Let's Play a Game

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They made their way down to the common area for dinner and Kirishima caught Kaminari looking at them with a smug look on his face. Kirishima just rolled his eyes and smiled.

Some of the class had gathered on the couches and Mina was complaining about how bored she was when Hagakure suggested that they play a game. Mina perked up instantly, "But what kind of game?"

"Maybe we could play a round of Never Have I Ever!" Hagakure exclaimed excitedly to the squeals of the other girls.

"Yes! I love that idea! Who wants to play?" Mina asked.

"I don't think asking intrusive questions is a good team building exercise!" Iida exclaimed, arm waving in the air. "But I will play and mediate in case things go too far."

"Well as long as it's nothing too bad, I'll play," responded Uraraka. "Deku?"

"Ahh yeah, it sounds like fun," Midoriya came over to join them on the couch.

Mineta could hardly contain his excitement "Yes! Count me in!" Then under his breath, "A chance to hear all the girls deepest, darkest secrets! Of course I'll play."

"I haven't played it before. Ribbit. How does it go?" Tsu asked as she came over to join in.

"Well, everyone takes turns to make a statement about something they have never done and if you have done it then you have to say I have. No one is allowed to ask any questions about it though," Hagakure said, gloves bobbing up and down.

She suddenly turned to Mineta, "And nothing too pervy you little creep!"

Kaminari was sitting on the floor next to Jiro. "Kirishima, Bakugou! Come play!"

Kirishima shrugged and turned to Bakugou, "Come on man, it'll be fun!" Bakugou was glaring at everyone in the group but sat on the floor anyway. Kirishima was a little surprised he didn't put up more of a fight.

Mina excitedly clapped her hands together "That makes eleven of us," she said, counting everyone in the makeshift circle. "Who wants to go first?!"

"Well I have one," Tsu spoke up. "Never have I ever stayed up all night."

A surprisingly small chorus of people said, "I have." Kirishima noted that Bakugou wasn't one of them.

"Oooh we should have a movie night on the weekend and stay up all night!" Mina exclaimed.

"Never have I ever had a pet," Midoriya went next.

A few more chimed in this time with, "I have," Kirishima and Bakugou included. Kirishima hadn't thought that he might learn something about Bakugou during the game but he was pleasantly surprised.

"Never have I ever had a crush on someone in the class." All heads swivelled toward Mineta who wore a pervy grin. "What? It's not even that bad."

"Yeah but don't you have a crush on like the entire class?" murmured Jiro.

"A crush and wanting to check girls out isn't the same thing," he muttered defensively.

There were some red cheeks as Kirishima looked around the group. Some reluctant answers came from Uraraka and Jiro. Kaminari turned to look at the girl sitting next to him, surprised, "Yeah I have," he said too. Then his gaze travelled over to Kirishima and Bakugou who hadn't answered yet.

Kirishima's hand crept up to the back of his neck, "I have."

Bakugou was glaring at everyone as he said, "I have." Everyone turned their focus on him either wide eyed or disbelieving.

"What?! You have to tell us who it is!" Mina chirped.

"Mina, that's against the rules!" Hagakure chimed in.

Jiro used that moment to break the tension by taking her turn, "Never have I ever eaten a whole pizza by myself."

That question got everyone laughing as most of them responded with, "I have."

Kaminari was up next and he was looking at Kirishima. Trust him to ask something awkward, Kirishima thought. "Never have I ever kissed someone," he said as he kept eye contact with Kirishima, grinning.

Kaminari didn't notice the curious look he was getting from Jiro at his statement when he realised he'd just revealed that he'd never kissed anyone.

Kirishima snuck a quick glance at Bakugou, his ears had turned pink but other than that, he looked calm. Unlike himself whos heart was beating widely as he thought about kissing Bakugou.

Well they can't ask questions so I might as well tell the truth, Kirishima thought as he answered, "I have," to a chorus of ooooooohhhhs and curious looks.

"I have," Bakugou grunted. There were even louder oooohs this time. Bakugou just rolled his eyes and huffed.

Before anyone could ask questions, Bakugou took his turn, "Never have I ever lost a fight."

"Aww that's unfair, Bakugou," complained Uraraka.

"Not my fault if you're all a bunch of extras," he responded. He was pleased with himself when everyone replied with I have.

Kirishima got the idea from Bakugou's question. "Never have I ever broken a bone."

Most of the class replied that they had. "Can you even break bones with your quirk," Jiro asked.

"Yeah, I can still break them, it's just harder for me."

Bakugou looked over to Kirishima and remembered feeling his quirk in bed the previous night. He'd boldly asked him to show him how he could make himself hard. Mm Kirishima hard.

He caught himself and shook his head to stop his train of thought from continuing. Thinking about Kirishima getting hard. Fuck.

"Never have I ever cheated on a test," announced Iida. He seemed pleased when there was only one, "I have," to be heard.

"It was on a test I missed the week before so I asked my friend if I could look at their test before I was about to take mine. But it was only for a book review and I hadn't read the book so it wasn't really even that bad," Kaminari looked like he needed to explain.

They all chuckled before Uraraka said, "Never have I ever dyed my hair."

"You should never dye it, it's so pretty!" Mina said, making Uraraka slightly pink.

"I have," came from Jiro and Kirishima at the same time.

"What?! No way!" Hakagure turned to Kirishima. Mina smiled at him and swatted at Hakagure's gloved hand. "No questions remember!"

"You know I can't help myself," she replied.

"Anyway, never have I ever had a dream about someone I liked," Mina said.

"I have," came from Hagakure, Mineta and Uraraka.

Bakugou gulped remembering his dream, he let out a breath, "I have." All ten faces turned to him, questioning looks on all of them. Bakugou just continued to glare back to cover his embarrassment. The thought of Kirishima hard popped back into his head.

"Ok last one, never have I ever had a boyfriend. Ahh or girlfriend," Hagakure finished off glancing around.

Only Mina and Kaminari said, "I have."

Kirishima glanced at Bakugou, what was he supposed to say? They hadn't really talked about that yet. Bakugou hadn't said anything either so he kept quiet too, looking down at his hands clasped in his lap.

"That was fun! We should do it again sometime! But I have so many questions now," Mina said as she got up. "But I'm beat, I'm going to bed. Goodnight everyone!" she called as she made her way to the stairs.

Everyone slowly cleared out and Kirishima watched as Bakugou climbed to his feet. Bakugou looked down at him expectantly. Kirishima got up and they made their way to their floor together. As they climbed the stairs, the back of Bakugou's hand brushed against his. He turned his hand over and threaded his fingers through Bakugou's and whispered, "Is this ok". Bakugou just nodded and hummed.

"So I know it's just a game but I have questions," Kirishima started. Bakugou stiffened slightly. Surely he wanted to know about his dream. They certainly were not talking about that. But he knew how persistent Kirishima could be. This was going to be damn embarrassing.

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