I guess this is it

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Note: These characters are not mine they belong to the creators of my hero academia.

This story takes place right after the sludge villain attack. Except instead of All might finding Deku later after the fight he never does.

Izuku Midoryia was born quirk less (with no powers), this made his entire life living hell. He got made fun off and picked on because he didn't have a quirk. He even got beat up but mostly by Kachan. He learned nobody is created equal and that some have more powers than others. He kept going though trying his best to be a hero because he always thought it was the coolest thing you could do. To save people with a fearless smile just like All might no matter how high the stakes are and how scared you are. That is what he used to think right before All might himself in all his glory said he can't be a hero without a quirk. He still had hope though, that he could be a hero and save people. He even fought a villain soon after that even if he did just throw his bookbag and try to grab his friend. While he tried he just got in the way of the pros. Later he went back to his home where his mom was worried sick because his son was inches away from death by a villain.

Inko: Izuku are you ok are you hurt do you have anything broken please tell me you are ok.

He just stays silent though. He keeps thinking over and over how stupid he was. How he was so stupid to think he could be a hero. As he looked up to see his mom in tears he thought to himself.

Izukus head: Is she better off with me gone all I've done is make things worse for her I make her worry so much. I'm a terrible son.

He looks up at her and pulls a fake smile to hide the dark thoughts haunting and banging in his head that make him want to cry to the floor and scream.

Izuku: I'm ok mom really, I'm just tired that's all. I'm sorry for making you worry.

His mother sighs in relief.

Inko: I'm just glad to know your ok and home safe you should go to bed you have had a long day and deserve a good rest.

He goes into his room and falls into his bed tired and sad. He looks around and sees all his All might posters and merch he has. He wants to tear down everything but decides not to because he doesn't even have the energy to do that. He couldn't sleep though, he kept thinking about what All might said. "You can't be a hero without a quirk". That made him remember everything else and everyone that ever said he can't be a hero. His mom, Kachan, the doctor, All might there all right I'm useless. He then remembers his nick name.

Izuku: DEKU...... I'm a useless Deku who is a quirk less loser.

He then remembers what Kachan said after he destroyed and burnt his notebook.

Bakugo: "Maybe you should take a swan dive off the building and hope you'll be useful in the next life."

He couldn't get those words out of his head. He kept hearing his words... those words in his head. Until it started to make a mind of its own, those words soon developed a dark persona and took the voice of his childhood bully Kachan.

"What's the matter Deku afraid of your own head"

Deku cries in his head and mumbles to himself.

Izuku: No please stop I don't want to do that I want to live I want to be better.

The voice in his head with Kacchans voice then yells and scares him.

"YOU CAN'T BE BETTER D-E-K-U. You will always and forever will be a quirk less loser. Your nothing but a DEKU."

He can't sleep he wants this to end he wants that voice to stop. He then goes to the medicine cabinet and takes some pills his mom uses for her headache. He pauses for a moment and the voices stop. He sighs in relief and goes to bed finally.

Somewhere else near All Might but current to the time

Its late and All might think in his room about that green hair boy.

All Mights head: That kids body moved before it could even think. He was braver than almost every other pro hero there. Hell, even I hesitated.

All might was looking for a successor to take his power so that he can pass on his quirk although he never found anyone who is brave, and gold hearted enough until now. He then sets his mind on finding that boy again. He then whispers to himself

All might: I think I've finally found someone worthy.

Somewhere else near Ochako but current time

As Ochako was laying in her bed she scrolls thorough the news on her phone. She then reads how a quirk less boy foolishly ran into a battle to save a kid. She was amazed and surprised even if the media was making it sound like the kid was being stupid going in like that. She clicked on the video and saw his eyes and how determined he was to save that other kid. She found it inspirational to see and heartwarming. She then got a look at her face and thought.

Ochakos head: Wow he is kind of cute".

She pauses and realizes what she just said. She then feels hot as her face blushes with a very light pink shade. She then decides to go to bed or at least try's to. She can't get that news story out of her head. She eventually does pass out and sleeps.

The next morning Deku wakes up to get ready for school.

