What Was That About?

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At some point during the night Katsuki had gone to his own room. Not wanting to make his boyfriend's mom hate him already.

They hadn't really gone to bed that late so he was wide awake now. He grabbed his phone to check the time, it was only seven so he sent a message to Kiri 'Text me when you're up'.

Then he sent another straight after 'Good morning xx'.

Kirishima's text came through only fifteen minutes later 'Good morning XD, I'm awake. Come in here xoxo'.

Bakugou climbed out of bed and crossed the hall to Kirishima's room. Kirishima made room for him in the bed and he climbed in, snuggling close.

"Whataya wanna do today?" Kirishima must have only just woken up, his adorable voice still thick with sleep. Adorable? Tch, he was turning so soft.

"I usually go for a run on Sunday's. Feel like doing that?" Bakugou asked into Kirishima's shoulder.

"Mmm yeah, let me brush my teeth and I'll be ready," he said sleepily.

Bakugou seriously doubted that so he snuggled back down instead.

An hour later they were both more awake.

Kirishima was brushing his teeth as Bakugou came up behind him. He stood right behind him, almost touching and reached around to pick up the toothpaste. The action made him press his front into Kirishima's back.

Two could play that game. Kirishima rinsed his mouth and exaggeratedly leaned forward to spit it into the sink. As he did, he made sure to push his ass out, rubbing into Bakugou's crotch.

Bakugou grunted, the toothpaste all but forgotten. He grabbed the bench on either side of Kirishima and gently pushed back against him and rotated his hips.

He leaned down and kissed Kirishima's neck, grazing it with his teeth. Kirishima's eyes met Bakugou's in the mirror and he rotated his own hips just a little. He smirked, "Ah, Katsuki?"


"I think you've stolen my quirk" he teased as he did one last exaggerated grind against Bakugou's hardened dick.

Bakugou snorted and rolled his eyes as he stepped back. "Whatever, we'll never make it to the park if we keep this up."

They walked to the park that was close to Kirishima's house. It had a two kilometre long circuit which was pretty easy going. They had completed one lap when Bakugou stopped to do some stretching.

Kirishima came up close beside him and sat.

Bakugou shuffled away, scrunching up his face. "Not so close, you stink."

"I can't smell any worse than you can I?" Kirishima whined.

"Actually, you do. My sweat smells like toffee." He shrugged cockily.

Kirishima looked at him caught between amusement and disbelief. "What?!"

Bakugou shrugged again, "It's because of my quirk. My sweat is basically nitroglycerin which smells like burnt sugar. So yeah, I do not smell like you."

No way! I thought you used caramel scented body wash or something. Ha! This is crazy. I can't believe you've never told me." Kirishima couldn't help the smile that this revelation had brought on.

Bakugou screwed up his nose. "As if. Come on, I'll race you" he threw over his shoulder as he got up and started to run, leaving Kirishima in the dust.

After Bakugou had beat him thoroughly, they sat in the park talking.

"Do you think you'd open your own agency?" Kirishima asked.

Bakugou scoffed, "Only if the extra's did what I told them to and stayed out of my way."

"You're so negative man! Lighten up," Kirishima laughed.

Bakugou knew he was only teasing but the remark had struck a chord in him. He wasn't a negative person exactly, he just wasn't outwardly optimistic and his attitude had the ability to bring those around him down.

He wasn't like Kirishima, who wanted the best for everyone. He wanted the best for himself and respected those who wanted it for themselves as well.

He knew Kiri wanted the best for himself and he respected the hell out of him for it. He never gave less than 100%. But they way he went about it was different than Bakugou did. He was an emotional person and other people's moods seems to have a great effect on him. He got his energy from others. Whereas Bakugou could barely stand to be around others for extended periods of time. Kirishima excluded most of the time.

As he started to think about how his attitude could affect Kirishima he got a niggling feeling in the pit of his stomach.

They both had a quick shower each and played video games in Kirishima's room until it was time for Bakugou to go home.

"I had a really awesome time this weekend. We'll have to do it again," Kirishima said, hugging him and giving him a light kiss.

Bakugou shrugged, "Yeah, I guess."

Kirishima furrowed his brow. "Unless you don't want to," he trailed off.

Bakugou didn't mean to upset him, he just wasn't an enthusiastic person. The niggling feeling from earlier returned. His words could hurt Kirishima so easily without even realising. He needed him to be positive but Bakugou just wasn't like that.

He huffed. "I didn't say that." His arms came up to return the hug. "I'll see you at school," he said as he stepped out the door.

Kirishima was left wondering what had just happened.

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