Tagged by Jess.

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I was tagged by JessTheWolf.
1. Weird fact about you
2. Favorite food
3. Favorite fandom
4. Best friends
5. Current lock screen
6. Favorite Otp
7. Birthday
8. 5 fears
9. What do you look like
10. Favorite song
11. Why did you make wattpad account
12. Favorite character.

1. I'm crazy about dragons and wolves
2. Don't really know
3. Don't know
4. Wattpad friends
5. See above
6. ?? Don't know what that is
7. Nov. 25
8. Being stuck in a elevator, getting set up on a blind date, a world without wolves, lost without a knife, and being taken advantage of.
9. Sorry I would be arrested for assault with a ugly weapon. No pics.
10. Of Wolf And Man by Mettalica
11. Great stories and friends
12. I can't decide. I refuse to decide.

Done. For now

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