Maki Nishikino Birthday Special

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First of all, I wrote this very special chapter for my best girl, Maki Nishikino. I wanted to make something unique for Maki and writing a story for her birthday is all I can do. I can't draw anything for her so writing a story is the best thing I can do. One of my OC(own character) will appear here and I'll have that OC of mine act like me. I'll end my note here so I hope everyone will enjoy this special chapter.



Maki Nishikino's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.  I rubbed my eyes and turned off my alarm. My eyes scanned the room and landed on the calendar hanged on the wall. April 19. A special day for me. I let out a sigh and went to the bathroom to take a warm shower.  Right after showering, my phone rang, informing me that I have a new text message. I picked it up and smiled to myself. The message was from my friend, Kasumi. It said:

"Happy Birthday, Maki! I was supposed to send this message to you earlier at 12 am but I fell asleep while waiting for your birthday to come. Oh well, I better get ready because Umi sent me a text message earlier, telling me to get ready for your birthday. See you later, Maki!"

I chuckled a bit when I read her message. Typical Kasumi. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to introduce my friend, Kasumi, to you. She's Kasumi Mishikima, my very loyal friend. Well, it's not like I'm not loyal to her or anything.. Anyways, Kasumi had been my friend for years. Even before I joined μ's. You can say that she's my only childhood friend. In fact, I became friends with her when Kasumi saved me before from a group of bullies. I was just playing with myself at the playground one afternoon and then out of nowhere, a group cornered me and started kicking me. I was about to cry that time but Kasumi went to my rescue. She protected me with all her might even though she was getting hurt. The group who cornered me eventually gave up and left the two of us there. Kasumi was covered with blood and bruises but she still managed to give me a wide smile. We became friends that day and it made me very happy.

I put on my casual clothes that I prepared for this day and headed downstairs to eat breakfast. I saw my father seated on his usual seat at the dining table, reading the newspaper. He didn't seem to notice me so I sat on my seat quietly. One minute later, Papa folded the newspaper and placed it on top of the table. Our eyes met and he cleared his throat.

"Ah, good morning, Maki. You're up earlier than the usual. Are you going somewhere today?" Papa asked me. Great. I think he forgot that it was my birthday today. "Yes, Papa. I have something to do with my friends today." I answered.  He just nodded and called for my mother. Mama appeared from the kitchen, carrying a tray of food. 

"What is it, dear?" Mama asked my father. I noticed that Papa nodded towards me. Mama looked at my direction and started walking. She then hugged me and said, "Happy Birthday, Maki." 

I gave her a smile and thanked her. My father said the same thing and told me that my gift from the both of them was in the living room. I said that I'll be opening it later when I come home. I ate my breakfast and bid goodbye to my parents. 

I looked at the time on my watch. 8:30 am. Before going out, I tied up my hair in a side ponytail. I went outside and started walking. I reached the train station and I saw Rin and Hanayo waiting for me there. 

"Maki-chan, happy birthday nya~!" Rin greeted me using her energetic voice. Hanayo did the same. I smiled at them and thanked them. They told me that the other girls along with Kasumi are waiting for us.

"You seem happy there, Maki-chan. It's rare to see you that happy." Hanayo said. I felt my face heat up so I turned away. "I-I'm n-not." I managed to say. The both of them laughed together. Soon, I found myself laughing with them.


Kasumi Mishikima's POV

I climbed up a tree to see if Maki, Rin and Hanayo have arrived. I scanned the surroundings with my eyes and I almost lost my balance when Eli called my name. "Kasumi! Get down there! You might fall!" Eli shouted. I rolled my eyes and jumped down easily. I brushed the dirt off my clothes using my hands. "Eli, you know I'm not gonna fall from a tree. I grew up in a farm, remember? And besides, if I did fall from that tree, it's your fault." I said, while playing with a leaf.

Eli just shook her head. I win this time, Eli Ayase hahahaha. Did I just laughed out loud? Sorry about that.

