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I got tagged by Eline-chan

13 factoids about me? Eh ok

1. I can sing pretty well (apparently)

2. My name is Charlotte but I prefer Charlie

3. I don't have glasses but I used to wear them (my vision has since improved)

4. I've always wanted to be an actress

5. I haven't finished Blood of Olympus BUT it's not my fault, I swear. Long story.

6. I have two cats, one is young, black and fat and the other is calico, she's old and really skinny :(

7. I am making toaster strudel right now

8. I get to sleep by imagining the deaths of my favorite​ characters.

9. I say stuff ironically at first but then I can't stop saying it and everyone I know wonders what's wrong with me

10. My discord handle is currently Professional Asshole#5230 (soon to be changed. PM me if you want it)

11. I am eating toaster strudel right now

12. My email address is [email protected]

Yeah, I know. Sue me.

13. This is my favorite number

How many people do I tag? Uh, let's go with SIX.


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