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Okie dokie, I was tagged by DragonKid53. (THEY ARE AN AMAZING PERSON PLZ GO FOLLOW!)

1. What is something that makes you happy?

Books, Rain, Being Home Alone, Getting a book in from the library, getting letters from my pen pal, reading, writing, working on AMVs and last but definitely NOT least... you guys!

2. Explain your recent message.
(Plz see my post on Ukraine of February 25 2022)

I don't really think I need to explain this. Putin is a CENSORED CENSORED.

3.  Do you miss you last relationship?


4. Do you want children?

Probably not. But if I do no more than 3, if even that.

5. What is your current mood?

Well, seeing as how I had a crappy day, kinda meh.

6. Write a letter to someone...

Dear To Whom It May Concern,

I hope you are well and happy. Have a good life and live it to the fullest.

From Dawn

7. Are you a virgin?


8. Eye color?

Dull blue (sometimes bright or teal blue but mostly dull)

9. 3am or 3pm?

3am cause I'm a night owl  HOOT HOOT

10. Favorite Song?

.. Currently The Turnaround Gemini song, but only with THAT part. (I go through a lot of song phases)

11. What things do you not like about yourself?

I feel that I'm too dependent. I don't like that at all. I also feel very vulnerable at times, which again I hate. I wish I had more confidence as well.

12. What do you like about yourself?

I like to think I am creative and kind.

13. Do you have a tattoo?

No, but if I ever get one it will be small and meaningful to me. That is IF I ever get one.

14. Do you give second chances?

Depends. Who are you and what have you done, that like of thing.

15. What was your childhood dream?

To be the world's youngest author.... *cringe*

16. Do you want to get married?

I tell everyone no, but if I find the right person.

17. What is love to you?

Love is something I wish I saw more of in this world. It is something not enough people give and receive. Love is complex yet simple to humans, we just don't know it most of the time.

18. Have you ever kissed someone?

HAHAHAHAHAHZHAHAVbBabababababababaggagahahahahahahaha... *inhales* No.

19. First piercing?

Ears... it didn't go well... Let's just say I let my holes get filled in...

20. Left or right?

Handed? Right.

21. Do you have a bad temper?

Not really... unless you're someone I really don't like.

22. Have you ever gotten into a fight?

No, but I witnessed a few school fights.

9 tags- (sorry if you don't want to be tagged)










P.S. Sorry this is so long overdue XD

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