Buggy Clan (2)

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"Neh Zoro this clown isn't funny." Luffy muttered. A little frown came across his face as he picked his nose. Zoro looked at him from under his bandana, he had put it on a few seconds ago. The man, Buggy, eye twitched once more. "Brat you're on thin ice here..." He said as he advanced forward. Luffy raised an eyebrow. "Oi clown guy we don't want a fight." He says. That's when Buggy snapped.

"QUIT CALLING ME CLOWN GUY DAMMIT!!" he yelled and charged forward. Zoro readied his swords and Luffy only started at the charging clown guy.

However he was stopped when a huge staff slammed his head into the cement under him, to get a mouth full of it. Silence rung through the air and the henchmen of the clown stared, jaws open. The long staff then retreated back to its former place as a woman jumped down in front of the clown, facing Zoro and Luffy. However before the two could say anything she grabs them by the wrist and uses the moment of shock to drag them along with her.

"Now they shouldn't be after us here." she finally says as they walk into a bar. Zoro raises an eyebrow at the woman and Luffy just stares at her with stars in her eyes.

"Sugoi!! What was that?! How'd you make it long and take out clown guy?!" Luffy asks excitedly, bouncing in place and grinning madly. The woman raises and eyebrow and takes off her hood to show short, orange hair. Brown eyes looked Luffy up and down and examined every inch of him and held out a paper in front of his face.

The picture was of Luffy himself, grinning with his eyes closed and a hand pointing towards the camera. "You're Monkey D. Luffy right? Prince Monkey D. Luffy?" she says, whispering the last part. Luffy stares at the picture before nodding and smiling. "Cool! Why is my picture taken?" he asks. He remembered correctly Sabo had taken that picture of him when they were at a picnic with Ace and Shanks. He wondered how she got it. Zoro leans over and reads the fine print, going stiff once he read how much the other was worth.

A grin comes over the woman's face and she looks at Zoro from the corner of her eye. Two in one. She thinks to herself. First she could drop this Prince off and frame the bounty hunter for taking him captive. It was a good plan indeed.

"So you are him?" she questions. Luffy nods his head. "We're trying to get back to Dawn Island but we need a navigator." he says. A smile comes across her face. "I'm a navigator." she says confidently. "I can help you two." Zoro raises an eyebrow at the woman. She seemed too nice. First she was asking questions about Luffy's origin and status then she just offered to navigate for them. It was too suspicious. Luffy on the other hand seemed to trust the woman whole heartedly.

"Really?! So you can take me home?! Let's go!!" He says happily and grabs the two.

"Luffy not now! We need food and supplies remember?" Zoro says. At the mention of food the other instantly stopped and place and his stomach made the loudest grown in history. He turns his head to look at Zoro.

"Zoro I'm hungry." he dead panned and a tick mark appeared on Zoro's temple. "That's why we were getting food Baka!!" he says and hits the other on the head with the handle of his sword. The woman watches the two interact closely.

"This bar serves food as well. I think you should be able to grab a few things from here." she informed them. The tow stop their bickering to look at her.

"So your name's Nami?" Luffy asks as he takes another bite of meat. The three were now walking to an inn for the night. They had already ate and introduced themselves. "Yep." She answers. Luffy hums and stops when Nami stopped at the front door of the inn. They went inside and began to order rooms.

"You two are going to have to share a room." she says flatly.

"Eh? Nami isn't sleeping with us?" Luffy questioned.. Zoro's eye twitched in amusement and the woman stares at Luffy. "Of course not! I'm a girl idiot!" She hisses. Luffy still wasn't getting it. Instead Nami ignored the clueless teen and went back to the attendant.

"Zoro! Nami says we have to take a bath!" Luffy says, stretching his head toward the other. It was really gonna take the swordsman awhile to get used to that. Never the less he shrugged. "You can go first." he says from his spot against the wall. Luffy made a confused face. "Eh? Zoro isn't bathing with me?"

