Chapter Five

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(A/N: I am extremely sorry about the last chapter! It accidentally got uploaded when I wasn't finished. I am so sorry lmao, I'm gonna try and make this chapter long, I swear.)

After helping with the groceries, Winny was properly introduced to Aunt May.

"You didn't have to help with groceries! Peter's the man of the house, he should do it! We're supposed to sit here and look pretty!" Aunt May said. "Looks like you're already doing the 'pretty' part!"

Winny blushed. "Oh my, um, thank you. I could look better today, though. I probably still have drool on my face." Winny said, looking at Peter, laughing and wiping her mouth for effect. He chuckled, and motioned to the washing machine.

"I'm gonna need to wash my jacket by the way." Peter said. Winny playfully hit him.

"Shut up, I said I was sorry!" She laughed. Aunt May looked between the two of you and she smiled a bit. Peter looked to Aunt May who started making herself busy by grabbing things out of grocery bags. Winny stepped forward.

"Would you like some help, Miss Parker?"

"Oh no, no! I'll be fine! And you can just call me Aunt May." Aunt May smiled and waved Winny off, who backed off. "Why doesn't Peter show you some of the stuff her comes up with?"

"Stuff?" Winny asked, Peter rolled his eyes, he was smiling though. Peter took Winny by the wrist.

"Alright alright, if you need anything holler, Aunt May." Peter said, and pulled Winny along outside, to a shed. Peter let Winny go so that he could open the shed. When the door opened Winny was amazed. The shed had papers tacked every inch of the wall, a workbench cluttered with tools and sketches. There were spare parts everywhere and the place itself was a mess, but an organized mess.

"Wow." Was all that she could say.

"Well, it's not much, but, it's all I need." Peter said, going up to the workbench and looking at the papers. His eyes went wide for a second and he started shoving papers under others, as if hiding them. This perked Winny's interest, but she pushed it aside.

"This is really cool. So, you like to invent stuff?" Winny was looking at a design next to her that was tacked on the wall next to her.

"Well, I try." Peter said. "It's not fashion design." He motioned to Winny at the mention of fashion design. Winny didn't really consider herself a fashion designer but, on special occasions she'll say she is.

"Well, what I make isn't science and math, balled up to make things that can help the world." Winny stepped forward, getting closer to Peter.

"Everyone needs clothes though." Peter smiled. Winny giggled.

"Everyone needs inventions." She said. They were within kissing range again. Winny could feel her heartbeat accelerate. Peter started to lean in, but he stopped and changed course, going to a piece of paper behind you and examining it.

"This is homework. . . From like junior year, what's it doing in here?" Winny laughed, Peter joining. Though she laughed, Winny felt a little disappointed that they didn't kiss. But she shouldn't. We just met, she thought, give it more time.

"So, what's Aunt May making for dinner?"

"Spaghetti, pretty sure. That's always her go to." Peter smiled.

"That's Beatrice's too."

"Beatrice is~?"

"My step-mom." Winny explained. "Speaking of parents, what happened to yours?"

Peter paled, and he looked down, running a hand through his hair. Winny realized her mistake.

"Sorry, you don't have to answer that. God, I'm so inconsiderate-"

"No, no, it's fine. They went missing after going on a business trip. A pair of burnt bodies were found at the site of a plane crash, and it was said to be theirs. . ."

"Oh god, Peter, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked. I feel such a douche for asking now."

"No, you're fine, you were going to find out sooner or later anyway." Peter offered a small smile, but Winny still felt bad. Peter realized how Winny felt bad, and tried to make it better.

"How about I ask about your parent's divorce, so we'll both feel bad?"

Winny bit her lip, trying not to smile. She couldn't help it though, and a smile crossed her lips. She ran a hand through her brunette hair, that messed up her bun even more.

"Okay, well, if we both want to feel bad, I'll tell you." Winny said, looking over at Peter. "My parents divorced because my mother was an alcoholic, and at one point she was heavily drunk after a night with her friends, and she threw a fit because my dad hid the booze that was in the house. . ."