His alarm goes off with an All might voice saying

"Wake up its time to GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRA".

He then gets up and puts on his school clothes. He then looks in his mirror and sighs in disappointment. He then tells himself.

Izuku: What's the point. If I go to school today I'm just going to upset Kachan and get hurt by him, plus I don't have any friends who would be happy to see me. Everyone is also probably going to be making fun of me for what happened yesterday.

He still gets ready though and finishes getting ready. Suddenly though that voice in his head comes back.

"You damn nerd why do you even bother going to school it's not like you're going to go anywhere career wise and you have no friends. I mean why would they be friends with a useless nerd like you."

He then takes the same meds and the voice stops. He takes more than the safety dosage just in case the voice came back. He then grabs his things tells his mom he loves her and goes to school. As he walks to school he sees Kachan and puts his head down hoping to avoid him. This fails though and Kachan notices. Kachan then grabs Deku and throws him into the wall in an alley.

Bakugo: You are a worthless nerd. You are NOTHING TO ME. You think you can be a hero-

Izuku interrupts

Izuku: No.... I don't your right Kachan I can't be a hero so ill finally listen to everything you ever told me to do.

This confuses Kacchan as it's not like Izuku to give up and to seem so sad. Izuku then lets a tear out and it rolls down his cheek. Seeing this Kachan takes it easy on him and lets him go. Kachan then threatens him.

Bakugo: If you tell anybody about yesterday I'll kill you.

Izuku then gets an idea and mumbles to himself.

Izuku: You don't have to worry about that.

He then goes through out his day as he usually would. Well except for everyone making fun of him and calling him an idiot for running into that fight with the villain yesterday. Suddenly the voice is back during his last period.

"You can't keep me away forever DEKU Ill keep coming back until you do it I will never go away. I will always be here in the back of your head until you finally have the guts to do it."

He then leaves class without asking and runs outside of the school. He then cries to himself trying not to show any tears.

Izukus head: I can't live like this I have to make it stop. I hate this feeling, I hate feeling like I'm nothing, I hate hurting every second of the day. I don't want to hurt anymore.

He then stops, and his eyes widen he looks up. He then looks at a building. He counted at least 10 stories. He then said to himself.

Izuku: That should be good enough.

The voice then comes back again and saids.

"FINALLY, your grown a pair and decided to do it."

He then thought to himself in a dead tone

Izukus head: if I'm going to do this I don't want you to be here when it happens.

" hehe finally you can do the whole world a favor. Its about time you got your head on straight. Better late than never DEKU."

He then swallows all the pills left in the bottle and the voice fades away.

Later, on the roof of the building

He looks down and thinks of reason he shouldn't do it reasons why he should not jump why he should step off the ledge. He can't though he can't think of enough reasons why he should live. All he can think about is how much he will miss his mom. Even that is not enough though because the thought she is happier without him is a lot stronger than the one about her being when he's gone. He then takes a step forward and feels the wind on his face. He doesn't feel anything though not sadness not fear not even happiness. He then saids to himself

Izuku: I guess this is it.

Before Deku could even hit the floor though he feels a slap across his face. He then opens his eyes in confusion and sees the floor but isn't touching it. He realizes he is floating he then hears a sweet and kind voice.

???: are you ok?

He looks at her and sees a girl with brown hair and pink jacket with a round face. He thinks to himself.

Izuku: How?

She then explains.

???: My quirk allows me to make objects and people weightless.

She then recognizes him in the news she read.

???: Hey, you're that kid in the news, Izuku Midoryia right?

He nods

???: Man, You were a hero when you saved that blond kid from that villain. It was really brave of you.

His heart stops and he fall on his knees. He feels weak and throws up. He is confused, was it the fall or sudden stop that made him sick, but one thought came to mind.... The pills. He must have taken to much. He then couldn't speak but could still move and show facial expression. Sadly, though the only facial expression he had was fear because hearing what that girl said made him feel something he wish he never let go of.... Hope. All might then suddenly comes in and is shocked seeing him down and weak with his only support from falling was that girl. All might then asks

All Might: who are you?

