4| Voiced Bitterness

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Crap. Crap. Crap!

I ran as fast as I could, but Drew was gaining on me, and FAST! I never resented being 5'3" until that very moment. How am I supposed to outrun someone almost a full foot taller than me?! Somehow, I managed to keep my lead until I reached the parking lot.

Yes! I made it to my car! Sweet sweet victory!

I started to open my door, but before I could, Drew put his hand on it, keeping it closed. A little intimidated by the good-looking giant hovering over me, I refused to look at him, but I could feel his glare burning holes in the back of my head.

He cleared his throat, trying to get my attention, but I kept my eyes on the sky above me. Man, I never noticed how pretty it is. You know what, I think sky blue is my new favorite color. Maybe I'll-

"Look at me!" he demanded, hitting the roof of my car while simultaneously taking me out of my sarcastic thoughts.

"Woah, woah! Okay, geez, I'm looking at you. Just don't hurt my baby," I said as calmly as I could when I faced him.

"This ugly hunk of junk?! Who cares if I hit it?!" He asked, bringing his fists down on it, again.

"Dude! I'm serious, cut it out!" I shouted while placing my hands on my hips.

"And who are you calling an 'ugly hunk of junk'?! You look disgusting!" I added while incredulously throwing my hands in the air.

The hands added a dramatic flair to the insult, despite it not being true. Even with gritty burger smeared all over his face, Drew was still a looker. It's a shame all those good features are wasted on you.

"You're gonna clean this off of me," Drew said, using his finger to gesture to his face.

His expression was dead serious, but I burst into a laughing fit. He actually thought he was going to tell me what to do.The only thing I wanted to do to his face was place it on the ground and give it a soccer kick.

"Pfft, please," I scoffed as I tried to open my door again. I needed my bookbag and it was in there.

Drew closed it, AGAIN, before I could get anything out. Then he leaned up against it, completely covering the door.

"Dude! Buzz off!" I shouted . You are so close to getting hit, buddy.

"And what are you going to do about it?!" he challenged, raising and eyebrow as a smirk grew on his darn near perfect face (for a guy in high school.) Man, if only he wasn't so horrible.

Lucky for me, Riley showed up, placing a hand on Drew's shoulder.

"Alright, man. Let's just leave the girl alone," he suggested.

"Do you see my face?" Drew grumbled, his eyes still focused on me.

"Hey, that's your fault! It would have been in my stomach it you hadn't knocked it out my hand!" He didn't even blink at my comment.

"Bro, people are watching. And you know you're really just upset about what happened to Leila. Just let Natalie get to her next class."

Wow. Riley must've been an animal whisperer, because he sure knew how to calm that beast down. A triumphant smile covered my face when Drew listened to Riley, and got off my car, still obviously pissed, but conveniently less than before.

"He should have done that already. I mean, honestly, how entitled do you have to be to think it's okay to assault someone else's car?" Feeling a bit more bold, now that Riley was there, I added in that last quip.

"Natalie, just get your stuff and go to class," Riley said, looking at me like I needed to stop talking. I didn't move, crossing my arms and planting my feet firmly on the ground. Yeah, childish, I know.

Riley eased his serious expression, replacing it with a pleading one.

"Okay, okay. I'm going," I sighed as I raised my hands in surrender.

I managed to open my front door WITHOUT Drew closing it, and grabbed my bag. With a single head nod to Riley, I jogged back inside, already six minutes late for third period. Dangit!

Yeah, so I was like ten minutes late for Calculus, but the teacher let it slide since it was my first day. Hopefully he wouldn't hear about the argument outside that was the real reason I was late.

The rest of my day was pretty uneventful. I got to my last class and managed not to be late. I could tell some people knew about what happened with Drew, but they kept their comments to themselves, which I appreciated.

When the final bell rung, I packed my stuff up and headed to my car. When I saw it, I thought back to what Drew said. "Ugly hunk of junk". It is not! My car is cute. It's like one of those adorable old guys you see playing chess in the park. Adorable, not ugly.

I was almost to it when Lauren ran in front of me.

"Natalie! Natalie, hey! I'm so glad I caught you before you left," she said, pulling me into an awkward hug. She smelt good though, like vanilla and brown sugar.

"Hi, Lauren. What's up?"

"Well, I heard about what happened during lunch, with you and Drew Collins! I didn't know you were such a boss!" she praised, clapping her hands together.

"I'm not a boss," I deflected, putting my bookbag in my backseat.

"Uh, yes you are. Nat, everyone is talking about how you pitched literal ground beef at his face!"

I couldn't help but cringe at her using my nickname when I barely knew her. It was just so awkward to me. I felt like you should be comfortable with someone before they start calling you by your nickname. The only people that called me "Nat" was my dad, and my old friends from New Jersey. But, I let it slide because Lauren was nice and I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"Well, Drew Collins is a jerk that deserved it," I told her, leaning against my car door.

"Oh, he's not that bad," she laughed. "But I can't say I didn't bust a gut from laughing when I heard what you did."

"Wait, are you friends with him?" I asked, dread coating my words. I'd hate for both of the people I somewhat saw as potential friends to already be friends with the ogre of LHHS.

