Ch. 18 - Harvest

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Ronald surprised me by kissing me back, he was gentle and sweet and I wondered if when I took over the group we could be a thing. I mean, Tiffani would be out of the way and there wasn't much else standing in the way. Him and his father would still owe Tiffani's dad, but Ronald could have his life back and not be a puppet for Tiffani's whims. Maybe he'd even like me more if she weren't pushing him around.

I suddenly couldn't help but wonder if Austin wouldn't be a whole lot happier if Tiffani wasn't around. He backed up from the kiss and picked up a small handful of pebbles and started throwing them at the No Trespassing sign. I watched him focus and throw hitting the sign over and over as tiny metallic pings of sound filled the air.

"Hey Ronald. Do you have any idea what's going on with the missing kids from school?"

He raised on eyebrow and his nose flared with the downturn of his lips.

"What are you really asking me Aria?"

It was a fair question. Ronald already answered just by the expression on his face. He knew. And if he knew, others knew. High school was one big fish tank where guppies swam in circles praying to be ignored and quick enough not to get eaten.

"My name isn't Aria. It's Jenna."

Ronald dropped the stones and put his hands on the air. "Are you a cop?  Like is this IRL 21 Jump Street?  I knew you were shady. There's no way one of Tiffani's gang ditches school or makes a move without her say so!  This is epic!"

I shook my head at the irony of it. Ronald really wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. Adorable or not, he was two steps behind.

"I'm not a cop Ronald. I'm sixteen. I got tongue tied the day I met you and Tiffani moved so fast it just came out."

Ronald burst into laughter. "All this time?  You've never corrected anyone?  Even the teachers?"

It annoyed me how funny he saw it. Truth is, it was ironic. The day I became Aria was the day I gave up me. All of me, including my morals.  I wasn't even sure Jenna was in there anymore.

"It's not that funny, it happens.  Listen Ronald, can you do me a favor?  Can you ask Tiffani for a date tomorrow night on the Hilltop?  Tell her you have a gift for her, and no, I don't mean your virginity."

Ronald laughed even harder. "My virginity?  That's been gone since fifth grade. Aria!"

I stomped back to the car and got in. Ronald went through one more handful of stones before joining me. A smirky smile still pasted on his face. I turned to look out the window instead of watching him be smug.

We got back to school just as it let out and Tiffani and the robot girls were already waiting by her car she was standing posture perfect with a sour expression and the crossed arms of a scorned woman. As we pulled into a space Ronald exhaled loudly. "Busted. There will be hell to pay now, damn it."

I got out of the car calmly and coyly as if I ruled the world. Tiffani marched my way, her heels making echoed clicks louder than the swarm of students slowly walking by while gawking hoping a chick fight was about to bust.  Phones started coming out of pockets and covering up peering faces, and I smiled. It was check point time.

Tiffani got so close I could see her retinas dancing. "What the hell are you doing Aria?  In your condition-I'm sure  you'll be missing enough school soon. I don't remember discussing you taking my boyfriend for a romp. Seriously skanky, you shouldn't be sleeping around while preggo. That's how you got into this mess."

Ronald opened his mouth to speak and Tifdani placed her hand across it. "You!" She spewed with all the venom she could muster.

"You were supposed to be helping her get to classes and watching out for her. You let her manipulate you into an orgy?"  Her cheeks were red and her eyes slits that I felt virtual daggers from.

"For your information, two people isn't an orgy, it's sex. And we weren't having it. Ronald was getting a girls opinion on the gift he wants to give you tomorrow night. Not that he will now. I mean, you basically called him a man whore in front of the whole school!"

Tiffani's eyes widened and her foot stilled tapping. Her hand slid off his mouth and she kissed him hard on the lips.

"I knew it!!! I just wanted to put in a good show to show these people you can't believe every rumor you hear. Hear that people?  Gift giving!  Try it sometime. Stop expecting the worst from people, and get a life. Move on goats!"

As the kids started walking away no doubt deleting the scene and probably depressed that Tiffani didn't get to draw blood, Tiffani's eyes wandered to the car windows.

"You wouldn't want to ruin tomorrow night would you?  Not when Ronald went through so much trouble to find you the perfect gift."  I was relishing in the scenario. It was the perfect set up. Not only was Ronald now stuck taking Tiffani out like I wanted, his eyes wandered my way as she kissed him.

We shuffled to her car single file with her in the lead muttering about what she was going to wear. Mindi, who followed behind mumbled something about tonight's plan and Tiffani shushed her. 

They both looked over their shoulders to me, and I kept my fake grin securely in place. Something told me I just received a pardon. Let's hope it lasted long enough to get me through tomorrow night when I would finally be free! 

Kind of ironic right?  Me talking about getting a pardon, maybe it's true lightening doesn't strike in the same place twice. I would make this chapter longer but Doris learned to fishtail braid today and I promised I'd let her give it s try before lights out.
I'd almost forgotten about that kiss with Ronald. The one at the carnival. It was pretty epic. I think if I hadn't made him take that date with Tiffani we could have been something. Maybe I would still be in here, maybe not. But me being a part of that night, well, let's just say you'll understand Ronald's hatred of me when you read the next chapter.
Still not sure why you're reading this, or if you even are. Outgoing mail only from in here but if you are, learn something. Breathe deep when you're around a tree or fireplace, and never, ever, mess with the Queen. Take it from me.

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