She said's

Ochako: I'm Ochako I don't know him but... I think he tried jumping and I stopped him with my quirk. Isn't he they guy who saved that kid from the villain.

He replies

All Might: Yes, he is, and I was looking for him to thank him.

Deku then expresses a face of confusion and All might explains.

All Might: Young Midoriya if you did not tell me your life story and how you were quirk less I would not have jumped in because you inspired me to. You made me realize I wasn't even living up to my own ideals. Pros are always risking their lives that's the true test of a hero. Young man you were a hero that day because even when the odds were against you still ran in without hesitation where most pros and even I hesitated.

Deku could not believe his ears he was just told he was a hero by the greatest number 1 hero himself. He cried but not only because he finally got what he wanted his entire life but because it was going to end soon. He grabs a pill bottle and shows All might. Both Ochako and All might gasp. Immediately All might grabbed Deku and raced to the hospital while Ochako began to cry. As this was happening Kachan was walking and saw All might zoom by him with Deku in his arms.

Bakugo: What the? Deku what's that useless nerd doing with All Might.

Ochako then looks at him and saids.

Ochako: What did you call him.

He looks at her with a huh expression.

Bakugo: Deku? Because he's a quirkless loser and a useless ner-.

Ochako then uses her quirk and grabs him and throws him into the wall. She then said.

Ochako: Your him ......... you're the guy he saved right.

He then yells


She is still crying and said words that will stick to his soul for life as his greatest sin.


He then is frozen and remembers what he said to him. He remembers what he told him to do.

Flashback Bakugo: Maybe you should take a swan dive off the building and hope you'll be useful in the next life.

He then whispers to himself in guilt and rage.

Bakugo: .... what have I done?

All might rushing to the hospital

All Might was rushing past everyone in the sidewalk. Making wind blow people away and even the wind nudge the cars a little making them shake.

All Might: Hang in there young Midoriya we are almost there.

He then does something unexpected he tells All might to stop. All might is confused but does so. Izuku then tells All might.

Izuku: I know I'm going to die.... that's why I took the pills early. I'm going to die in any minute soon so please just sit next to me. I just want to not do anything. You know go out peacefully. Plus, I ........................... I don't want to die alone.

All might hated what is happening with every part of his being. He hated what Midoryia has done to himself. What he himself lead Izuku to do.

All Might's head: This is all my fault. I was the one that pulled the last straw that sent him over the edge...... That made him lose hope. Its my fault he lost hope. I was supposed to tell him what he needed to hear. To tell him that he could be a hero and that he already was one. "The true definition of a hero is someone who is concerned about others well being and will go out of his or hers way to help them-even if there is no chance of a reward. That person who helps other because simply because it should or must be done, and because it's the right thing to do is indeed without a doubt a real hero." Izuku is that definition of a hero. I was supposed to give him hope as the symbol of peace and hope. Not crush it.

(Stan Lee himself said that)

Izuku: So just let me rest. Besides its nice I can have my final moments with All Might himself *chuckle*.

All Might now was furious and determined and it showed in his tone.


He runs faster than he ever has before to get to a hospital. All might will not give up he will not let this kid die. Because he feels responsible for all of this. If he just told him he could be a hero none of this would have happened. He also wanted him to be the next user of one for all because only Izuku is worthy. They finally reach the hospital. All Might gets Izuku in a hospital bed and doctors start to push Izuku away to the O.R. All Might is walking through the halls with him.

All Might: Hang in their young man.

Izuku: W-why are you here?

All Might: Because

Izuku than starts to slowly fade away as his life hangs by a thread. His eyes barely open. What he can see though is nurses telling All Might to stay back and let them do their jobs. His vision slowly fades and sees All Might fading away as well as he is pushed farther away into the halls by the doctors. Something else catches his eyes just as he is about to pass out......... All Might......... Isn't smiling. Izuku than passes out as is left with his own mind.

In his mind

Everything is black and empty, and he can't feel anything. Except pain and anguish. Its like every time he was hurt both physically and emotionally was now combined and happening to him all at once. He than started to hear a familiar but not missed voice that resembled his childhood "friend"/ Bully.

