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Next morning

In bela room

Bela was looking her dresses when bani came

Be- oo nice u came see this dresses it's beautiful right??😁
B- I need to tell u something (tens)😟
Be-(looking at the dresses) ya tell
B- Bela give this it's urgent (seriously)
Be- wat happen bani r u k ??(concerned)😟
B- I can't attend this wedding 😔

At first Bela was shock n then she laugh out 😂😂

Be- u r jocking right??oo bani I m not gonna believe ur prank😂😂
B- no Bela I m not jocking I really can't attach the wedding 😔😔
Be- wat happen bani y u can't attend the wedding 😔😔 did anyone scold u or tell u  anything  then tell me 😤😤
B- no Bela
Be- than y??(tens)
B- becoz actually I got to go to Mumbai for some important work so 😟😟
Be- no bani u can't go if it's really important than we will send someone else by u can't go 🥺😤
B- no Bela it's really important
Be- more important than ur sister's wedding (with tears) 🥺🥺
B- now this is emotional blackmail 😒😣
Be- then wat will I do . U have to attend the wedding or else I will not talk with u for Life Time n ya this is not a warning bt I will definitely not talk with u. Now u decide😤😤
B- Bela please try to understand
Be- no I will not
B- please
Be- no means no u decide

After a lot of pleasing also Bela Didn't agree so bani

B- k fine

Bela hug her 🥺

Be- thanks little siso 🥰
B- k k now I have lots of work u r the bride no one gonna say anything if though u don't work bt mom will kill me if I don't work. K bye😅😅
Be- bye

Then bani went to work

In mahir's room. Veer came running

V- I need to talk with(heavily breathing becoz of running)
M- first relax n tell me
V- your salis r not even leaving me for a second (complaining)😣😣
M- k that's the case (laugh out) offcourse u r their idol so they won't right 🤭😂
V- I m serious 😤
M- k k I will tell them ki woh log tumse chipke na. Any thing more??😅
V- ya actually mahir I m really sorry bt I can't attend ur wedding 😔
V- hmmmm
M- k k I will tell everyone not to disturb u n give u some privacy bt please don't go I request u 🙏🙏🙏
V- mahir I have some important work
M- please veer Bela will be very upset in the wedding if u go n I wouldn't be able to see her upset n u yourself told me na that u r my friend so please I need u please(with tears 🥺🥺)

Now veer didn't have any other options so

V- k fine I will not go

Mahir hug him

M- thanks bro

Now veer n mahir were talking when all came

Va- so wat r u guys talking??
M- actually veer wanted to go

They all knew y

M- bt now he won't go

Then mahir got a call so he excuse himself n went to attend it

J- r u fine veer???
V- yes I m fine
A- actually bani.....
V- it's k arrohi I Know that she is bela's cousin n u guys don't worry about me I m completely fine
Va- sure na
V- yes baba

Then mahir enter

M- any important discussions
V- not really
A- btw when will the functions start
M- from 2maro. 2maro is haldi, then mehendi,sangit,n then shadi
J- k
Va- do u did our help??
M- ya actually mom call me n told that they need some help
A- then u should have told us we r just seating freely without doing anything
J- right wat help do u need
M- k come with me

Then they went

Veer proved

I told mahir bt he didn't let me go . I can't even tell him anything about bani. It's very awkward for us to stay in the same cottage.Bani can't leave this wedding becoz it's her sister wedding bt I can bt still mahir is not letting me to . Bani must be uncomfortable around me .

Proved end

While walking everyone were looking at veer n adoring him (offcourse he is now the cursh of India)

Va- veer it's better that u don't work🙄
V- y???🤨
A- see all the girls r looking at u n if u stay here then they will just adore u n not do their work 😝

All of them laugh🤭😂

V- guys!!! I m not gonna stay in that room alone 😤
M- don't worry I m there with h 😅
V- then it's fine 😁

Bani proved

Now wat next?? Bela didn't even let me go I can't stay here especially when veer is around me now wat will I do . Veer is juju's special guest so he can't leave bt I . Bt Bela won't let me go instead u will be upset with me if I told her this again. Veer must be uncomfortable around me

Proved end

Bani was working in the hall arranging the decorations n all
When mahir n all came

Veer n bani saw each other. They were a bit uncomfortable 🙄

M- bani let arrohi help u 😄
B- it's k jiju I can do it (politely)😃
A- it's k bani I will help u 😚

Then arrohi started helping her

Yuraj came n took vansh n Jay with him

M-bani where is Bela??
B- jiju she is in her room
M- k u too get ready we r gonna go out
B-bt jiju I can't I have alot of work
M- it's k someone else will do. U go n get ready n tell Bela too
M- please

