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When they finally got to Kirishima's house after nearly missing the train because they had a little too much fun, there were no lights on which Kiri thought was odd. His mom should have been there.

He unlocked the door and flicked on the lights, noticing a note on the fridge, he walked over and read it:

'Eijirou, I'm so sorry I can't be home this weekend. Your Aunt Haruko is ill and I'm going to stay with her for the week to help out with the kids. I've made your favourite for dinner, it's in the fridge. Please tidy your room before your boyfriend gets here tomorrow. I've left some money on the table for the two of you to have dinner. Have a good time, I'll see you soon, love you.'

"Looks like we have the house to ourselves," Kirishima announced as he turned around from reading the note.

Bakugou must have been reading over his shoulder. "Messy room huh?" He just grinned slyly at him.

Kirishima huffed out a laugh. "Come on, you can put your stuff in my room."

Bakugou dumped his bag on Kiri's bed and turned back to face him. He reached out to pull him forward but paused, his focus caught on the desk behind Kirishima.

Kirishima turned to follow Bakugou's gaze and when he found what he was looking at, he froze. He slowly turned back around, cheeks flaming and looked at his boyfriend's smug face.

Bakugou smirked at him with an eyebrow cocked. "Is that so, Red? Just what were you expecting this weekend?"

Kirishima's mom had bought him a box of condoms and a bottle of lube and laid them on his desk. He could have died right there on the spot.

His hand came up and rubbed at the back of his neck. "I, uh, I didn't actually buy them. Mom's 'have a good time' message has a whole different meaning now though."

Bakugou couldn't help it, he cracked up. When he stopped laughing he managed to say, "I love your Mom. She could have discreetly put them in your draw or something and just told you, but no, she laid them out on the desk instead."

"Yeah, well I'm glad one of us finds it amusing," Kirishima muttered, he turned around and moved the box and bottle to the drawers near his bed.

Bakugou liked seeing Kirishima flustered and came up close behind him and whispered in his ear, "I'm sure we can find a use for them if you feel like it."

"I'm sure we can too, Kat, but I'm starving, come on. Mom made curry and rice for dinner, there'll be plenty to share," Kirishima persuaded him.

"Spicy curry?" Bakugou asked.

"Of course, Kat. Nothing more manly than a good spicy curry and my mom's is so good!" He gushed.

"You and your fucking manliness," Bakugou muttered.

"You love it," Kirishima said over his shoulder as they walked toward the kitchen.

Bakugou snorted, "Yeah, I do."

After dinner, they were both exhausted from the train ride and were happy to fall into bed early.

For once, Bakugou woke before Kirishima and enjoyed being able to take in the sight of him in the early morning sun. It cast a warm yellow glow over his face, lending a fragility to his features that wasn't really there. Bakugou knew his Eijirou was anything but fragile. He reached his fingers out and brushed his hair back from his face.

Kirishima's eyes flicked open at the contact "Mornin' Blasty, how'd you sleep?" Kirishima asked sleepily. His fists came up to rub at his eyes, not unlike a little kid. Bakugou couldn't help but grin. The manly idiot was too cute sometimes.

"Whaddya smiling about?" Kirishima asked.

"Thinking about how you look cute in the mornings. You've made me all soft, Red." Bakugou replied.

Kirishima bit his lip, more awake now. "I might know a way to fix that," he joked.

"You really are insufferable," Bakugou grunted. "Come on, I'll make you breakfast." He tossed the sheets aside and headed down the hall.

Seeing as they had come straight here after school, they both had some homework to do which they used the morning to finish off.

After lunch, Kirishima put on a movie and they settled in to watch it on the couch. Bakugou thought, not for the first time, that Kirishima was acting a little strange. He was unusually quiet and for Kirishima, that was saying something. Bakugou usually had to shut him up when they watched something because he usually chattered through it or asked questions or both. Today he was doing neither of those things and it was weirding him out.

Kirishima was nervous. When they had been on the school trip, there were no expectations, it came naturally and he enjoyed every second of it. Now that they were alone after a week of almost nothing sexual, there was a tinge of expectation in the air. It wasn't coming from Katsuki though, it was coming from himself.

He remembered talking about it with Kat only a day or so ago but he still couldn't get it out of his head. His mind flicked back to the box of condoms lying in his bedside draw. He jumped up mumbling, "Bathroom," as he went.

When he didn't come back, Bakugou went looking for him. He found him sitting outside with his knees drawn up to his chest, arms wrapped around them.