By the way, the name's Kasumi Mishikima. I'm younger than all of the members of μ's. The first person that I met among μ's is Maki. For me, Maki is a very special friend to me. I met her when I saw a group of girls beating her up at a playground. I protected her as if my life depended on it. To be honest, I wouldn't normally save someone who is getting beaten up. I never made any friends before Maki because I was an anti-social person. But that changed when I became friends with Maki. It feels like my life completely changed when I met her. 

I heard a familiar voice calling out to us from a distance. I climbed the tree once again, ignoring Eli and Umi. A  smile crept onto my face when I saw the beautiful, red hair of Maki. I have to admit, she does look cute and adorable in her simple yet elegant dress. She didn't seem to notice me on the tree that I climbed on so I decided to surprise her by jumping down. I waited for the perfect moment and then jumped down. Maki was surprised when she saw me jump down from a tree. Without waiting for her to react, I gave her my usual bear hug which almost suffocated her. I could tell that she's blushing so I released her from the hug. I then smiled widely at her and shouted, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAKI~!"

The members of μ's gave me a strange look. I raised my eyebrow at them. When my eyes landed on Maki, I couldn't help but grin. She was blushing so hard with her head bowed. She's probably really embarrassed right now. I lifted up her chin and looked straight into her amethyst eyes. "I'm sorry for doing that, Maki. I couldn't just help myself earlier. Please forgive me." I said.

Maki looked back at me and then looked away. "Jeez, you didn't have to do that, i-idiot. T-that was r-really embarrassing, Kasumi." She said in a stuttering voice. I let out a small laugh and once again, I grinned at her. I sensed that the atmosphere around us is getting really heavy so I clapped my hands, causing the other girls to flinch. 

"Come on, girls. Let's go celebrate Maki's birthday!" I pumped my fist onto the air when I said that. Nico was the first one to react because she did her Nico Nico Nii right after I pumped my fist. 

"Nico Nico Nii~! What are we waiting for? Let's go already!" Nico said. The other girls followed suit. Me and Maki smiled at each other and then followed the others to an amusement park. Maki held me tightly when we entered the haunted house. I could tell that she's scared. Well, the worse one was Eli. She's suffocating Nozomi because she's afraid of the dark. Poor Nozomi haha. 

It took me a while to comfort Maki when we came out of the haunted house. I didn't even realize that she was crying inside the haunted house. I keep telling her that all of it was fake. Meanwhile, the other girls went on pairs to ride the roller coaster. Maki stopped crying when I bought her something to eat. 

I asked Maki if she wanted to ride the ferris wheel and surprisingly, she agreed. As we waited for our turn, we talked about many things that made the both of us laugh together. The staff worker informed us that it was already our turn so we stepped inside the car. 

When we reached the top, I saw Maki's eyes glimmer with excitement and happiness. She was looking at the beautiful sunset that I also admired. I looked for my gift for Maki inside my bag. I found it and put it behind my back.



I handed her the gift that I was holding. She opened it and I heard her gasp when she saw what's inside. She took it out of the box and then suddenly hugged me tight. I almost lost my balance when she hugged me out of nowhere. I hugged her back with my eyes closed.

"Thank you for everything, Kasumi. I'm really glad that you became my friend."

"Hehe. Me too."



"Promise me that we'll be friends forever."

"Of course we'll be friends forever. I promise."

"Happy Birthday, Maki."


Happy Birthday, Maki!!!!! Firstly, I'm sorry that this is all I can do for you, Maki. I didn't have any other talent so I decided to write a very special story for you. To be honest, I fell in love with your voice when I first heard you sing. I was so moved when you sang Aishiteru Banzai. I knew that you're going to be my best girl in μ's. Your tsundere personality made me laugh all the time. You and Nico were really perfect for each other despite the conflict between you two. 

Maki, I love everything about you. Your astonishing red hair, your amethyst eyes, your voice, your outstanding beauty, your personality and probably many more. I just love everything about you. I know that you really can't read this message but still, it doesn't matter. 

Please continue to shine brightly along with the other members of μ's, Maki Nishikino. Always remember that we, your fans, will always be here for you. 

Happy Birthday, Scarlet Princess.

~NicoMakishipper109 a.k.a Camille Jaye

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