(Side not: this part was pretty hard to write tbh)

"Thought you could get rid of me that easily"

Izuku: Why?

"Why what DEKU"

Izuku: Why are you doing this to me. I didn't do anything wrong.


Izuku: I...... I tried to fix that like you said though.

"Yeah you did. Though you can't even do that right huh? Tch. Your so useless that you can't even kill yourself right"

Izuku: I...... I want to-

"Want to what DEKU....... Die...... Not Suffer....... Not go on."

Izuku: N-n-no. I-

"YES, YOU DO...... Your tired Izuku. Tired of going on. Tired of being a failure. Tired of being a useless nerd who can't do anything right."

Izuku: N-no t-that's n-not what I am.

"YES, YOU ARE. YOU'RE A USELESS LOSER WHO IS NOTHING BUT A BURDEN AND WASTE OF SPACE AND FOOD. Think about it even your mom thinks you're a burden."

Izuku: NO, my mom loves me s-she has been there for m-me. Always. She wouldn't think that about me......... r-right?

"Except she would DEKU. Ever since you were diagnosed quirk less you became nothing but dead weight to her. Look at her DEKU she even turned into a fat bitch because of you. If she never even had you she would still be with her husband and financially better. She wouldn't have stressed out over you. She wouldn't have let her self-go from stress eating. BAISICALLY if she NEVER had a QUIRKLESS DEKU AS A SON SHE WOULD BE HAVING A BETTER LIFE."

Izuku: N-no t-that's not true. Mom loves me................... I think.

"If she loved you wouldn't she support your hopeless dream of being a hero".

Izuku couldn't help but feel like that voice was right. That everything it was saying was true. That he really is useless. That he really is a burden to his mother. That she................ That she really doesn't think he could be a hero. He than started to remember something though. He remembered that girl that stopped him from falling and what she said.

Flash back Ochako: Man, you were a hero when you saved that blond kid from that villain. It was really brave of you.

Izuku just kept remembering her say that though. It gave him something he needed so badly right now......... Hope.

Izuku: Y-your wrong.

"Excuse me?"

Izuku: Your wrong. I-I can be a hero.

"*chuckle* Why because a random girl said you could? Just because some stranger said you were brave DOESN'T MEAN that you can be a hero. Because you will always be A DEKU."

Izuku felt hurt from what that voice said. It hurt less though than it did the other times. Than something else came into his head and it was something All might said.

Flashback All Might: Young Midoriya if you did not tell me your life story and how you were quirk less I would not have jumped in because you inspired me to. You made me realize I wasn't even living up to my own ideals. Pros are always risking their lives that's the true test of a hero. Young man you were a hero that day because even when the odds were against you still ran in without hesitation where most pros and even I hesitated.

Once again, he began to feel again. Not just hope but will. He felt the will to stand up for himself.

Izuku: Your wrong. Somebody I looked up to said that I could be a hero. That I was a hero.

Suddenly the black void that once surrounded him had cracks grow around his world. The cracks had bits and bits of white light coming out of them. Not enough to see anything else though.

"REALLY? ALL MIGHT HAHAHA don't make me laugh. Don't you remember what he said the first time."

Izuku didn't choose to remember that though. Instead he remembered the last thing he heard from All might.

Flash back All Might: I made a mistake. Because I need to correct something that I did wrong. So please Midoryia. Hang in there.

Izuku: NO, I can be a hero.


The cracks in the dark world surrounding him than suddenly began to grow bigger. Soon Izuku could even see himself. He looked different though. He didn't know why but for some reason he recognized what he had on. It was his hero suit or at least how he always wanted it to look like.

He also looked around finally he could see the voice in his head. He could see the darkest part of him and what it looked like. It was Kacchan. Though he was surrounded by a dark Aura with a psychotic and chaotic smile.

"You are just a shitty DEKU. You are just a useless DEKU. You can't do anything right DEKU. You are a quirk less loser DEKU."

Izuku than clinched his fist and got into a fighting stance.

Izuku: Your right I am a Deku.

Izuku than started to run at Bakugo with a fist ready.


