This Is It NSFW

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It had been the best birthday Kirishima could remember. He started to sway gently as he held Bakugou in his arms.

"Dance with me," Bakugou blurted.

Kirishima huffed out a laugh, "What?"

"Dance with me, Red," Bakugou repeated a little more slowly. "Don't make me ask again."

"Do you even dance? We don't have any music," Kirishima pointed out.

Bakugou fished out his phone and tapped a few times so that a soft song floated through the room from a couple of speakers. "Better?" He asked.

Kirishima laughed as he put his hands on Katsuki's waist and drew him forward.

Katsuki twined his arms around Eijirou's neck and swayed with him to the music.

"This is so cheesy, I love it," Kirishima laughed.

They moved together until the end of the song when Kirishima took Bakugou's face in his hands and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Thank you so much for today, Kat. It's been amazing," he said before coming back in to kiss him again.

His kisses were slow and exploring, unhurried and lingering. He moaned a little when Katsuki licked along his bottom lip and drew it into his mouth, biting down softly.

Bakugou moved to his neck and placed unhurried kisses down the side of his neck. When he felt him shudder under his touch, he whispered in his ear, "Make love to me."

Kirishima pulled back to look at him. "Kat, we're at school, you know we can't."

"It's still your birthday," Bakugou replied as if that solved everything.

"Well I can't argue with that, but we really shouldn't." Kirishima laughed quietly.

"Good, then don't argue. Just this once. Make love to me, Eijirou."

Kirishima reached up and unbuttoned his shirt in answer, taking his time as he did. He wanted to remember everything about this day so he savored it, making sure not to rush.

He gently laid Katsuki on the bed and slipped off his own shirt before leaning down to place kisses over his neck and chest. He sucked on the soft skin where his neck met his shoulder and was rewarded with a quiet groan.

Kirishima sat up as he straddled his thighs so he could undo Bakugou's pants. He shifted to the side as he lifted his hips, allowing him to take them off. His gaze flicked over his body, naked except for his new bracelet, and he couldn't help but run his hand over him stopping as he brushed over the length of his dick.

Bakugou drew in a sharp breath but sat up to undo Eijirou's belt. His fingers stilled as he felt his hand wrap around him fully and he rested his head against Kiri's chest.

"That feels so good, love. Let me show you," Bakugou managed to say.

Kirishima got off the bed and kicked off his own pants before coming back to straddle his boyfriend's thighs again.

Bakugou reached out a hand and wrapped it around him, marveling at the combination of silky skin and the hardness underneath. He leaned over and found their lube in the bedside drawer and poured some out onto his hand before he wrapped it back around him.

Kirishima moaned but reached his hand down to stop him, "Kat, you need a condom before you can do that."

"Haven't I told you before we both know I prefer bare?" Bakugou smirked.

Kirishima scoffed at that. Yeah, they'd had that conversation a while ago but it was about clothing, not condoms. His eyes flicked up to meet Katsuki's and he saw an uncharacteristic nervousness in them. Kirishima realised that was his way of asking.

"Are you, are you really sure? You want to do that, with me?" Kirishima stuttered out.

"We don't have to. It was just a stupid idea. I'll find a condom," Bakugou replied as he looked away.

"Kat, would you stop," Kirishima said softly as he reached out and tiled his head back up to look at him. He pressed a reassuring kiss to his lips instead of saying anything else and grabbed the bottle of lube to generously coat himself with it as he handed the bottle back to Katsuki.

Bakugou looked back at him, "You're sure? You want to do this?" He asked. When he watched Kirishima nod, he used the lube to get himself ready.

Once Katsuki took his fingers away, Kirishima moved closer and lined himself up with his entrance. He pressed his tip against him but leaned down to whisper in his ear before he continued.

"Are you ready?" Bakugou heard the words whispered in his ear and he nodded in reply as his eyes met Eijirou's when he leaned back.

Kirishima slowly pushed inside of him and felt his eyes roll back at the extra sensations. He rocked back and forth a few times until he was slowly seated all the way inside. He looked down at his boyfriend and felt his heart squeeze.

He could only stare at him, everything about him was so beautiful. His soft skin was illuminated in the pale light showing his dilated pupils and the flush covering his cheeks and chest.

Even more beautiful were the words escaping his mouth that Kirishima wasn't sure he was even conscious of. The way he said he loved him and how he whispered his name, as well as his soft moans that mixed with his own making it hard to tell them apart as he moved inside him.

