This Is It NSFW

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They scrambled down the hall, nerves and excitement building with every step. Kaminari took a deep breath as they entered Shinsou's bedroom and when the door shut behind him, stillness settled over them.

Shinsou sat back on his bed and patted his lap, inviting him to come closer. He was way too confident while Kaminari's fingers were tingling with barely restrained electricity.

Shinsou lifted an eyebrow at his hesitation and it was all the invitation Kaminari needed to crawl on top of him. He spread his thighs over Shinsou's lap and settled against him, chest to chest. It reminded him of the time before they went to the arcade all those months ago, the first time they'd sat like this.

This time though, there didn't have to be any stopping and the realisation of what they were about to do hit him all over again. The anticipation sent a shiver skittering down his spine.

Shinsou must have had the same thought because he repeated the same words he'd said last time. "I think I like wherever your thoughts just went."

Kaminari bit his lip and trailed his fingertips over Shinsou's collarbone, the damn sight that had started it all.

"You okay?" Shinsou rasped as he leaned in closer and Kaminari nodded because he found he was fine actually, the nerves were calmed and there was only a pleasant excitement. He trusted Shinsou with his body, his heart.

"Yeah, I'm good, get your goddamn clothes off."

Shinsou's huffed laugh tickled his neck but he sat back against the headboard and flicked his eyes up and down Kaminari's clothed chest. "You first."

He'd created a monster. But he loved this side of Shinsou that only he got to see so he reached for the hem of his shirt and drew it up ever so slowly and dropped it over the side of the bed.

Shinsou's eyes were dark with promise when Kaminari looked back at him. He tugged on the material at Shinsou's shoulder and raised his eyebrows.

Shinsou reached behind his head and pulled his shirt off in one smooth movement. Kaminari's cool fingers trailed from Shinsou's hip up over his stomach and chest to rest at his shoulder and Shinsou shuddered.

Shinsou thread his hands into Kaminari's hair and pulled him down to kiss him. His lips were soft and warm on his and the blond melted against him.They kissed until they couldn't think of anything except the feel of the other's lips.

When they finally broke apart, Shinsou reached to flick the switch on the fairy lights and they twinkled to life around them. Kaminari couldn't help the excited little squeak he made as his smile stretched his lips. "Man, that's so cheesy and perfect. I love it."

Kaminari had always been hard to look away from but this was something else entirely. The lights caught in his hair and gave him an ethereal quality. Shinsou swallowed loudly in the quiet.

Kaminari giggled and Shinsou could hear his nerves reflected back at him. "Hey, it's okay to be nervous, I am too."

His words helped and Shinsou felt his stomach calm down. He tugged on the waist band of Kaminari's pants. "Get your goddamn clothes off," he teased with a wink for good measure.

Kaminari laughed again at his words thrown back at him but got up from the bed to peel his pants off. Mina really had no idea how hard they were to get out of. She was never choosing his clothes again. He was glad Shinsou was preoccupied with getting out of his own clothes and not watching him struggle.

When he was finally free he climbed back onto the bed and settled back on top of a blissfully naked Shinsou. He gasped when their lengths pressed together and Shinsou hissed in a breath. Shinsou reached between them and wrapped his hand around them both, pressing them together and slowly tugged upwards. It felt incredible having Shinsou's skin against him.

"Tell me to stop when you need to just please don't explode us with your lightning rod."

Kaminari dropped his head to Shinsou's shoulder and muffled his weak laugh against him. He flicked out his tongue and ran it along the sensitive skin where his neck met his shoulder and was rewarded with a low growl at the back of Shinsou's throat.

Shinsou stroked them deliciously slow and Kaminari could feel his body humming with sensation. He didn't trust himself not to get too carried away yet though and managed to ask Shinsou to stop. "That feels so fucking good," he panted, "too good. I don't want to fry you though. Can you- can you finger me instead?"

Shinsou tried very hard not to groan at his words. He let him go and rolled them over so that Kaminari was underneath him. He slotted their hips together in a non lethal way while Kaminari's lips worshiped the column of Shinsou's throat.

Kaminari's hands roamed over every part of his body he could reach, exploring and mapping him in a way he hoped he'd never be able to forget. His hands went to Shinsou's shoulders, pulling and wanting, needing him closer still.

Shinsou found the lube and pushed up to put enough space between them, ignoring the whine of protest, to coat his fingers. He looked down into open eyes, bright with wonder, and Kaminari nodded.

Kaminari moaned softly as Shinsou pressed one finger against his hole letting the tip dip inside a couple of times as he warmed the lube against his skin. When Kaminari was nearly trembling, he finally pushed inside. He pressed in and out a few times, twisting and curling, before adding a second.

He slowly pumped his fingers into him for what felt like hours as each of Kaminari's moans got louder than the last. When they started to be punctuated with whimpers, Shinsou withdrew his fingers.