Izuku jumped at Bakugo ready to throw a right hook at his face. Only for Bakugo to make an explosion and blast Izuku away making Izuku tumble and bounce on the ground and away from Bakugo.

"Just because you grew a spine all of a sudden doesn't change who you are. You're still a useless nerd who couldn't even kill himself".

Izuku than got up and back into a fighting stance except half of his mask was destroyed. But in his eyes was a determined face that made the evil incarnation of Bakugo in his head shocked and angry.

Izuku: I will be a hero. No matter what you say you can't change that.

Bakugo than started to charge at Izuku furious at his development of a backbone and will.


Bakugo than threw a right hook at Izuku. Except something happened and caught Bakugos attention and shook him to the core.

Izuku: I don't want to kill myself.

Izuku than started to pull on Bakugos arm and then slowly pulled him into the air with his body.


Izuku than slammed Bakugo into the ground and when he did the dark world with cracks of white light that once surrounded them shattered and instantly a bright light enveloped everything around him.






Izuku started to open his eyes. He saw the ceiling that was made of white tiles. He started to look around and saw to his right a monitor. It was beeping the same as his heart rate and showed his vitals. Izuku than started to look around more. He noticed that he was in a hospital bed and that he was also at the hospital. Izuku than tried to move his legs but felt something on top of them. He looked down and saw his mom sleeping and resting her head on his legs and hospital bed. Her eyes looked dried up and also saw bags under them. He started to adjust himself and then suddenly his mom started to slowly open her eyes. She than saw her son awake and immediately she started to wake up.

Inko: I-Izuku?

Izuku: M-mom I-

Before he could say anything though Inko grabbed Izuku and brought him in for a hug. She than started to ball her eyes out and hold on to her son so tightly that nothing could make her let go.

Inko: OH, THANK GOD YOUR OK...... I-I-I thought I lost you. I thought you were ok. I-I'm sorry Izu. I-I should have known I-I should have been there for you m-more. I--

Before she could say anything else though she felt Izuku return the hug.

Izuku: M-mom. I-I'm sorry. I didn't want you to worry for me anymore. I t-thought that your life would have been better off w-without me.

Inko than let go of her son and looked him in the eyes while cupping his cheek.

Inko: Izuku you're my baby...... My son. Don't you EVER think for a second that I regret having you. You are one of the purest and most innocent souls I could ever ask for.

Inko than embraced her son in a hug again.

Inko: Ill always love you because you will always be my baby boy.

Izuku couldn't hold it in anymore. He grabbed his mother and hugged her desperately and finally let it all out crying into her shoulder. Every time he spoke his voice was breaking and cracking.

Izuku: I-I'm sorry m-mom. I r-regret it I swear. I d-don't want to die. I w-want to keep g-going I want to keep being your s-son.

Inko couldn't help but cry to. Not tears of sadness though. Tears of joy. Because her son was ok. Her prayers were answered, and she had her son back.

Inko: Shhh its ok...... I love you Izuku. I promise its all going to be ok now.

1 hour later

Inko was sitting next to Izuku bed talking and waiting for the doctors to come back. Than they heard a knock on the door.

Inko: Come in.

The door opened and instead of a doctor coming in a girl with a round face and brown hair walked in. It was the same girl who saved Izuku from falling. It was Ochako.

Ochako: U-um h-hi I don't mean to be rude or anything.

Inko: No its fine but who are you.

Ochako: Uh well I just um

Izuku: She saved me.

Inko was turned to Izuku and saw him smile. The sight just made her heart burst with happiness. She than got up from her chair and just hugged Ochako and lifted her into the air crushing her back.


Ochako: *struggling to breath* I-Its no big d-deal mam. *back cracking* I was just trying to h-help hehe.

Inko than put Ochako down finally and gave her a chance to breath and give her back a break.

Inko: Thank you so much. You saved my son and for that I could never repay you. Thank you...... Ill leave you two alone. Ill just go get some food while you talk.

Inko than left the room leaving Izuku and Ochako alone. Ochako than looked back at Izuku and could tell he felt a bit ashamed and even embarrassed. How could he not. Right now, if anyone else saw him they would think he was sad and pathetic. But.......