Bakugou silently walked over to him and sat, resting his head against his shoulder. "Wanna tell me what's going on?"

Kirishima took in a deep breath. "It was so special the first time, you know? I don't wanna go and muck it up."

Bakugou nodded, finally realising what had been bothering him. "Yeah, it was special, because it was our first time. Doesn't mean it won't be special the second time around. We're learning this together, Red. Stop putting pressure on yourself. We can do nothing at all this weekend and I wouldn't care," Bakugou murmured.

Kirishima just nodded.

"Hey, I would never think any less of you if we didn't have sex for another year. I love you, Eijirou. With or without your dick involved."

Kirishima huffed out a laugh. "You always know exactly what I need to hear, Kat." He reached out and wrapped his arms around him.

"Come on, we got a movie to watch." He stood and reached his hand down for Eijirou to take and Kirishima grasped it, smiling up at him.

Bakugou laid down on the couch and opened his arms for Kirishima to cuddle into him. Kirishima smiled and lay in front of him without hesitation, snuggling into his front as Bakugou wrapped his arms protectively around him.

"So mom left us some money for dinner, any ideas on what you'd like?" Kirishima asked him.

Bakugou shrugged. "Whatever as long as it's good. What's good around here?"

"There's this place that does the best gyudon but they have all kinds of take away. We can grab something from there and eat it here." Kirishima beamed at the memory of how good their food was.

"Sounds good."

As they waited for their food, Bakugou remembered the little park they had passed on the way here, it was a clear night so it would be nice to sit outside and eat.

They took their food when their number was called and headed in the direction of Kirishima's house. As they passed the park, Bakugou grabbed Kiri's hand. "I've got a better idea," he said as he tugged him toward a bench.

Kirishima beamed when they sat crossed legged on the bench, facing each other as they ate.

Kirishima finished his food and rest his chin on his fist. "I like this."

Bakugou looked up at him, his food frozen halfway to his mouth. He cocked a questioning eyebrow at him.

"I like doing stuff like this, with you, I mean." Kirishima smiled lazily at him.

The side of Bakugou's mouth ticked up. "There's no one else I'd rather do stuff with."

Kirishima smiled as he grabbed their rubbish and binned it. When he returned to the bench he lay down and rested his head on Bakugou's lap.

"Thank you for today, Kat. I feel a lot better about it all now," Kirishima admitted.

"Good. I'm glad you're back to normal," Bakugou said softly before a comfortable silence fell over them.

Bakugou was tracing lazy patterns on Kirishima's hand when he said, "Do you remember how I asked if you can make your whole body hard?"

Kirishima snorted, "Yeah, why?"

"You said you're more sensitive when you're hardened. Is it true?" Bakugou questioned.

Kirishima started shaking with suppressed laughter. "No. I was just messing with you because you were being so flirty. I can hardly feel anything, that's why I barely get hurt when I use my quirk."

"You asshole. I got so damn flustered when you said that," Bakugou huffed.

Kirishima burst into an uncontrollable fit of giggles. "I think I made myself more flustered when I said it. But your face, it was so worth it."

"Stop laughing at me. Why do you think I rolled over so quickly and pretended to go to sleep?" Bakugou muttered.

Kirishima just started laughing again.

"Would you shut up? Do I have to fucking gag you?" Bakugou huffed.

Kirishima just raised his eyebrows at him. "Whatever gets you off, Kat," he joked.

"Don't fucking tempt me," he muttered as he covered Kirishima's mouth with his hand and they lapsed back into quiet once more.

Kirishima lay there for a minute looking up at his boyfriend. He knew in that moment what he wanted. He reached up to pull Bakugou's hand away as he looked up into his eyes. "Kat, I want you." He took a deep breath, "I want all of you."

Surprise briefly flicked over Bakugou's face as he registered the words. "You mean, you want me to.." he trailed off, hoping he wasn't wrong.

Kirishima nodded shyly, he knew what he was asking for.

Bakugou groaned but he tugged Kirishima to his feet and headed in the direction of his house.

Thank fuck it was only a short walk back, Bakugou was about to combust, it was almost the same feeling he got when he was about to fight something except he was rarely nervous before a fight. Yet he was practically tingling with nervousness as they opened the door to Kirishima's house.

Bakugou dragged him through the entryway and pushed him back against the closed door. Their lips crashed together and Kirishima let out a soft moan as he felt Bakugou's tongue run along his bottom lip before he pulled away.

"Your bedroom?" Bakugou asked huskily.

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