Egg Raffle

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This is for the egg raffle being held by KryptonDragon.

Dark Wolf was walking around in a forest, he had had a difficult day and was trying to relax.

As he walks by a moss covered rock something catches his eye, deciding to investigate as he gets closer what he sees catches him by surprise. It was an egg! A green egg almost invisible because of the moss.

Dark looks around to see if the mother was around. Dark picks up the egg and the shell was cold, knowing that the egg needs to be warm he turns and runs home.

Unknown to Dark the mother a dragon was watching hidden.
"I'm sorry my child, I never wanted to abandon you. To you stranger I ask you please take care of my child. You are now under protection of me and my mate."

Dark gets home and sets up a clothes basket with a soft warm blanket and a small space heater.
"I wonder why you were left alone? When you hatch I will help you find your parents."

Little did Dark know but he was already under the watchful eyes of dragons.
"Learn well from this one my daughter and one day we will be together again."
The mother was watching Dark care for the egg. Although she was smiling tears filled her eyes.

This is just the beginning of a possible story. If you would like to see this become a story please comment and I will also be taking suggestions for a title. Please be aware that if I don't win the raffle there will be no story.

Thanks for letting me enter the raffle Krypton, I truly appreciate it.


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