"Sorta. I'm dating his best friend," she andwered, grinning at the mention of her significant other.

"Riley?" I blurted out, a sudden feeling of disappointment washing over me. It would make sense. Lauren is super pretty and outgoing. Plus, she dressed like an H&M model while being shaped like a Victoria Secret model. Seriously, this girl was tall, and confident enough to wear heels without feeling like a skyscraper.

"What? Ew, no. Riley's like my brother. I'm with Jayden, Drew's other best friend," she clarified.

"Oh," I said, nonchalantly.

"I'll introduce you to him tomorrow at lunch, if you want. You can totally sit with me!" she offered, but I wasn't jumping to take it.

"I don't know...I kinda want to stay as far away from Drew as possible."

"Oh, I don't eat at Drew's table. I mean, I do sometimes, but mostly I sit with my girlfriends."

Well, as long as he wasn't there, I didn't see why sitting with her would be a problem. But, I still didn't want to give her a solid answer. I may want to go back to that diner and get another burger to make up for the one I didn't get to finish today. Stupid Drew.

"Maybe," I told her with a small smile. "But, I've got to get home."

"Oh, of course! I'll see you tomorrow!" she beamed, waving at me as I got in my car.

On the way home, I stopped by a convenience store. It was probably a block or two away from my gated neighborhood.

Inside, I walked to the fridge section, and pulled out a Pepsi. On my way to the counter, I passed the chips section. Like a slave to my unhealthy eating habits, I pick up a bag of "Flamin' Hot" cheetos. When I got to the register, I saw a middle-aged Indian man walk over.

"$4.29," he said after ringing up my items.

I handed him a $10 bill, and waited as he counted out my change.

"You new? I've never seen you before," he noted, looking up at me.

"Yeah. Just moved in about a week ago," I said, grabbing my bag of snacks.

"Well, welcome to the neighborhood!" he said with a big smile, his bushy mustache hanging over his upper lip.


I headed towards the door when I noticed a wall covered in posters and neighborhood flyers. How CONVENIENT! I laugh in my mind at the pun I just thought of. Convenient...Convenience store? Get it? Oh, whatever.

"Um, do you mind if I add this to your wall?" I asked as I walk back to the counter, pulling out one of my babysitting flyers.

He looked at the wall I was pointing at, and then back at me.

"Not at all. I'll hang it up for you," he offered, taking the flyer from me.

"Thanks!" I called out as I walked out the door.

When I got home, Paully was already there, playing video games on the couch. I decided to go out on a limb and speak to him. New house equals fresh start. Right?

"So, ugh, how was your first day?" I asked awkwardly as I walked around the couch toward him. He kept his eyes on the tv, focused on whatever he was playing.

I reasoned with myself that he may not have heard me. I knew how guys could be with their video games. I could be that way too when I played, so I dared to ask him again.

"Paully! How was your first day?!" I asked, raising my voice over the sounds of the game.

This time, he glanced over at me, but quickly returned his attention to the game. Unfortunately for him, I'd already gotten into two confrontations today, so I was only a nerve away from another; and him ignoring me took care of the last one standing.

I marched over to the tv, and unplugged the game console.

"What the heck?! What is your problem?!" he yelled, standing to his feet.

"Oh, now you can speak to me?!" I said, standing my ground. Paully wasn't exactly the most intimidating person. He's a 5'7" italian loner; just today I had stood up to scarier people.

"Seriously?! You're throwing some kind of tantrum because I didn't say hi to you?! Grow up, Natalie!" he shouted as he crossed his arms, looking like he just told me off.

My mouth hung open for a few seconds from shock at his last statement. I mean, he just insinuated that I was some spoiled girl who blew up because she didn't get her way. Well, since life decided today was the day I started telling people how I really felt, I didn't see why I should stop there.

"Did Tracy drop you on your head as an infant?! Or were you just born stupid?!"

He started to interrupt me, but I didn't let him.

"No! You've managed to keep your mouth shut for three years when it came to me, so you sure as heck can shut it now!" I screamed, and he stopped talking.

"I am sick and tired of all the bullcrap I have to deal with from you and your mother! You know, I was excited when my dad told me he'd met someone. I thought that maybe I'd finally have a mother, but no; I get Tracy as a step-mom. She probably doesn't even know my middle name!

And you! You treat me just like she does; like I'm some kind of ornament in the room, not worth your time. Well, guess what! I'm a person; a person who's been isolated and ignored by you for the past three years, and I'm sick of it!

This is why I'm going to do everything I can to move back to New Jersey and away from you and your selfish mother, who had no problem ripping me away from my home and friends! So congratulations, I guess. You'll no longer have to see the step-sister you hate so much!"

I knew I caught him off guard with my sudden boldness, but it felt good to release all my built up resentment. However, I didn't stick around to get his response. Instead, I ran upstairs to my room, locking the door on the way in.

Cooling off on my bed, I checked my phone and saw that I got a text from someone I wasn't expecting.

Thanks for reading! I welcome all forms of feedback! And what do you think? Did Natalie overreact with Paully?

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