"Do you think that's enough?" Shinsou asked and Kaminari could only nod. He had no idea. He just knew he wanted more.

Shinsou deftly rolled on the condom and coated himself with lube. He gripped Kaminari's knees to fold them into his chest and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

"Are you ready?" Shinsou whispered and Kaminari managed another nod. He'd never been more or less ready for anything in his entire life.

"I need your voice, Denks," Shinsou said while his hand smoothed reassurance up and down his thigh.

"Yeah, yes, Tosh please."

Shinsou started to press in and Kaminari gasped. That was, a lot. He willed himself to relax as Shinsou drew calming circles on his hipbones with his thumbs. "Okay, keep going," he whispered and Shinsou pushed in a little more. Gently, slowly taking his time until he was all the way inside him.

Shinsou experimentally drew back to push back in and it punched a long moan past Kaminari lips. He seemed to find a rhythm then, going by what made the blond under him more vocal.

"Denki," Shinsou's voice came out as a rasp and he pushed himself up enough to look down into his eyes. Kaminari watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. "I love you."

Kaminari blinked back the dampness in his eyes and said it back before he thread his fingers through Shinsou's hair and pulled him back down.

He wanted to make the moment stretch on for hours but they both knew that wasn't going to happen. Inexperience and the pure need between them not allowing them to let it last much longer.

Shinsou picked up his pace and Kaminari could hear the headboard thudding dully against the wall and reminded himself to shove a pillow behind his own if they ever did this in his dorm.

As quickly as the thought occurred to him, it was gone again because Shinsou's hand had reached between them and wrapped around his dick.

"Denks," Shinsou rasped, the desperation clear. He didn't have to say any more, Kaminari was right on the precipice with him.

Kaminari could only nod in a jerky movement against the pillow. He felt Shinsou's rhythm starting to slip and he forced his eyes open to watch as his boyfriend came undone, head thrown back and teeth sunk into his bottom lip.

Shinsou refocused on the blond under him and brushed hair out of his eyes with his free hand. He quickened his pace with his other hand and watched as Kaminari's body locked up and his breath caught in his chest a second before he spilled over his hand.

Shinsou released him and kissed his brow before almost collapsing on top of him, waiting for their breath to come back.

Shinsou gently pulled out of him and disposed of their condom, before he came back with a warm cloth and wiped over Kaminari. "I love you," he whispered as he crawled back under the covers.

Kaminari made a grabby motion and Shinsou rolled into him. "Why haven't we been doing that the whole time?"

Shinsou snorted and shoved at his shoulder and Kaminari laughed.

Kaminari knew it hadn't been perfect, but still, it was exactly what he imagined it would be. It had said everything all of his words could never explain and he was sure Shinsou had felt it too.

Shinsou ran his hand through Kaminari's hair, idly twirling the strands. He was wasn't very comfortable but moving even an inch away seemed like too much after what they'd shared. Kaminari twisted in his arms to look at him. "I love you, too, I don't think I said it back before."

If someone had told Kaminari a year ago that he'd lose his virginity to Shinsou Hitoshi he would have laughed himself silly. He was chaos incarnate and everything Shinsou claimed to hate but somehow, he turned out to be everything Shinsou had never knew he needed. Shinsou was grounding and dependable and saw the Kaminari who was rarely seen.

Shinsou had always been able to read everything in Kaminari's eyes and right then they were telling him everything he wanted to hear. His chest pooled with so much warmth that it threatened to spill from his eyes.

Words had never come easily to Shinsou, but as he placed a kiss against golden hair, he knew he'd spend the rest of his life trying to find the right words to explain it.

He never planned to fall in love with this boy who stole his heart with his beautiful personality and shocking pickup lines.

But you can't help what your heart longs for.

I'm not crying this time. Maybe when you finish your third long fic you start to get used to the bittersweet feeling of hitting that publish button for the last time. It's taken a while to get here but we're finally done. You can thank my best friend for kicking my ass into gear.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every one of you who has read this story. This one was really personal for me and helped my deal with my own shit. When I started my writing journey two and a half short years ago, I never in a million years expected I'd be where I am today.

To those of you who have stuck around since the beginning, those of you who have read every word I've written, I can't thank you enough. You will never know how much it means to me. That fact that you're still here to laugh, cry and love with me touches my heart.

To everyone who joined us more recently, thank you for becoming such a special part of my life. I've met some truely beautiful humans and made some great friendships. Everyone who has read, commented, voted and reached out to me, thank you, I love you. I am not deserving of how sweet y'all are.

I currently have approximately 7 million WIPs on the go so I'll be back soon! (As soon as I decide which one to give my attention to)

Much love to you all. Be good and if you can't be good be careful.

And if you can't be careful, don't get caught xx

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