He watched Katsuki's hands fist in the sheets and his back arch off the bed as he moved. He lowered himself down so he could brush a kiss over his lips and Katsuki reached up to thread his finger through his hair, keeping him there as he kissed him back.

It was so much like their first time, but unlike the first time they had done this, it wasn't desperate or feverish and they were able to take their time and enjoy each other, lost to the sensations but not overwhelmed.

Kirishima pushed up on his elbows to look down at him. "Do you want to try another position?" he asked. "Maybe you could try it on top."

Bakugou's eyes snapped open. "No, I don't want to ride you. Not this time anyway." He swallowed and Kirishima realised there was more he wanted to say but he looked nervous again.

Kirishima looked tenderly down at him and smiled as he slowly continued to thrust in and out of him. "Kat, don't be nervous with me. What do you want?"

"Fuck me from behind." Was all he said before his eyes closed again.

Kirishima tried not to laugh at the way he'd asked, covering his nervousness with his choice of words as always.

Kirishima pulled out of him as Bakugou got onto his hands and knees. The position gave him the opportunity to stare at his back and the way his muscles rippled as he pushed back inside of him.

He steadied himself with his hands on Katsuki's hips and looked down to where their bodies were joined. He watched his dick slide in and out of him and felt heat start to pool in his stomach. "Fuck, Kat, that looks so good," he groaned quietly.

"Feels good," was all Bakugou replied. The possessive feeling of Eijirou's hands digging into his hips was so hot as he started to thrust faster into him. He was pulling his hips roughly back onto himself and it felt a whole lot deeper than before.

Kirishima knew he wouldn't last much longer like this but he didn't want it to end this way. It was supposed to be more romantic so he twisted them both around into a spooning position and held Katsuki in his arms, his chest flush to Kat's back and started thrusting more slowly. He was able to place soft kisses to the back of his neck and shoulders as he ran his hands all over his body.

Bakugou groaned at the intimacy of lying like this. He'd never felt more loved and cared for as he did when Eijirou wrapped his arms around him and whispered that he loved him.

He twisted around to press their lips together and felt Kiri's hand wrap around him starting a slow rhythm. He shuddered at the feeling and broke their kiss to warn him, "I won't take long, love."

Kirishima smiled against his mouth. "Good, me either."

Kirishima felt his orgasm build quickly as he thrust faster while his lips remained on his boyfriend's neck. "Cum with me, Kat," he whispered. Katsuki moaned in response and Kirishima felt him pulse in his hand. He thrust a couple more times and had to bury his face in his shoulder to muffle his noise as his orgasm rolled through him. He felt Kat doing the same thing as he released into his hand.

"Fuck, Red. I think we're getting good at this," Bakugou said after his breathing had calmed a little.

Kirishima snorted from behind him. "I think you're right," he said back in an amused voice. He wiped his hand on a tissue and wrapped his arms back around him to pull him against his chest until his breathing had returned to normal.

He pressed up onto his elbow so he could run his hand down Bakugou's face, making his eyes flutter open.

Katsuki's eyes met his and he smiled lazily back at him. "I love you."

These were Kirishima's favourite moments, when Katsuki whispered into the night that he loved him without a hint of hesitation. He knew there would never be anyone else for him except for this boy. This boy who had captured his heart the first time he'd laid eyes on him because of his sheer manliness but who had kept his heart with his soft words and kind gestures. He squeezed his eyes shut as his emotions threatened to leak from them. When he was sure his voice would be even he looked down at his boyfriend. "I love you too, Katsuki. I always will."

Bakugou opened his eyes to reply but paused to take in the look on his face, so open and full of love. "You're all I need, Eijirou."

As he looked up at him, he knew in that moment that his heart belonged to Eijirou. No matter what happened between them in the future, he would always belong to this boy with the shitty hair.


I'm crying real actual tears as I write this. Just like that, we're done.

I need to say a massive thank you to all of you. When I published the first chapter, I never in a million years expected this response to it. Thank you to each and every one of you who has read it, especially to those who took the time to vote and comment. Even though I don't reply to many comments, you can rest assured that I read every single one of them. Getting those notifications has been the highlight of my day for the last few months. The messages of support, follows and tags have been amazing and I was seriously overwhelmed when a few of you asked to do collaborations with me.

It's so bittersweet finishing my first story. It came at a really hard time for me and your love for me has been amazing. The fact that you stuck around to laugh, cry and love with me touches my heart.

Stay tuned because I'm just getting started. You'll hear from me soon, my new fic will be up shortly. Much love to you all x

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