Ochako: Hey its ok.

Izuku: N-not really. I waisted everyone's time including yours. By the way I'm sorry about the fact you had to deal with me.

Ochako: I didn't have to deal with you. You just needed help.

Izuku: So, do you think less of me now.

Ochako than was completely shocked at what Izuku said. How could somebody who risked their life to save a jerk who keep in mind told Izuku to kill himself possibly think that people would think less of him.

Ochako: WHAT NO. Izuku you were so brave and selfless when you tried to save Bakugo. You didn't hesitate to do the right thing. Even when everyone else did. Than even when that person you were trying to save was someone who hurt you.

Izuku than immediately freaked out. Mostly because she knew who Bakugo was. If she knew Bakugo than that meant he must have said something to her which could only be bad things.

Izuku: W-Wait you met Kacchan.

Ochako: Yes, and I know what he said and did to you.

Izuku really didn't know what to say. He felt like he should be freaking out because usually when Bakugo saids things like that everyone hops on the band wagon that is making fun of him. Though for some reason he felt like Ochako was some how different.

Ochako: I know you went through a lot. I know that I probably wont ever be able to understand what you went through. But what I do understand is that you aren't less of a person because you're at your lowest. If anything, that makes you even better of a person because you're still standing. Even more so when you're at your lowest and still try to help others.

Izuku was totally aw struck. He never even met this girl before. Not once before the jump did he even know her, yet she was the nicest person he has ever met besides his own mother. He couldn't even really come up with words at that point. He just couldn't believe someone thought that highly of him and once again by a person he doesn't even know.

Izuku: T-thank you.

Ochako: Don't mention it.

Izuku: No really thank you...... I don't even know you yet...... yet you've made me feel more good about myself than anyone in my entire life besides my own mom.

Ochako just blushed really hard and she didn't even know why.

Ochako: Oh, uh its nothing really, I-I'm just telling it how it is hehe.

She actually finger banged him and she didn't know why, and she immediately started scolding herself in her head. After the awkwardness died down they both started having a normal conversation. They talked about things they were interested in their home life stuff like that. They both even figured out that they wanted to go to U.A. and become heroes. When they were talking though a skinny blond man walked into the room wearing a white shirt and green cargo pants. Immediately Izuku recognized him as All Might due to their first encounter and kept his cool keeping his inner fan boy down.

Izuku: OH, uh um uh hey .... Guy hehe.

Toshinori: Hey Izuku just wanted to make sure you were ok.

Ochako just read the room and decided to take her leave.

Ochako: If you want I can go guys.

Toshinori: Thank you miss. That is very much appreciated.

Ochako than got up and started leaveing.

Ochako: Bye Izuku

Izuku: Bye Ochako

Once Ochako left All Might shut the room to the hospital to make sure no one could hear. All Might than made his way and sat down next to Midoryia.

Izuku: H-hey All might. What are you doing h-here?

Toshinori: *chuckle* Please call me Toshinori I don't want people to know who I am in this form....... I am here though to talk to you.

Izuku: Oh ...... R-really?

Toshinori: Yes, you see I need to discuss your question when we first met.

Izuku: O-ok but first I j-just want to apologize.

Toshinori was surprised to hear that Izuku wanted to apologize.

Toshinori: For what?

Izuku: For everything.... First, I'm sorry that I waisted your time before. In fact, I'm sorry that I made you accidentally drop the bottle that let lose the slime villain. If it wasn't for me that slime villain wouldn't have been set free. Second, I'm sorry that...... that I did what I did.

Toshinori was just taken a back at what this kid was saying.

Izuku: I know that I shouldn't have reacted like I did. I was just a giant inconvenience to you because I couldn't take the hard fact that I'm not a hero. That I'm just a quirk less kid with silly dreams. I know you probably hate me for being so much trouble to you and I hope that I can-

He was cut off though by All Might putting a hand on his lap.

Toshinori: I'm afraid I need to stop you right there.... For you have nothing to be sorry for.