Winny took a breath. Peter was very interested, but suddenly felt like this wasn't the way to go to make the mood better. He should've cracked a joke instead of asking about the divorce. Now they were both recapping past events that caused pain for both of them.

"Kids! Dinner's ready!"

Aunt May was calling them in. Peter felt relieved, as did Winny because she didn't have to finish the story. She was the first out of the shed, Peter following close behind.

The dinner itself was delicious, but Winny would never admit that it was better than Beatrice's, because somehow she'd find out and Winny would never see the light of day again.

"So, did you finish the project you came over to do?" Aunt May asked as she collected the plates.

"Oh, no, but we're close," Peter said.

"We actually got a lot done." Winny said edging off her seat. "Aunt May, lemme help with the dishes-"

"No! No! Let me! You're a guest after all!" Aunt May went to the kitchen and somehow made herself surround the sink so Winny couldn't even get near enough to help.

"Aunt May it wouldn't be a bother-"

"No! I won't let you help me!" Aunt May said, not even looking over her shoulder to speak to her. Winny looked at Peter who raised his eyebrows, frowned, and shrugged. Winny smiled, unable to comprehend Aunt May. Usually Beatrice didn't even pick the dishes and just left, knowing that either Brian or Winny would take care of the chores. It was different to not have to fight about who absolutely had to do the dishes.

"Alright, Aunt May." Winny stood, stretching. "I should probably head home anyway." Winny started picking up her things.

"Peter will escort you home, won't you Peter?" Aunt May said from the kitchen.

"Oh! Yeah!" Peter said as he moved from the kitchen to where Winny was packing away her things. She took her hair down from its bun, letting the hair-tie snap back onto her wrist. She ruffled her hair a bit then hefted her bag onto her shoulder. Winny went into the kitchen, Peter following.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay to have dinner!"

"You're welcome dear!" Winny smiled and went by the door.

"Peter, don't let her get hurt or anything, ya hear?"

"Will do Aunt May." Peter went to the door, both him and Winny saying their final goodbyes to Aunt May and leaving.

"She's very nice," Winny said once they were at the bus stop, awaiting for the next bus.

"She sure is."

It was silent between the both of them, just enjoying each other's company. After a while Peter looked at Winny, but his lip then sighed.


"Yeah?" She looked over, connecting her green-eyed gaze to his brown one.

"Uh, you maybe wanna, um. . . Go get sushi or something, some time?"

Winny stared at Peter for the longest time. Peter suddenly started getting anxious. He shouldn't have asked the question, God he felt stupid.

"Sushi?" She finally said.

"Y-yeah?" He answered, though it sounded more like a question.



Winny grinned from ear to ear, laughing. "That is so random! Oh my god!" She continued laughing, and Peter just nervously laughed along, not knowing how to respond.

"S-so, is that a yes?"

"Yeah! Of course! I've never had sushi before, though, so, you'll have to make a good first impression!" Peter suddenly felt relieved.

"Oh gosh! Geez you had me thinking you were gonna call me weird and never want to talk to me again!"

"Oh, don't get me wrong, you have weird second date choices!" Winny wiped a few tears that have formed at the corner of her eye.

"Second date?" Peter had just met this girl today, when did they go on a date?

"Well, I was kinda counting this as a date." Winny smiled.


"Well yeah, I mean, we spent some time together, had dinner, got to know each other, shared tragic backstories." Winny giggled a little.

"Oh well, I would've made myself sound cooler then!" Peter laughed, Winny joining.

"No, I think you're pretty great! I think you're pretty sweet." Winny said, tucking hair behind her ear. Peter smiled, and scooted himself a bit closer to Winny, and put an arm around her shoulders. Winny blushed a bit, but snuggled a bit closer to Peter. Gosh, this was the best first day of meeting someone she's ever had.

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