"I've had it worse than you."

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We all have problems, right? Some are bigger than others, and people deal with those problems differently as well. That's a fact; each and every one of us is going to have issues in some form or another. And we like to talk about our problems, and for people to listen, either to get comfort or to get attention; I really have to problem listening, I can roll my eyes later if I feel so inclined.

But what really pisses me off is when someone rudely interrupts with an "I've had it worse."

Bitch, does it look like I care? I want to talk about my problems, in the here and now!!

Sounds selfish, but that's what we want, right? To not make people twist our problems into something they consider insignificant; it just makes me feel insignificant, ya know?

This is the incident that happened:

My sophomore year of high school, there was this freshman guy (warning bell right there!!). He was super nice, a little weird, and funny. He lived in a trailer and his dad worked as a garbage man, but I was willing to see past that if he actually tried in school, which it turns out he didn't. Okay, fine, we can be friends.

He then asks me out. At the time, I was 15, and I could only date when I was 16+ years, a rule set by my parents. I tell him, he doesn't make a big deal about it, tells me he can wait.

Well then, I run into his girlfriend. That's right! He asked me out while he was still dating this chick! He then claims later that he was "going to get rid of her." Alright, I was naive back then, I thought things weren't working out anyways and so he was just trying to move on.

Skip to next week, I tell him my birthday date, which is still a few months away, and so what does he do?

Start dating another girl!

I tell myself I am not getting into that kind of situation/drama, so I tell him that we should "just be friends," which, boys, usually translates into "get the fuck out of my life." Depend on if she starts ignoring you or not.

Well, I ignore him. I don't want to be a part of his friend circle anymore. But he keeps texting, probably hoping for a second chance. I don't ever answer. Like a classic man, he doesn't take the hint. He keeps pestering me, texting and such, kind of follows me in the hallways before u-turning to go to his next class. This goes on through my senior year.

Well, I'm telling this girl about it (who later began dating him, which is totally fucking weird!) And how annoyed I am by his not really stalking, but just making too many attempts to be around me to be inconspicuous, and she goes

"Well, I've had it worse." And then practically screams. "I've had it worse!"

Okay, thanks for making my little drama seem insignificant, moving on-

"I was pretty much sexually assaulted, almost raped, at my old school in whatever state that was."

I go holy shit, this is real. I kind of feel bad now-

She then goes to describe this boy who did harass her, to an extent, but it was more like verbal harassment than anything else, not very sexual. He tried dating her, some of her friends, they all said no, he doesn't like rejection, begins pestering him.

So now I'm waiting for the rape part, right?

Turns out, he and her rode the same bus, and he squished her against the window one day with his backpack, and began talking to her friend, which she later claimed did nothing about it and they "brushed off all her problems." This was a one time thing.

Look, I hate when people sit next to me on the bus, especially when they're dicks about it, but how the fuck was that rape?! He didn't even talk to you, bitch!

She went on and on about this "problem," none of which included sexual assault or rape of any kind, except for harassment (he never truly assaulted her) and how terrible her friends were because they didn't believe her and how she has it worse than me and blah blah blah.

Listen, honey, I had all these fucks to give, but when you falsely accused some guy, who didn't even talk to you, of sexual assault/rape, all my fucks flew out the window of the classroom.

I get it, maybe he was a jerk, asshole, the whole nine yards, but that doesn't mean you get to blow his actions completely out of proportion! Just to make my problem, which was just petty drama I wanted to talk about, seem insignificant!

So, that just completely pissed me off. Don't be that person and make your problems seem worse than everyone else's like that. It just makes you look like a bitch.

Also, don't use the word "rape" like it's a casual, everyday word. It's a horrible, horrible crime, and to accuse someone of it is incredibly dangerous. If it really happened, talk to somebody. If it didn't, then don't make it seem like it did.

This angry bitch, out!

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