Izuku was confused now. He kept on thinking how could he not be sorry. What he was not prepared for though was what All Might had to say. Because it would shake his entire world upside down and change him forever.

Toshinori: Midoryia that day with the slime villain I made mistakes. I came here to correct them. So, allow me to first thank you

This completely surprised Izuku because he didn't know what exactly he was to be thanked for.

Toshinori: If you hadn't had told me your life story. If you hadn't have run in to that fight I would have been a worthless bystander watching from the crowd.

Izuku: B-But that was my fault. I waisted your time.

Toshinori: I'm not done. You told me you didn't have a power. So, when I saw this timid quirk less boy try to save a life. It inspired me to act to.

Izuku just couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Toshinori: There are stories about every hero of how they became great...... Most had one thing in common... There bodies moved before they could think almost on their own...... And on that day with the slime villain incident that is what happened to you. So, I come here to take back what I said about you before and about what it takes to be a hero. I came to apologize. Because when you needed me most. When you were at your lowest. I wasn't there to help you. Instead of being a symbol of hope for you. I crushed your hope and dreams. So please forgive me.

Izuku was on the brink of crying again. He was just overwhelmed by what he felt. About what All Might himself was saying about Izuku.

Izuku: All Might I-I don't know what to say...... Other than that, I forgive you 100% because I know you're the greatest hero of all. Because you don't give up and always do the right thing and have a smile on your face no matter what.

Toshinori: Than allow me to say one last thing. If you would allow me to do the honors to train you. Because I deem you worthy of my power. Because you have what it takes. So, allow me to guide you into the great hero that I know you can be.

Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing now. Because they were the words he always wanted the hear. The words he needed to hear. The words that changed his life forever.

Toshinori: Because young man...... You to can become a hero.

Ok so I know this isn't anything like what I usually post. Sorry that it isn't. I felt like I needed to make this though because of personal reasons and the fact that I went through something similar to this. Plus, I hope that this story helps someone. Because even if this story helped just one person I would be happy. The next part is honestly for those who struggle with just depression and suicidal thoughts so if you don't want to read it just skip everything else from this point.

*sigh* I don't want to say that I know what your going through and it gets better. Because I don't know what you're going through, and I don't know if it will get better. In all reality I'm just a guy on the internet trying to make one small difference with this story. Even if it only helps one person.

So, with that said let me just say this and what I went through, and I hope it helps you or whoever out there maybe wants to hear this. I at one point in my life I hated myself. I hated who I was I hated being me and I felt like everyone hated me to. Mostly because everyone kind of did. I even felt like a disappointment to my loved ones and like I only was a burden for them. So, at one point I decided to find a very tall tree that was next to a very deep ditch. You can probably already guess what I tried to do. How ever it did not work out at all. Instead a branch broke and I instead fell down (painfully I might add) and had nothing but regret. Because once I actually fell down I had memory's pop up in my head. Good ones to and not only that I had things I still wanted to do pop up suddenly in my head. I felt regret and fear that I wasn't going to be able to do things later in my life. Luckily when I fell I didn't die although I did end up with a limb on my foot for 3 days and some bruises that I was luckily able to hide. I was lucky though because at one point I was ready to end it all without a trace of something telling me not to. Then the next I had every reason in my head to keep going on with life.

I know that there is maybe someone out there who felt like I did. If that someone is, you than I just want to say............Think. Because when were at our lowest we don't really think. We only focus on the bad stuff. We only feel what's terrible because of struggles in our lives wither its school, bully's, friends, jobs what ever it is. Just think though. Because when I was at my lowest I didn't. I only thought about everything wrong with me, about everything wrong with my life. Now I know you might be thinking there is nothing good about my life or about me. Well than to simply put it that's not true. Now I may not know you, but I know for sure that there is one good thing to live for. Even if its just to wait till you can go and buy another lottery ticket. Now if you can't think of anything. If you can't think of a reason to keep going I ask you do either of the 3 things.

1: Do something that makes you happy.

2: Text me because if there is a chance I can help I will gladly do it

3: If you really are at your lowest and you are ready to just end it. Call this number 

1-800-273-8255  it's the suicide prevention line. 

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