Have You Seen the Way He Looks At You?

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In class the next day, Kaminari and Kirishima were sent to jog laps for talking too much and when Mina snickered at them, she was sent too.

If Aizawa thought sending them off to run would stop their talking though, he was sorely mistaken.

"So you both know that I'm a disaster," Kaminari started, easily able to talk and jog.

He was met with a shrug and a nod and he humphed, "Geez, you could at least pretend like you think I have some game."

Mina badly concealed a laugh. "Friends don't lie to each other, hun," she teased with a wink over her shoulder.

"Okay well I'm even more of a hot mess when it comes to Shinsou."

They both agreed again and Kirishima said, "Yeah we've seen."

"What do I dooo? I need help!" Kaminari whined.

"Start with putting the finger guns away," Mina teased.

"Bro, have you seen the way he looks at you?" Kirishima asked.

Kaminari whipped his head to look at his friend. "What do you mean?"

"Seriously?" Kirishima shook his head, "And you guys say I'm the dense one. He looks at you like you're the best thing he's ever seen, almost like you're not quite real. And then, uh, and then he was watching you the other day at lunch and I swear he was about to drag you off to your dorm. But when you actually do something flirty, he turns all red and can't say anything either. You say how your tongue gets tied in knots? Well I'm pretty damn sure his does too."

"Aww Kiri, I love it when you go all deep," Mina cooed.

Kaminari snorted. "I bet that's what Bakugou says too."

Mina laughed too hard and Kirishima swatted at Kaminari's arm.

"I know you think you're– well you are– a disaster but man, he is too. Maybe you just need to go back to what you were doing before," Kirishima suggested.

"Babe, be the outrageous flirt we all know and love. That little thing called thinking you do, people like us aren't very good at it, so just do. Don't think about it," Mina encouraged.

Kaminari was silent for a quarter of a lap, thinking over their words. He probably really was thinking far too hard about all this. He needed to remember that Shinsou was probably just as nervous as he was and they could learn together. And then there was the kissing, at least if he wasn't able to talk, he could use his tongue for something else.

"Yeah, I think you guys might be-"

"If you three have time for such leisurely chit chat," Aizawa's intimidating voice interrupted, "then you're not taking this seriously. I sent you out here to run properly."

"Yes, Sir," all three called back and picked up the pace.

Shinsou wasn't at lunch that day, something about a study session with some of his classmates, so Kaminari pulled out his phone to text him.

Hey, hot stuff ;) Got plans Thursday night?

Shinsou's reply came through quickly and made Kaminari feel ridiculously fuzzy that he didn't ignore him even though he was studying.

That depends entirely on what you're about to suggest

Kaminari scoffed at his message and caught the questioning look Kirishima sent his way. He waved his bro off and the red head must have understood because his face changed into a big warm smile. His friends really got far too much enjoyment out of his dating life.

The squad are hoping to hit up that retro arcade downtown and I wanted to invite you too

I guess I'm free then

Kaminari couldn't conceal his grin and felt Kirishima bump his shoulder.

I'll pick you up at 5 then?

From my dorm..?

I'm nothing if not a gentleman, Hitoshi

Uh huh

That sounded a little like sarcasm

Only a little?
I must be getting rusty
You can come over earlier if you're not doing anything else

Well when you put it like that ;)

Kaminari was sprawled on his back across Shinsou's bed telling him about the latest 2A drama that night after school while Shinsou copied out notes into his workbook.

He knew Shinsou had only been half listening for the better part of ten minutes and Kaminari wondered when he would choose to tune back in.

He rolled onto his side and propped his head up on his fist. "I know you have a busy schedule but can you make time to do me?"

Shinsou whipped his head toward him and Kaminari grinned, so he was listening after all. "Sorry, just checking if you were paying attention."

Shinsou rolled his eyes at him before turning back to his desk.

Kaminari rolled off the bed and onto his feet to look around the room again. He enjoyed toying with Shinsou's things. He had just picked up a metal puzzle when a picture taped to the side of his cupboard caught his eye. More specifically, a strip of pictures. It looked like a strip from Momo's party but he could have sworn he hadn't seen these pictures.

He put the puzzle back and stepped closer for a better look before he realised there were two sets sitting behind one another. Shinsou must have forgotten to give him his copy.

He pulled one free and took a closer look. The way Shinsou was looking at him in these photos, well, maybe Kirishima was right after all.

He looked back up at Shinsou and met his eyes. His boyfriend had turned his chair to watch him and was looking at him curiously, as if he was waiting for something.

"Why didn't you give me these?" Kaminari asked softly.

Shinsou seemed to think about his words. "I knew, if you saw the way I looked at you back then, that you'd know how I felt."

Kaminari wrinkled his brow. "What would be wrong with that?"

"You didn't need to know I was an absolute gonner already," Shinsou joked. "You already had me tied up in knots just by being you."

Kaminari grinned at him. "I quite like you tied up in knots."

Shinsou groaned and Kaminari felt triumph at being able to say something to throw him off until Shinsou said, "I rather thought it would be you, tied up in my knots."

It seemed it would take a while for Kaminari to get used to Shinsou flirtingly teasing him if the blush that spread up his neck was anything to go by.

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