Ch. 20 - "Let's Make A Deal"

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Tiffani stood next to Marta which somehow made her look more glamorous and Marta look more like a sausage filled piñata with a mini dress and heels on. Marta took the first board and turned it over, it was a picture of a model walking the runway, left ankle twisted, wild eyes wide open looking like a horse when the reigns are yanked. Her smile though, was frozen in place, unbreakable, she may have broken her ankle, or made a complete idiot out of herself, but she nailed the motto 'smile through the pain'.

"This is my cousin Kendra, she's a two bit model and an anorexic alcoholic, but she makes good money and she knows how to make things work out for her. Here, she's committing three cardinal sins. What are they?"

I scratched my temple, this made no sense at all, there was always a catch and with Tiffani it was always a doozy. The robot girls shot their hands in the air and Mindi began doing her imitation of Gene from Bob's Burger with an "Ooh Ooh Ooh" Tiffani rolled her eyes and slid a glance my way, it made me think she almost wished I knew the answer. Which I didn't.

Her scowl deepened and she snagged the pointer out of Marta's hand and slapped it on the poster board. "Mindi?"

Mindi stood up like a proud puppy with the same bounce and swagger. "She's wearing real leather scarf and boots with a Nikolè Berot.  Everyone knows Nikolè has a firm stand against leather, and would rather light the model and the outfit on fire than see it decorated with cow. Also, she's clearly a fall and is made up as a winter. Big NO!  Third, she has the stance of a zombie which was so last year."

Tiffani's smile made everyone breathe easier. I wouldn't have guessed any of them. And before I could think it "she has that stance because she twisted her ankle!  It has nothing to do with zombies!" flew out of my chapped lips.

Tiffani shot me the cold hard stare. "Have you learned nothing so far?  Pain is life, life is pain. If there's a job to do you suck it up and suffer later, the job gets done and done right."

She handed a pink heart sheet for a free massage from Kiki to Mindi and nodded at Marta who tore down the next photo. It was Trinelle Janos.  Captain of the pep squad, debate state championship and student body sweetheart.

"Aria. Tell me about this pic."

Fear crawled up my throat. As a sophomore I mimicked Trinelle and wanted to be like her, kind and gentle and nice to everyone. She was superhero nice status in my book.  I knew it didn't matter what I said, she was the next target. All I could do was make sure Tiffani went on that date with Ronald and didn't get a chance to plan it. I had to stay on her good side, just one more day and it would all be over.

"Trinelle, she's a popular girl who believes all people are equal and has a large following in real life and social media. She's in line to be prom queen and therefore must be taken care of."

Tiffani squealed and did a silent clap for me. Handed me a red slip, for a free one hour session of my choice with Kiki.

She tuned to the robot girls and lifted her chin. "See there, she knows the important stuff. Aria has a 4.0 gpa. We have to give some nerd room for her fashion idiocy."

The girls placed forced smiles on their lips and nodded but I could feel the piercing glances cutting through the air.

Tiffani nodded at Marta and the last cloth fell away. It was a picture of me, standing in front of Tiffani with my arms crossed but clearly evident was the fact that I was staring at Ronald.

My mouth dried up and my heart raced, before I could answer anything Tiffani pulled down the card and folded it in half.

"We don't have time to discuss the last card. Trinelle's parents are going out for the evening to a charity fundraiser at the club. It starts at seven which means they'll leave about 7:30. You girls will be there, and I'm not telling you how to do your jobs today, just get it done. It's Friday, have some fun!"

Mindi screeched and started yelling. "Wait, there has to be one more question. What about Queen for a day?"

Tiffani snickered and lifted both hands to her head and pretended to adjust an invisible tiara. I knew in that instant the third picture was never supposed to be part of the game, it was a signal to me. And I got it loud and clear.

With that, she strode out of the living room leaving the girls and I standing alone with Marta the drag queen piñata.

If I were a cartoon, steam would have seeped from my ears and my head would have spun around in circles. There's no way I was being part of this today. I was too close to getting out, too close to making it all stop. The girls stared at the poster and I turned their way.

"Sorry girls, you're on your own today. I have an appointment. My moms threatened my life if I miss it again. Dentist. You know how it is, and a family dinner afterwards, obligations and all that. It isn't every day your mom gets a promotion."

The girls blinked, and Mindi scowled. "You're lying, you've never mentioned your family before and now you're suddenly The Brady Bunch? You can't get away that easily. We can wait. We'll do it when your family time is over. Just send me a text and we can swing by and pick you up."

I kept my face neutral, there was no possible way they could detect my racing heart and sweating palms. I was smart, there was a way out I just had to find it.

"Sure. I'll text you when I'm done. We're taking my 80 year old grandmother so it might be a marathon, but no sweat. I'm used to staying up late. And being a year younger I don't have to worry about those wrinkles from lack of sleep. As long as you're fine with it, count me in. Thanks guys! Sacrificing sleep and skin care for a sister. You're the best!"

We cleaned up the living room with Marta's help and I took her arm and escorted her wobbling frame back to the kitchen. Instead of saying thank you she spit on her palm and rubbed it onto my forehead.

"What the hell was that for?" I yelled.

"Protection. You have a black cloud, you're gonna need it. Something is lurking. Be careful."

I eyed her suspiciously as she glided into the kitchen chair and shrugged her shoulders. She didn't need to tell me I was under a black cloud, it was the blackest, my bad luck cloud was Tiffani and it was about to start pouring.

On the plus side, I now work for the library. Kitchen didn't go so well because Darla ended up placing my hand in a boiling pot of water. She said she thought it was a chicken breast, but I'm not so sure. Currently I'm writing one handed and sleeping with one eye open. Send gum. Oh, and chapstick. You wouldn't believe how much you miss chapstick in prison.

Sorry for the time lapse. Besides snail mail, and being one handed, I'm exhausted. Maybe the sleeping pills I put in Darla's coffee tonight will work and I'll be back soon. Here's hoping.

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