1- Gray's Rainbow

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"Yo guys, what's up? It's Grayson from Gray's Rainbow here! Welcome back to my channel!" I say, smiling at the camera. "Today I am joined by my very best friend, Jennifer from Jenny Killz!" I grin as my best friend, Jen, sits next to me and waves at the camera.

"Hey guys! Another video with this dork here!" She grins, winking at me. I laugh softly then look at my camera. I playfully wrap an arm around Jen.

"Before we start this video, we have something important to tell you." I look at Jen and wink. She stifles a laugh.

"We're officially..." She smiles at me.

"...only best friends." I finish. I can already hear the fans groaning. Jen laughs slightly.

"We just want you to know, that I am 24 and Gray is 19. I'm a little old for him." She frowns then pokes my cheek. I laugh softly, then look at the camera seriously.

"Okay guys. This isn't a normal video. And Jen is not here for a collab, she's here because I have something I want to tell you guys. Some of you may know this, based off how I may act or even my channel name." I sigh and look at Jen. She offers me a small smile and nudges me, urging me to continue. "I'm gay." I look at the camera and smile nervously. "I knew I was gay since I was 6. I started YouTube to get away from the haters. And bullies. Yes, I was bullied. I still am. I'm telling you guys because I feel I can trust you guys to support me. This isn't going to be a long video. I just felt the need to make you guys a coming out video and be honest with you." I smile at the camera and Jen hugs me supportively. I finish the video then say goodbye. I stop recording then take a deep breath. I sigh and look at Jen.

"Gray, you did great. Need help uploading?" She asks me, smiling softly. I nod, grabbing my camera my laptop. She smiles comfortingly. "It's okay. It's going to be positive." She assures me, although I'm doubtful.

"Whatever. Let's edit then we can go to Starbucks." I chuckle, hooking my camera to my laptop and unlocking it. Jen rubs my shoulder before grabbing my computer. She's a great editor so I watch as she makes my video better. I could never edit by myself.

In less than 10 minutes, I've approved of the edits and began uploading. Both of us stood up and got ready to leave. I grabbed my favorite sweatshirt, a gray hoodie with my YT logo on it, and my wallet. Jen grabs her purple purse and put bright purple lipstick on to match. She smiled at me, then we both left for Starbucks.


We got out of Jen's car in the Starbucks parking lot. She put on big sunglasses and fixed her crooked shirt. She's wearing a loose t-shirt with her YT logo. She smiles at me and we both walk into the Starbucks, people instantly noticing/recognizing us.

"Oh. My. Goodness!" One girl squeals. "It's Jenny and Grayson!!! I ship them so much!" She jumps up and down, pointing us out to her friends and taking pictures. I sigh, rolling my eyes. Wait until they see my new upload I think to myself.

I chuckle softly to myself and I see Jen trying to hide her laughter. Fans seeing us in public is hilarious. Watching them freak out. It's funny and somewhat adorable. Jenny leads me over to the barista and flashes her usual smile.

"Hello what can I get for you today?" She smiles. I love when barista's are nice.

"Iced caramel macchiato por favor señorita." I say laughing slightly at the end. She smiles, laughing a little too. Jen rolls her eyes at us.

"Waffle cone frap please." She asks, taking her sunglasses off. The barista smiled at her and nodded. "Will that be all?" She asks. I nod, grabbing my wallet. I give her a gift card and she swipes it then gives it back with the receipt.

"Can I get a name for your drinks?" She smiles softly.

"Grayson." I smile.

"Jennifer." Jen says, walking away while texting on her phone. I roll my eyes at her this time and the barista smiles. "I'm Claire by the way." She said with a wink. I smile.

"Nice to meet you Claire. I'm obviously Grayson." I laugh.

She laughs too. "I already knew that. You're Grayson from Gray's Rainbow. Hence the shirt." She motions towards my sweatshirt and I smile. "Are you two actually dating or...are you single?" She winks again and I blush slightly.

"We are not dating and I am single. As you will find out in my next video that is uploading right now." A familiar ding comes from my phone. I grin. "That has now been posted." I wave good bye then walk over to Jen, who's already watching my video.

"It didn't turn out that bad, Gray." She smiles at me. I sigh in relief and look at the fangirls. They are probably watching the video too. I smile and hope they're true fans and will support me. I feel my phone ring and I take it out of my pocket. It's an unknown number but I answer it.

"Hello?" I say and hear a guy on the other end.

"Grayson from Gray's Rainbow? You've been invited to Vidcon."

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