It's Just Studying... and a Massage

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Kirishima knocked on Bakugou's door after dinner. He hadn't seen him since they had sparred but he did say he would help him and it wasn't unusual to not see him socialising in the common area. The door was wrenched open and Bakugou was standing in the doorway. "Took you long enough," he huffed.

Kirishima's hand came up to the back of his neck without realising it, "Well, I thought you might have changed your mind about helping me."

"Whatever, get in here, you're letting the heat out."

Kirishima excitedly bounced into Bakugou's dorm, looking around while he did. The walls were pretty bare but everything was tidy and organised, but not nearly the amount of personality that he had in his own room.

Seeing that the desk was covered with Bakugou's history of heroes assignment, Kirishima sat on the bed, spreading his things out in front of him.

"Make yourself comfortable why don't you," Bakugou muttered as he climbed onto the bed. "Alright, where do you want to start, Hair for Brains?"

"Ahh, well, how about chapter one?" Kirishima said softly.

"Are you serious!? We went over this like three weeks ago! Bastard, no wonder you're so stressed out," Bakugou practically screamed at him.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry, maybe you can just help me with the basics and I'll figure the rest out on my own."

"No. I'm not tutoring you just so you can get some shitty score. I'll beat it into you if I have to," Bakugou ground out, looking over Kirishima's notes.

"How do you even read this?" Bakugou muttered mostly to himself.

Kirishima really appreciated the offer, knowing he never would have got it on his own. His face pulled into a grin, showing off his sharp teeth. "Thanks man, I really appreciate it! It's super manly to help a bro out."

Bakugou rolled his eyes and launched into an explanation of the basic concepts of the history of why hero laws came into being. They continued this way comfortably, Bakugou explaining concepts while Kirishima took notes and asked questions.

Kirishima finally interrupted his friend with a yawn, he rubbed at his eyes and checked the time. "Oh crap, I've been here for hours! I should go so you can get your stuff together to go home for the weekend," Kirishima said, standing up and stretching his back.

"Nah, I'm not going home anyway. Are you?" Bakugou asked, looking up at him.

"Actually I was planning to stay and study for the test on Monday," Kirishima replied stretching out his stiff arms. "I won't get anything done if I go home."

"Why don't you come over tomorrow and I can help," the blond suggested.

"Thanks man, that'd be awesome!" Kirishima beamed as he turned to look at Bakugou.

He was as relaxed as he had ever seen him, wearing a black tank and sweat pants, lying on his stomach, propped up on his elbows. There was a ink smudge on his palm from where he had been squeezing a rolled up sheet of notes which he used to hit Kirishima over the head with when he didn't understand something.

Kirishima smirked, Bakugou had a caring side that he didn't let anyone see but Kirishima had always known it was there. He'd shown it tonight though, he'd been so much more patient than Kirishima thought he could be.

Bakugou looked back up and caught the red head staring at him. He could feel a fluttering in his stomach when their eyes met.

Kirishima stretched again in an attempt to break the tense moment. He felt a pull in his lower back as he stretched his arms over his head.

Bakugou noticed his grimace and asked what was wrong. "I mustn't've stretched enough after we trained, just a stiff back".

Bakugou could tell it was more than that, Kirishima was too manly to complain about a stiff back.

He climbed off the bed and went to stand behind him. With his left hand braced on Kirishima's tight abs, he used his right hand to kneed the muscles on either side of his spine.

Kirishima let out a yelp, "Yeah that's it! I'll just go have a cold shower and try to stretch it out". A cold shower is exactly what I need right about now he thought to himself. He was starting to get jitters from Bakugou's hand resting against his stomach.

"If you've pulled your erector muscles, you need to get it looked at by recovery girl but she would've left campus for the weekend already, I can massage it a bit if you want. I did the same thing a year ago so I know what I'm doing." His tone didn't leave room for an argument so Kirishima piled their school work on the floor and climbed onto the bed.

Bakugou found some massage oil from his sports bag and poured some onto his hands. "It works better if you take your shirt off, idiot," he said rolling his eyes.

"Oh right, yeah, of course," Kirishima replied, busying himself with his buttons. He laid face down on the bed with his arms under his head as Bakugou climbed over him.

"It'd be better if you were on a table so I could stand next to you and reach both sides but since we only have a bed I'm gonna have to sit on your legs. Tch." Bakugou said, positioning himself over his body, basically straddling his friend's hips.

He pressed his palms into Kirishima's back and rubbed up to his shoulders and back down. The boy underneath him let out a contented groan.

Bakugou caught his lip between his teeth to make sure he didn't respond. Why the fuck did he want to groan in response? It wasn't like he was enjoying rubbing his friend's back, it was just to make sure his injury didn't get any worse.

He continued rubbing in long strokes letting his thumbs dip into the waistband of Kirishima's pants at the base of his spine, making sure he got all the muscle groups.

When he started kneading the middle of Kirishima's back, the boy underneath him let out a shudder and tensed his back automatically at the pain. Bakugou marvelled at the feel of Kirishima's skin as it turned hard under his fingers. "Cut it out, Red. I have to knead the sore spots if you want it to feel any better".

Kirishima relaxed his quirk, most of his body softening under Bakugou's. Bakugou found the knot in his back and worked it out, luckily it was only a knot and not a pull or a tear.

He realised he was finished but also didn't want to stop. "Want me to check your shoulders too?" he heard his voice say before he could stop himself.

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