2| New Friends?

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Mr. Hatchel was still talking when the bell rung, but I didn't care. I was the first person to stand up and start packing up. Well, actually, I was the ONLY person to stand up. What wrong with these people? Don't they know what a bell means?

"Oh, Miss Drake. The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do," Mr. Hatchel said as he turned away from the chalkboard. Seriously? He's one of those teachers?

"Well, then what's the point of the bell?" I challenged, putting my bag over one of my shoulders.

I heard a few people snicker, including Lauren, and a couple of "amen"s were said. I could tell they came from the group of guys that whistled at me. Mr. Hatchel, however, was not amused.

"I only need a moment more of your time, so have a seat, Miss Drake," he said as he pulled down his outdated glasses so they were at the tip of his nose. Why do people do that? It just makes them look stupid, not intimidating.

I rolled my eyes as I sat back down, but I made a mental note that Mr. Hatchel sucked.

After talking for another three minutes, he finally dismissed us, and I was beyond irritated. I only had five minutes left, out of the original ten that I had, to find my next class. I was one of the first out the door, and I heard Lauren yell a "bye" out to me. I gave her a small wave as I entered the hall, but then I stopped.

"Hey, Lauren! Could you show me where room 404 is?" I asked, running back into the room.

She looked up from her desk, still packing up. Her perfect eyebrows scrunched up as her face turned into a small frown.

"I wish I could, but that's on the other side of school, and my next class is just next door," she said. I could tell she didn't want to disappoint me, even though we just met. Yeah, I like this girl.

I shot her a smile before letting her know it was okay. It wasn't her fault I'm clueless. She shouldn't have to be late just to help me out. I wouldn't want her to be.

As I turned back around, I almost walked right into a wall. Well, I thought it was a wall, until I realized I was looking at a white t-shirt. But, I'm sure walking into it, it would have felt like a wall.

"Oh, my bad," I said, looking up at the curly blonde boy looking down at me. He had a small grin on his face that made me smile back at him.

"I could show you where room 404 is if you want," he offered.

"Really?! That'd be great! Thanks!"

As we walked down the halls, I couldn't help but notice a few stares, but I knew it was just because I was new; or maybe it was because of who I was walking with. Feeling a need to boost my ego, I settled on the former. But it was fine because in a couple of days, no one would even care.

Looking at my watch, I saw that I had a little more than three minutes before I'd be late.

"Hey, you're not going to be late to class because of this, are you?" I wondered. I hated inconveniencing people.

He just smiled, a small laugh escaping his mouth.

"I'll be fine. I'm headed this direction anyway," he stated.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to get in trouble or something."

"I won't. I promise," he laughed, grinning at me.

He had perfect white teeth, and I wasn't sure how I didn't notice that he was incredibly attractive. His dark brown eyes were so friendly and inviting. I wished I was taller, so I didn't have to rely on him looking at me to see his face clearly.

But, looking around, I could tell I wasn't the only girl who thought so. I was getting shot daggers by quite a few girls as we walked past them. Luckily, I didn't really care, but I did make a mental note to focus on friendship. Besides, this guy probably wasn't even interested in me like that.

This guy? I should probably learn his name.

"Hey, you know my name, right?" I asked, watching him, but remembering to look back in front of me every few seconds to make sure I didn't walk into anything.

"Now, Natalie, don't you think it's a little conceited to assume I'd know your name? I mean, we just met!" he joked, chuckling as I rolled my eyes, although I wasn't at all annoyed. He had a cute laugh, and face, and sense of style, and...I was literally rambling in my mind; I didn't know I could do that.

"Haha, very funny. Don't you think I should know your name?" I pressed, crossing my arms as he stopped in front of a door.

"I'm Riley," he answered. "And this is room 404."

I looked at the number over the door, and sure enough, it said, "404." I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed to say goodbye to Riley, but I was sure I'd see him in the halls or in homeroom.

"Thanks. It was nice meeting you!" I said as I waved him goodbye. He nodded his head at me as I opened the door.

Walking into the classroom, I saw a few faces I recognized from Homeroom, but I also saw a face that made my fists ball up. Sitting at the table in the far right corner of the room was the egghead that stole my parking spot.

He made eye contact with me, and then looked forward at the chalkboard, his expression just as emotionless as before. Is he trying to act like he doesn't recognize me?! Because I sure as heck recognize him, with his stupid face.

