Tagged Funny Story

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Ok I was tagged by Bowser518 so here it goes.

I was at a wedding falling asleep and I didn't want to be there. As the preacher asked the bride the usual question. I farted and it was loud! I just sat there like nothing happened after a few moments everything started again as soon as the bride opened her mouth to answer I let another one go (not on purpose it just happened). This time everyone was looking around for the one who did it. I pretended to be asleep. I never got caught but I was wondering if anyone knew that it was me. I never found out and I've never been so embarrassed in my life.

So there you go, a funny moment in my life.

Time to tag some other peeps.
I dare all of you to do this. No I triple dog dare you to do this!!!

Later all! And always remember never fear the darkness secretive eyes watch and protect. (Wolf howls)

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