I got tagged

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I got tagged by @hinnyforeveryay and AmyPotter_Slytherin with the same questions so I'll just do one thing

    so here we go

Do u like swimming? Yes...but not like real swimming I love just playing around in the water and splashing with my friends

Do you eat fries with a fork? No?!? Why would someone do that?

What's your favorite moisturizer? I have only ever used one it's oil free neutrogena

Do you want to get married? Yes but definitely not anytime soon I'm really young lol

Do you get mad easily? Yes but more annoyed then mad

Are u into ghost hunting? No I don't believe in that stuff

Any phobias? Yes but only silly ones like spiders and OH I get really upset when my glasses lenses arent perfectly clean

Do u bite ur nails? Yes kind of I used to do it a lot but I'm working on it and I don't usually do it anymore

Did u ever have a near death experience? Nope

Do u drink coffee? No. Well sometimes with a LOT of milk and sugar

Nowwww I'm gonna tag FIVE people


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