Chapter 9

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 I apologize for sucky formatting.

Chapter Nine

Ty's POV

Great. This is great. This is wonderfully, brilliantly, wonderfully great. Better than great. So great.

'Okay, Ty, slow down. A bit too much sarcasm to handle, right there.'

Shut up. I'm trying to deal with my life, here.

'Maybe if you-'

I swear if you suggest self-harm I will whack myself in the head to get rid of you.

'It doesn't work that way.'

I huff, getting out of my curled up position against the locked door. Okay. I can do this. Let's just think logically here. Maybe a list will help.

Reasons Adam Hates Me

I pretty much announced that I love him to the entire internet

I slammed a door in his face

I told him I was mad at him, but didn't tell him why

I screamed at him to leave me alone when he did absolutely nothing wrong

The list is not helping. At all. Whatsoever. Alright, Ty. You can do this. Focus on the imaginary list. Just go through it, step by step. Well, I can apologize for slamming a door in his face. I can tell him that I'm not mad at him, I'm just mad at myself for being an idiot. I can say I'm sorry for yelling at him when he was just trying to help me.

Now, what to do about the 'I'm-in-love-with-you' part?


lie and say I don't actually love him I was just kidding

lie and say I did love him a long time ago, but I'm over him now

lie and say I only said the skylox thing to be funny/encourage fans to make funny fanfics

lie and say someone hacked my account and edited the video so that the word skylox was put where I was actually saying something else

lie and say it was three A.M. when I filmed this and I was tired as heck

lie and say-

All of those ideas involve lying about my love for him. I'm a terrible liar.

Oh, wait, no I'm not. I'm a super good liar, only apparently my pupils dilate when I lie. Which sucks. *sigh*

Kyra's POV

*Let's go back to when Lauren pulled Kyra out of the theater, kay? WOOT WOOT Time travel!*

Lauren drags me out of the theater and into the cold night air. (It is now night time. :3) “So, what'd you need to talk about?” I ask, yawning and stretching. Gosh, those theater seats...

“Uh, it's two things, actually. And, one's a bit harder to say than the other, so I'll tell you the other thing first,” Lauren says hesitantly.

“Yes? What is it?” I ask, urging her on. Honestly, I just wanna go home and sleep. After getting Lauren's number of course...

“I'll just get right to it- Does Ty like Adam?”

I laugh. “Wow. Your observation skills are great. Yes, he does. Ty is absolutely, hopelessly in love with Adam. And Adam has a girlfriend.”

Lauren sighs. “That sucks. But, did you see the way he looked at Ty? Just little glances when he thought no one was looking. Just... Just looking at him. I think Adam should ditch his girlfriend and confess his love for Ty.”

I smile. “That'd be nice, wouldn't it? But Ty recently lost half of his subscribers on youtube after accidentally announcing his sexuality to the world, and now he feels like he totally worthless. He doesn't think Adam could ever love 'someone like him.' His words, not mine.”

“What? Pfft, he shouldn't be flipping out over losing a bunch of subscribers!”

“Lauren, it's really important to him-”

“No, I mean, everyone lost a ton of subscribers. Well, all the big youtubers did. Youtube cleaned out all the 'dead' channels, all the channels that had been inactive for a large amount of time. (I'm not sure if this is actually what happened, but I think it is.) He probably lost a lot fewer subscribers over his sexuality than he thought he did.”

I gape at her. So... “WE HAVE TO TELL TY!” Her eyes widen, and she jumps a little at my outburst. “Sorry,” I say, my cheeks heating up.

“No problem, and I definitely agree with you. But... I have one more thing to tell you..,” she says quietly.

“Go on then, tell me.”

“Uh... You have to promise not to hate me. Or laugh. Or hate me and laugh. Promise me we can go on being great friends if you don't feel the same way?”

Oh, snap. What if she realized I'm in love with her, and she doesn't like the idea of her friend having a crush on her? Snap snap snap. “Erm... I-I promise.”

“Okay. Well. I sort of... I kind of... I just...”

“C'mon, spit it out, we have to tell Ty about the subscriber thing!”

Lauren sighs and bites her lip. “O-Okay. Well, you see... I think... I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you, Kyra.”

I'm pretty sure my world just got eighty-seven times brighter.

It probably got a lot darker for her, though. Since I've been standing here, frozen and unresponsive, for a good forty-five seconds. “K-Kyra? Kyra, you promised you wouldn't hate me,” she stammers, taking a step back.

I grin like an idiot. “I'm keeping my promise, Lauren. I certainly don't hate you. More like, I love you, too.”

She smiles and throws her arms around me, and I melt into her embrace, and I don't think life could really get any better than this, except maybe if our lips were touching...


I pull away. Her eyes are wide. “What's wrong?”

“Ty!” I say. “Ty, Ty, Ty! We have to tell him! Maybe then he'll feel better about himself, maybe even enough to tell Adam how he feels, and we can go on a double date and it'll be brilliant!” I take a deep breath. C'mon, Kyra, breathe between sentences.

At exactly that moment, Ty sprints out of the theater with tears in his eyes. I spin around to go after him, but then I see Adam run out of the theater, looking alarmed as he searches the small crowd for his friend. I wave my hands wildly to get his attention and then point in the direction Ty ran. Sky nods a thank you and dashes away.

“Actually, we'll tell him after they have their cute little moment. For now, wanna go for coffee?” I ask, even though it's ten o'clock.

“I'd love to,” Lauren says, smiling.

Adam's POV

*back to present time (which is the time where Ty is making pointless lists to try to solve his problems)*

I slump over my laptop. Youtube isn't dulling the pain. Why isn't it dulling the pain? Why is there even any pain to begin with? Ty's gotten mad at me before, so why am I so heartbroken now?

Whoa, slow down. Heartbroken?

Yup. Fairly sure that's the word to describe what I'm feeling right now, as weird as that sounds. Maybe I need Alesa. Maybe I should skype her and asks her what she'd do if her best friend started hating her.

Actually, I don't really want to talk to Alesa right now. I want to talk to Ty.

But I can't do that, which is the whole reason I'd be calling Alesa.

But I don't want to call Alesa.

Back to youtube. Hmm, looks like I've lost about half a million subscribers. That's nice.

Wait, what?

Wow. That's... Wow. Why is everyone suddenly- oh, yeah. Skylox. Heh. I don't really mind it either. I mean, I post tweets telling people to stop, but I do that mostly just so Alesa will feel better and Ty and I won't get spammed with skylox messages.

Well. Maybe I should be sad about losing so many subscribers, but so many stayed as well. Anyways, I don't really give a crap how many subscribers I have, or lose.

I do give a crap about Ty, though... I wish he didn't hate me. I want my best friend back. Mmm, actually... I'm not sure what I want. But I'm fairly sure it's not a best friend. I think it's something a bit more than that.

Oh, Ty... What did I do wrong?


You like? I hope so.

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