The Solution

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Guys this started at the time when Raimon got into the finals and they had to fight Zeus Jr. High. Just pretend that Kazemaru and Aphrodi were childhood friends. Arigatou!


Kazemaru's POV

We were practicing for the finals because we had to fight Zeus Jr. High it was a strong school as Kidou said. They scored a lot of points without letting Teikoku score even one goal because of this Endou became pressured and had to master Majin the Hand to block their shoots I for some reason had a feeling I knew someone there then someone appeared in front of the goal blocking both Twin Boost and Dragon Tornado! Then when the dust cleared I saw..... Terumi my childhood friend. "Sugoi! You blocked both Twin Boost and Dragon  Tornado without using Hissatsu Techniques!" Endou exclaimed. "You're from Zeus Jr. HIgh aren't you? You're the captain Aphrodi" Kidou said everyone was shocked except me my heart shattered when I heard that my childhood friend and the person whom I loved is the one who destroyed Teikoku's team?! I was boiling with anger I didn't even care if anyone was here I shouted to him "So the reason why you haven't talked to me when I went to your house was because of this?!?! I thought we promised each other not to keep secrets from each other or even hurt others?!?!?! You broke the promises we made for each other." When I said that tears started stream out of my eyes. "Then you shouldn't have trusted me!! We were still kids that time now we grew up!! I changed! I see you still haven't!!" He shouted back at that time I froze there then after a few seconds I ran away I made sure no one would ever follow me. Everyone stared at the place I ran away to.

Aphrodi's POV

I didn't mean what I said but it was the only way to make him stay away from me. I went back to my school and went in my dorm shutting the door loudly as that happened I broke down crying since the walls of this place won't let sound out I cried louder "Why am I so affected by this? There is no way I have feelings for him than just a friend,childhood friend and best friend,right?" That question kept on repeating in my mind as I slowly started to feel sleepy I didn't even notice it was now nighttime I slowly went to my bed and fell asleep.

~~~~~~Time Skip!~~~~~~~~

Kazemaru's POV

It's the day to fight Zeus Jr. High wher my best friend- no my Ex-best friend went to school. I didn't feel anything anymore "Why am i so affected by this?!" I thought the match started.


Me: So how was it guys? Was it good? Next part will be updated as soon as possible anyways sorry for the long wait I was still thinking about this story! Again so sorry! I love you all!

Everyone except Aphrodi and Mizuki: Bye!

Mizuki and Aphrodi: *nods at each other* Good bye! *hairflips*

Everyone except Mizuki and Aphrodi: *sweat drops*

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