but it was more aggressive than usual."

"Nothing," Bakugou grumbled.

Kirishima raised his brows, obviously not buying his answer.

"The waitress was eye fucking you and I didn't like it," Bakugou explained.

"Aw who would have thought you'd be a jealous boyfriend?" Kirishima drawled teasingly.

Bakugou scoffed. "Tch, of course I'd be a jealous type. Look at you, you're not hard to eye fuck, and you're too damn nice to everyone to notice it," he muttered.

Kirishima looked back at him, enjoying poking fun at Katsuki's expense, he raised a cupped hand to his ear. "I'm sorry, what? I didn't quite hear you?"

Bakugou, still too grumpy to realise he was teasing spoke louder, "Look at you, you're too nice to everyone to realise they're flirting with you and too good looking for them to want to stop."

The waitress interrupted his rant by putting down their drinks with an amused smirk on her face, having heard his speech.

Kirishima burst into a fit of laughter once the waitress had left.

Bakugou glared at him across the table, taking a sip of his strawberry milkshake.

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