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I was tagged in another thing by Apheistas1 - 15 facts about myself? Ok

1. I spend too much time on the internet

2. I'm​ younger than I seem, in real life and on the internet

3. I love to write poetry

4. I am a living meme

5. If I'm not reading something, I've been brainwashed by the aliens

6. Whenever I'm in a movie theatre and the Dolby surround sound thing plays and says "all around you" I whisper, "the voices... they're back!"

7. If you say that the movies are better than the books, I may stab you

8. Orange Kangaroos from Denmark

9. Voltron is my religion

10. JK I'm Christian

11. I'm a raging bisexual *intense screaming in background*

12. If I get hate I reply with sarcastic comments

13 is my favorite number

14. I wear mostly black *Dan Howell intensifies*

15. I will answer comments for my final fact! (I may choose not to answer some if I don't want to)

Ooh tag 5 peeps? Ok


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