It honestly took Zoro awhile to process that question.

But he really had to remind himself how simple minded the other was.

He lets out a sigh. "Do you want me to bathe with you Luffy?" he asked slowly. Luffy stares at him, he didn't know why Zoro was hesitant. He usually would take a bath with Ace and Sabo most of the time, so it wouldn't be a problem with Zoro would it? Right?

So that's how they were right now. Zoro on one side of the bath and Luffy on the other. Both were in a comfortable silence, well comfortable to Luffy.

"Zoro! You can't sleep in the bath!!" Luffy yells A's he made his way over to the other, who was apparently dosing off at the moment. This gave the younger a perfect opportunity. He makes his way over to the green haired young man and stood over him.

And dumped a bucket of water right on his head.

Zoro jumps awake and Luffy sits behind him before grabbing him by the hair. A tic mark appeared on Zoro's forehead. As Luffy pulled his head back to look at him.

"Let me wash your hair Zoro!"

"Baka!! You could've just asked me!"


Zoro sighs. Luffy was a sleep on top of him.


He didn't really mind at all. If anything he was more than comfortable at this position. He moves his arms behind his head and looks down at Luffy. The teen was asleep with his head resting on his chest. Zoro almost laughed when he mumbled 'meat' in his sleep.

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep as well.

Nami giggles to herself with her hand over her mouth. Or this was just too perfect.

Of course her plan was good before hand but this. This was gonna make her rich to the point where she could by her home and a new country!!

She honestly couldn't believe it. The bounty Hunter swordsman had a thing for the teen. She wouldn't call it strange since she's seen many odd couples but she couldn't help the grin that crept up upon her face. She had manipulated people to get some things that she wanted, not that she liked doing it that way. but if her had to she'll use it as a last resort.

She silently walks across the hall back to her room.

Zoro wakes up to a knife almost slitting his neck if it weren't for Luffy jerking his head up in time. Both sprung out the bed in a fighting stance once they realized that there were multiple floating body parts in the room.

Zoro stares as his hands move to the hilt of his swords and Luffy stared as if he were at a circus act.

"I told you not to mess with me!" a familiar voice. Floating up to the window Buggy's head was there.

"Zoro! Look it's clown guy!!"

"THAT DOES IT!!!" Buggy yelled with a vain popping out his forehead he charged at Luffy only to stop while holding the most painful expression.
Luffy blinks and waves his hand infront of the clan leaders face.

"Zoro what happened?"

Before anything could have been said the door to their room was kicked open.

Nami was there with her staff in-between Buggy's legs. It was obvious she hit him there. She looks at the two before yelling : "Move your asses!!"

They didn't need to be told twice.

They all ran down the hall and stares to the first floor. On the way there they passed the food court and Luffy stopped.

"What are you doing Luffy?"

Luffy turned to look at his first companion before saying a bit too seriously "We didn't eat breakfast.."

"YOU'RE WORRYING ABOUT THAT NOW BAKA?!" The other two screeched. Luffy only scratched his cheek before going to the food filled room.

The next thing happened so fast. A loud roar made the room rumble and alerted what few people that were in the room. The doors flew off their hinges and a lion came through along with a man with animal ears. After him was a man on a unicycle and multiple swords.

"Mugiwara!!!" Buggy called as his body became one and stood on the other end of them.

All three were back to back ready and set. For some reason Nami felt a rush of adrenaline through her brains and excitement. She's never felt it this way before and for some reason...

She liked it.

"Nami." Luffy spoke, his hat covering his eyes. "Take out the one with the big cat."

"Zoro, the one on the unicycle."

Then a wide grin spread across his face. "I'll take clown guy."

I'm so sorry this is shorter than normal. I'm also sorry it took me so long to update. It was really hectic on me because of my Compass Exams and school work. High school and college are a real bitch.

Anyway I hope you all enjoy! Thanks for the support!

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