He Was Going to be the Death of Him

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Kaminari had always been a speak first, think later type of person. He usually had no problem with talking and was often just as surprised as the next person by what random thought would be vocalised next.

That was the thing with speaking before he thought about it; he didn't have time to overthink anything.

But now, when he was actively trying not to blurt out the first thing that came into his head, his tongue got all knotted up and something cringe-worthy spilled out of his mouth instead.

Kaminari didn't actually know how to flirt. He just did dumb stuff without thinking about it which Mina informed him was seen as flirting.

Now, when he had a boyfriend who he could flirt with all he wanted, when he thought about trying to say something flirty to Shinsou his mind was filled with static.

Sero was right, he was a disaster.

To take his mind off it, he called out, "Man I feel like brownies! I wish Sato was still up, no one makes better brownies than he does," loud enough for half of the common room to hear. He slanted his eyes toward Bakugou to see if he'd taken the bait.

It had been too easy the first time he felt like eating something in particular. He only had to mention how so-and-so made the best in the world and Bakugou couldn't resist the blow to his ego at the idea of someone cooking something better than he did.

Bakugou glared back at him on the opposite couch in the common area. "If you want brownies then cook them your damn self!" He knew this game all too well and wasn't falling for it. Again.

Shinsou marvelled at how the hothead had mellowed in his second year. The words were not surprising but it would have been yelled at them last year.

Kaminari shrugged. It was worth a try. He stood up and eyed the kitchen. How hard could it be? "Maybe I will. They're just brownies right? They can't be that hard to make."

Kirishima chuckled quietly and wrapped Bakugou's crackling palm in his hardened ones.

Shinsou stood up to join Kaminari in the kitchen. He struggled to boil water without supervision, so him baking? This he had to see.

"If you idiots get shit all over my kitchen, I'll kill you!"

"His kitchen?" Shinsou asked in a low voice as he trailed Kaminari into said kitchen.

Kaminari grinned and shrugged. "Bakugou insists on cooking because 'none of us extras know how'." Kaminari pulled a face. "No one complains much about it because his food is so good. Well except Sato, he got a little put out by the comment but everyone is pretty happy to eat his food when Lunch Rush isn't doing their thing."

Shinsou nodded and leaned against the bench to watch in amused silence as Kaminari bumbled his way around the kitchen, obviously out of his depth. It was endearing, the way he paused to scan his phone every two seconds, making sure he had everything before he started.

Shinsou watched his face pinched in confusion as he held up a bottle of olive oil. "Are olives vegetables?"

Shinsou blinked slowly, trying and failing, to make sense of his words. "Why?"

"Says I need vegetable oil and we have olive. I can use this, yeah?"

"If you want your brownies to taste like olives then yeah, go for it," Shinsou drawled.

Kaminari huffed and turned back toward the cupboard with his hands on his hips muttering, "Maybe I do."

Shinsou stepped up behind him with a light chuckle. "Need some help?"

Kaminari flashed him a grin over his shoulder but it wavered for an instant when he felt Shinsou's hands settle on his waist. He cleared his throat. "If you're offering."

Shinsou rolled up his sleeves and started measuring dry ingredients into a bowl. "Grab the canola oil, that won't leave a flavour."

Kaminari was all too aware of how close they were standing to one another but he couldn't make his feet take a step away. The comfortable brush of Shinsou's arm against his was too good to move away from.

Shinsou started to dust the flour off his hands but thought better of it as he eyed Kaminari's dark shirt. He stepped up close enough to brush his chest against the blond's back and put his hands against the counter on either side of him, trapping him where he was.

Kaminari paused his mixing and was about to say something when a flour covered hand was slapped against his chest, leaving a white handprint against the black material.

Shinsou stepped back with a laugh and the blond scowled at him. "You're gonna pay for that."

"That so?" Shinsou taunted from behind him as he clapped his hands together to get rid of the rest of the flour.

Kaminari dipped his finger into the batter he was mixing and spun around ready to wipe it down Shinsou's cheek.

His hand was an inch away from Shinsou's chin when his wrist was caught in a tight grip. Kaminari met his eyes as his hand froze. Shinsou's purple eyes were dark with teasing as he grinned lazily at Kaminari's surprised expression.

Wet heat surrounded his finger as Shinsou wrapped his lips around it and sucked, teeth grazing the pad as he drew it back out of his mouth. "You need to be quicker than that."

Kaminari didn't answer, he just stared dumbly back at him and Shinsou shot him a teasing half smile as he released his wrist.

"You, you just..," Kaminari sputtered, only half finding his voice.

"Sucked your finger?" Shinsou supplied.

Kaminari released a long breath and leant back against the counter for support. He was absolutely sure this boy was going to be the death of him.

Shinsou grabbed the mixing bowl as if nothing had happened and poured the batter into a pan. He was sure Kaminari was going to make a flirty comment about sucking something else but he'd surprised him when he hadn't. Shinsou had the smug realisation that he made him nervous. Well, this could be fun.

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