Batter Up!

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As a reminder I do not own Pokémon. All rights go to the Pokémon company.

This chapter is dedicated to Owldetective for being a wonderful person voting on all of my chapters and reading my story. I have added a song for you to listen to while reading this chapter if you want to. I also wanted to thank everyone who has voted and read my story. It means a lot to me that you took time to read my cruddy story.  And I can't believe I have 351 views! That is amazing to me! Thank you <3 <3


   The girls all received the text from May and rushed home. "May, what's wrong?!" Leaf asked. "Yeah?!" Misty said. "Relax guys, it's good news." May said calmly. "What is it?" Serena asked. "I got you guys all tickets to my baseball game!" May exclaimed. "Oh cool." Leaf said clearly uninterested. "Awesome!" Dawn, Serena, and Misty exclaimed.  "Okay I'll see you guys there. I have to practice a bit before hand. Bye!" May said as she walked out the door. "Okay see ya!" Dawn said.

   Dawn suddenly had a worried expression on her face. "What's wrong?" Misty asked concerned. "I just realized that we need to pick outfits and we need dates to the baseball game! It would be stupid if we showed up without a date." Dawn said frantically. "Well couldn't we just cheer May on without dates?" Serena asked. "Um no. Don't you know anything?" Dawn asked annoyed. "Well that won't be a problem for me. Gary asked me out earlier. It was so romantic. I went to my locker and when I turned around he had a bouquet of roses and asked me and of course I had to say yes." Leaf gushed. "Wait a minute! Dawn aren't you dating Paul?!" Misty asked. "Um things are kinda complicated right now . . " Dawn trailed off. "Oh well I'm sorry." Misty said apologetically. 

   "It's fine, but we still need outfits and dates. Outfits now and dates later okay?" Dawn stated. " Okay." Everyone said as they dashed to their closets. After about an hour the girls met up in the living room. "Wow, you look great guys!" Dawn said. "You look great to Dawn." Serena said.





   "Alright so. . . . dates?" Misty asked. "I have an idea! Follow my lead." Dawn said. The girls walked out the door and followed Dawn to the boys. "Why are we here?" Misty asked. "Sshhh!" Dawn said as she rung the doorbell. "Hello? Oh hey ladies. You like the new car?" Gary asked. "Uh do I? It's amazing! I'm ready to go Gare-bear?" Leaf asked. "Yes I sure am. And must I say you look great!" Gary said impressed looking at Leaf up and down. "Thanks! Now let's go." Leaf said walking over to Gary's new car. "Okay babe." Gary said and shut the door to his car, started the engine, and took off. "But what about us?!" Dawn screamed after them. "Hey guys. Sorry about that. So what are you guys here for?" Rudy asked. "Well, May is having a baseball game and we need dates." Dawn explained. "ASH! BARRY! COME HERE!" Rudy yelled. "Here! what is it?" Ash asked. "Yeah, what's up?" Barry asked excited but then his joy turned into sadness when he noticed Dawn.

   "The girls need dates. Choose one." Rudy stated. "Um I'll go with Serena!" Ash exclaimed happily which made Serena blush. "I'll go with Rudy." Misty stated while looking in the other direction. "Alright fine by me." Rudy said walking out of the house. "That means I'm stuck with you huh. Well I don't think so. You can come too but not as my date. Got it?" Dawn said irritated. "Yes." Barry said sadly. Rudy locked the door and walked the girls over to the motorcycles. "Everyone ready?" Rudy asked. "Yep!" Everyone replied. And off they went to the baseball game.


   *Time skip to the middle of the baseball game*

   May was up to bat and her opponent Drew was the pitcher. Both teams were tied do if May happened to hit homerun then her team would win. Drew pitched the ball hard to May. May missed the ball a little to late. Drew pitched again. May missed the ball to early this time. May's team never won Drew's team at baseball before so she wanted to give it her all but none of her tries had seemed to work. "GO MAY!" Dawn, Leaf, Misty, and Serena cheered. Drew pitched again. May kept her eye on the ball and swung the bat hard. For the first time May had hit the ball just right. May started to run the bases when Drew's team was panicking. His team members couldn't seem to find the ball. "FIND IT YOU IDIOTS!" Drew yelled. Drew didn't want to lose, especially to May. May had run all the bases and her team had won.

   The crowd was cheering louder then it ever did before. May's friends were so excited. "Yeah! She did it!" Misty exclaimed. "Yeah I know that was pretty awesome!" Serena said excited. May's team rushed up to her and picked her up cheering her on. Drew looked disappointed at his team. His team members knew they were in for a talk next time they had practice. May's team and her friends decided to go out for some pizza at Pizza Hut. Drew just decided to go home and get some rest. After pizza the girls decided to walk home and the boys took their motorcycles. Well, except for Gary who had his brand new sports car.


   The girls had finally made it home and were all dressed in their pajamas for bed. Ding Dong. "I'll get it!" May said. "Hello?" May asked. No one seemed to be their. "What a bunch of punks! Oh wait there's a package." May said out loud. May shut the door and took the package up to her room. "Who's it for?" Leaf asked. "Me." May said as she walked upstairs.

All right that's it for this chapter. Hope you liked it!. I got to get to bed now. But be sure to check out my other stories on my profile.

Until then this been Roses4may


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