It's Just a Training Camp

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Kirishima woke the next morning with strong arms wound around him. He didn't remember Bakugou coming back after he went to grab a shirt but he must have stayed the night. He still felt crap but at least it was better than the previous day.

Bakugou started to stir, he must have woken him up when he turned over. Kirishima looked up at him. "Morning," he croaked out. "I didn't know you came back."

Bakugou woke up properly with a yawn. "Morning, how you feeling?"

Kirishima just shrugged, "Sick."

Bakugou huffed a small laugh. "You text me asking me to come back last night, well this morning actually. You don't remember?"

"Huh, nope. I'm glad you did though." Kiri snuggled back into him.

"So you don't remember talking last night?" Bakugou asked.

Kirishima scratched his head in thought. "Ahh no. What'd we talk about?"

Bakugou chuckled, "You pretty much told me I don't have any friends. That you're my best friend by default."

Kirishima's eyes widened. "Ouch, what a bitch." He started to laugh, "It's kinda not untrue though, hey?"

Bakugou elbowed him and narrowed his eyes but he couldn't help the laugh he huffed out. "What a bitch indeed."

Kirishima started to laugh, "I love you, Kat. Did we talk about anything else or just me insulting you?"

Bakugou smiled "You said you wanna have kids with my quirk, that I'd make a good dad."

Kirishima's face turned pink with embarrassment. "Oh god. What kind of flu tablets did you give me?" He joked.

Bakugou's brows scrunched up "So you wouldn't wanna have kids, like one day, in the future, with, with me?" Bakugou stuttered out, feeling quite vulnerable.

Kirishima looked up at him properly then and a smile pulled across his whole face. "Kat, are you nervous?" He teased softly.

Bakugou just glared up at him and huffed, wanting to sink into the pillow. So what if he didn't want to have kids with him. He was only a fucking teenager anyway. Not like he even wanted the little brats.

"Do you want kids?" Kirishima asked using that soft voice of his again.

Bakugou looked away and shrugged.

The soft smile was still on Kirishima's face when he said "You really will make a great dad to our kids. Imagine a house full of kids with your quirk! Everything would constantly be blown up."

Bakugou looked back to him, taking in the wide smile on his face. "Our kids?" He almost whispered.

"Yes Kat, our kids. One day. I'm not leaving any time soon so we might as well plan it out. Our future I mean." Kirishima was teasing but there was so much truth in his words.

Bakugou hummed contently in response. "I should probably get ready for school. I take it you're not coming again?"

Kirishima shook his head "Nah, I'm probably contagious still. Wouldn't wanna make anyone else sick. I should be good tomorrow though."

Bakugou climbed out of bed and gave him a sweet kiss goodbye. "I'll come over after school. Feel better, I love you."

"Love you too, Kat."

Kirishima spent the day sleeping and catching up on school work when he felt up to it. He knew he didn't get sick for long so he should be better by the weekend and he'd never seen Katsuki with a cold before so there was a low chance that he would catch it. That meant they would both be healthy enough to go on the training camp next week.

He must have fallen back to sleep at some stage because he woke to the door opening as Katsuki walked in, dumping his school bag at the foot of the bed. He flopped on the bed after coming over to give him a quick kiss, "How you feeling?"

Kirishima smiled, "Hey Kat, I actually feel a lot better. How was school?"

Bakugou scrubbed his hand down his face, "It's better when you're there."

Kirishima beamed, "I should be back tomorrow."

"Thank god," Bakugou muttered under his breath.

Bakugou was lost in his own thoughts as they made their way to class the next day. Thank fuck Kirishima wasn't sick again. He didn't realise how boring it could be without him there.

He reached out and laced their fingers together, humming at the contact, as if to reassure himself that he was still there.

Kirishima smiled like a dork back at him as he squeezed his hand. He didn't really show much affection at school but he had missed him the past couple of days.

School went by in a blur until their homeroom class with Aizawa. He informed them of the details of the training camp next week. It would be, more or less, a camping trip, an opportunity to build their cooperation skills, as he put it, now that most of them had their provisional licenses.

Bakugou huffed, cooperation skills.

He was broken out of his train of thought by the next instruction he heard. "You have all been assigned a partner. You will be responsible for working as a team to get to an assigned checkpoint. You will be provided with a tent and food and expected to prepare it yourselves. You have been paired based on who you will work well with. The pairs are as follows:

Asui and Uraraka, Shoji and Tokoyami, Jiro and Momo, Bakugou and Kirishima, Kaminari and Minetta, Koda and Sato, Ojiro and Sero, Ashido and Hagakure, Midoriya and Todoroki and finally Iida and Aoyama.

Bakugou's attention caught on his name, his partner was Kirishima. He really thought it would be some bonding exercise and he'd be put with fucking Deku again because of the shit they had pulled with that fight the other night. But no, he was partnered with Kirishima for the week. This training camp just got a lot more interesting.

Kirishima's head snapped up at his name, he was paired with Bakugou. He was suddenly looking forward to this trip a lot more now.

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