I started walking to the only other table that was empty...the one in front of him. It was just my luck that nobody wanted to sit infront of that green-eyed jerk, but I couldn't blame them. Taking my seat, my eyes locked onto who was walking past me.

"Riley, what the heck?" I asked as I covered my face with my arms, leaning over and onto the table. He freakin' let me think he had somewhere else to go, when he was headed to the same class as me the whole time.

When I looked up, he had a huge smirk on his face and was walking up to me.

"Hey, it's not my fault you assumed I was going somewhere else," he said, shrugging his shoulders in an innocent manner. I rolled my eyes as he chuckled, but it wasn't until I noticed him sit at the table behind me that I was no longer amused.

"Sup, Drew," he greeted, dapping up the social underacheiver behind me.

"The same old stuff, man," Drew, according to Riley, shrugged.

So the selfish prick's name was Drew. That sucks. I really like that name. Well, now it was "liked" since it was associated with him. But, clearly, so was Riley.

Why?! Why does the first cute and friendly guy I meet have to be friends with him. Riley is so nice, why would he even want to be friends with him?!

I started to write him off, until it hit me. I didn't even know this "Drew" guy. Maybe he wasn't that terrible and I just caught him on an off day. I owed it to him to give him a second chance at a first impression.

Deciding to let what happened this morning go, I turned my attention to the empty seat at the desk up front. So, my first teacher was a time-controlling tightwad, and my second was an inconsiderate time-waster. Perfect!

Again, that was sarcasm.

As if he was reading my mind, Riley called my name.

"Hey, Natalie!"

I turned around, looking at his angelic face.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I hope you weren't planning on learning anything this period, because Mrs. Shaffer is rarely even in here. Most of the time, she's in the teachers lounge and only stops by to give us some worksheets."

The idea of having a full hour and a half with basically no teacher nagging my head off was actually exciting. It would give me time to make a few flyers. They wouldn't be anything amazing, but they'd serve the purpose I needed them to.

"Well, when does she usually come by with the worksheets?" I asked, wanting to get that out of the way as soon as possible.

"Looks like right now," he smirked, raising one of his eyebrows, gesturing to the young woman that just walked in.

She looked average in her teacher get-up, but I could tell that she was pretty. Her brown hair was pulled up into a tight bun, military style, but her face was soft and pleasant.

"Okay, pass these back to everyone," she directed, handing a stack of papers to the people at the front. "I'll be back to collect these before you leave. Work by yourselves or in a group, I don't care, as long as they're completed by then."

And without even making sure we understood, she left, closing her door on the way out.

"Dang. She didn't even acknowledge her new student. Are you okay, Natalie?," Riley teased in a fake pity voice.

"Doesn't matter to me. I'm used to being invisible."

When I looked up, Riley was shooting me a concerned face, that I pretended not to see, and he let it go. But, when I started turning back around, I noticed a pair of green eyes staring at me. I wished that goblin wasn't sitting there, but I was giving him a fresh start. I'd just have to keep reminding myself of that.

When I got my worksheets I was expecting to work alone, but Riley sat in the seat beside me. I looked over at him, raising my eyebrows in suspicion.

"What?! Don't tell me you don't want to work together. I thought we were becoming friends!" he whined in a dramatic way, clearly trying to be funny. But, I purposely didn't address his "friendship" comment because I  still wasn't sure about that.

"I don't know," I said in a teasing manner. "I'm pretty sure you're just going to goof off."

"Well, I am offended. I never goof," he swore, placing a hand up like he was under oath. "Isn't that right, Drew?"

I glanced back at Drew, who's attention was on his paper, not us. A few seconds later, he looked up at Riley and then me, an annoyed expression growing on it when he looked at me.

"Don't you see me trying to work?" he grumbled.

I turned back around, not trying to get irritated by his lack of manners. Turns out it wasn't that easy.

"Well, I promise to be good," Riley asserted, accepting that his "friend" didn't have his back.

Looking at the title of the worksheets, "Why Did Rome Fall?", I decided to let him help. World governments wasn't my best subject. I hoped he'd be helpful, otherwise we could be there for a while.

"Okay, fine," I caved, and a grin appeared on his face just like that.

Hey guys! Don't forget to vote and comment! It's a great motivator! Also, what do you think of Lauren and Riley? Would you want to be friends with them?

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