Damn it Sparky

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Since the training room wasn't open on Sunday Kirishima had invited Bakugou to use the gym setup in his room. He headed over to his punching bag and Bakugou flopped back on the bed to watch while he waited for his turn.

Kirishima went through some warm ups before getting into the bag with a left jab and a right cross. Bakugou couldn't help but admire how well he hit the bag with both hands, each with equal ferocity.

Bakugou had always favoured his right hook, he probably should work on his left a little more. So with a plan taking shape in his head he made his way over to his friend. "Think you could give me some pointers?" he asked.

"Oh yeah of course man! What do you want to know?" Kirishima replied, turning from the bag to face his friend.

Kirishima showed him his left hook movement in slow motion, explaining the proper way to turn his wrist. Bakugou already knew how to execute a perfect left hook, it was just that his right was stronger. But he couldn't think of any other way to get near Kirishima. God, I'm so fucking lame, he thought. He aimed his hit a little off centre and felt pretty impressed with himself when Kirishima's hand closed around his fist.

Kirishima did the movement again with Bakugou's fist in his own. His other hand lazily resting at the base of the blonde's back. Instead of taking his hand straight back he let it run up his arm to rest on his shoulder. "Try again," he softly spoke into his ear.

After a few more tries Bakugou was hitting it perfectly. There wasn't really anything else Kirishima could help with. Not wanting to lose the chance to be so close to him, he blurted, "Teach me your right hook."

Bakugou smirked and demonstrated the move then had Kirishima replicate it. Observing that he had done it perfectly, Bakugou went to stand behind Kirishima anyway, placing his hand on the boy's wrist. He used his hand to show him the move again as he had done to him.

Bakugou was standing so close that he could feel the heat from him through his shirt. With Kirishima's wrist still in his grasp he repeated the move, his other hand tracing lazy patterns on the other side of Kirishima's ribs.

Kirishima was too flustered to try and hit the bag properly so he turned his body so they were facing each other, his gaze flicking up to Bakugou's face. Bakugou still hadn't let go of his wrist and his other hand had slid down to the other boy's hip as he had turned.

Bakugou felt his face get hot but he couldn't pull away, not when Kirishima was looking at him like that.

Oh god he wanted to kiss him.

His focus flicked down to Kirishima's lips where he saw his tongue flick out to wet them. His eyes focused on Bakugou's own.

Did he want to kiss him back?

Bakugou was unsteady on his feet, his knees turning to mush. He could feel a tingling in his palms.

His grip on Kirishima's hip tightened as he leaned a fraction closer.

Kirishima's door flew open and they jumped apart, Kaminari bursting in. "Hey Kirishima! Oh, hey Bakugou, sorry I didn't mean to burst in like that. Anyway, since we have the afternoon off tomorrow some of us were going to go to the pool. I thought you would want to come."

"A-Ah, can I let you know man?" Kirishima fumbled to reply.

"What about you, Bakugou?" persisted Kaminari.

"I couldn't think of anything more annoying," Bakugou threw over his shoulder as he made his way out the door.

Kirishima went to bed early that night, he hadn't seen Bakugou since he stormed out of his room earlier. He figured he should give him some space.

Meanwhile, Bakugou was holed up in his room studiously avoiding everyone after his hasty exit from his friend's room. He'd needed to get out of there before he either exploded Sparky or kissed Kirishima. Either one was probably not a good move.

Bakugou woke with a start, his dick still throbbing, what the fuck had he been dreaming about!? A flash of red in his mind brought the dream crashing back. His own hands gripping the red head's hips while his hands fisted in the back of his hair, urging him on. Looking up from his position to see Kirishima's face, flushed and teeth gritted.


"Fuck," he muttered when his hands let off an explosion that wasn't small. He frantically patted the sheets down so the whole room didn't catch fire as he realised he had blown two small holes through his mattress where his palms had been resting.

God he hadn't set his room on fire since he was a kid. He needed to get a grip!

He heard a door creak open and a light wrap on his door. "Hey, Bakugou? You okay man?" he heard Kirishima's soft voice through the door.

"I'm fine, go away," he ground out as his face from his dream, twisted in ecstasy, floated back into his mind.


"Oh for fuck's sake, get it together," he muttered to himself.

Kirishima tapped on the door again, "Bro, you gotta let me in, what's going on?"

Bakugou threw off the covers, stromed toward the door and wrenched it open, smoke trailing after him.

Kirishima was standing in the doorway with his ridiculous hair down and a look of concern on his stupidly nice face. He waved away some of the smoke with his hand, "Dude, what happened? You can't sleep in here, you'll inhale too much smoke and it's too cold to open the window. Come on, you can sleep in my room for the night."

Bakugou realised the asshole actually had a point, grabbed his pillow and trudged after him.

Kirishima moved his own pillow to one side of the bed, indicating that Bakugou could share the other side. "You sure you're okay, man? Want to talk about what happened?" Kirishima asked.

"Bad dream, now go to sleep it's the middle of the night," he replied.

"Must have been some dream, you look really hot." Kirishima realised what he'd said and quickly blurted, "Flushed! You look really flushed!"

Bakugou just grunted as he buried his face into the pillow and pretended to sleep. Kirishima huffed, rolled over and tried to do the same.

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