Then bani went from there

Mahir n veer took were going to their room

M- veer go n get ready
V-(shock) bt y??
M-becoz we r going out
V- bt u r going with Bela n
M- bani yes I m going with them n u too r coming with us
V- no mahir I won't come
M- u told that u r bored staying at home so u have to come
V- no no I m not bored n wase bhi if I go then people will see me n will ask autograph n all n u guys will be bored
M- don't worry we wont be bored instead we will be happy
V- bt
M- just go n ready na

Then veer went to his room to change

Bani inform Bela n do they both got ready to go

Outside while they were waiting for mahir ,mahir came with veer

B-(inm mind) veer!!!🥺

Be- finally u r here. Btw veer???
M- ya veer is also coming
Be- bt bani  told me that  only u me n her 🤔
M- ya I didn't told her that veer is coming
Be- it's k I m so happy that veer is coming too 🥰
M- I know that 🙄

While behir was talking

Bani proved

How much I try to avoid him. That much he Comes infront of me

Proved end

Veer proved

Wat is happening. How much I try to stay away from her that much I become more close with her

Proved end

M- let's go
B- bt where
M- surprised

Then mahir n Bela seat backside

M- veer u drive na
V- k

Then bani side in front with veer

In the car

Bela n mahir were continuously talking about their wedding. While bani was looking outside n veer driving

Be- wase veer if I ask u a question would u mind??
V- not at all Bela
Be- it's a bit personal
M- wat r u gonna ask love 🙄

'Love' from mahir reminded vere that he use to call bani 'love'. He look at bani. Bani look at him🥺

V- Bela ask
Be- like I watch ur I interviewed that day n I saw that ur point of view about love I really different. Can I ask u y don't u believe in love

Bani n veer both were uncomfortable by the question bt veer manage to speak

V- actually.......

He pause long

V- actually reporter ask this question n publish rumors in the newspaper so I just told that I don't believe in love 😬😬
Be- k that means u believe in love
V- I don't know bt ya when I look at u n mahir's love I fo believe that love exist 🥰

Bela n mahir blushes ☺️☺️

V- see behir is blushing
M- behir????
B- ya jiju ur n Bela couple name right veer??(excited)
V- yes(excited)

M- finally bani have talk 😅😅

Bani realise it so she keep quiet

M- bani I was just kidding 😬
B- it's k jiju
Be- wase I really like the name #behir (lost in her dream)

Then Bela thought

Be- if my n mahir couple name is #behir . Than veer n bani couple name will be #vani,right ??

Bani n veer started at each other 🥺🥺

V-(in mind) ya vani 🥺🥺

M- bt Bela they r not a couple🤦
Be- ooo ya bt it's k na. I like their couple name so much VAni 😘
Be- ya name is cute 🥰

B- bt I like behir more 🥰🥰
V- ya behir is cute 😘😘.

Then the whole way veer n bani didn't speak a word while out behir were having lovely talks

Finally they reach their destination

Be- wowww mahir it's so beautiful
M- u like it??😁
Be- yes
M- bt u must have come before also right??🤔
Be- ya I came with my friends bt this is the first time that I m coming with  u so 🥰🥰

Vani were adorably looking at behir cute moments

Then they went inside n visited the all  place

Be-(in bani ears) bani I wanna spend some time with mahir so please u take veer with u please 🙏🙏
B- bt .....
Be- please 🥺🥺
B- k 😃

M-(slowly) veer j want some privacy do please take bani from her 🙏🙏🙏
V- me?????😒😒
M- yes please
V- k k

Then Bela

Be- bani show veer this place, I mean he has first time visited Shimla so u show him this place
M-yes good idea

Then behir send Vani together

Veer n bani were awkward n didn't speak for long they were just walking then veer

V- can we seat a bit I m tired
B- k sure

Then they were seating people saw veer n they went crazy they came towards him n click  photo with him n took his autograph .

Bani was adorably looking at veer

B-(in mind) u deserve all this veer u have really work hard for this. Wat is happening to u bani just shut up

After the fans n all went

V- sorry actually....
B- it's k

Then they just seated.

Bani was seating keep her hand on the bench there  a scorpion was gonna bit bani hand n bt veer hold her hand n stood. Bani was shock by his sudden act

V-(caring her hand) r u hurt bani?? (caring her hair) r u fine?? (Concerned)😢😢

Bani was in tears seeing his care 🥺

B- I m fine (in low voice)
V- please take care

Then behir there

M- shall we go now
V- ya please

Then they went.

Now they stop at a restaurant to have food

Mahir call the waiter

M- Bela wat will u like to have
Be-i will like to have steam Momo's
V- chicken chow
V-she don't like to eat anything outside she will just have a cold coffee n some pastries😚

Then all look shockingly at veer 😲😲😱😱

Be-how did u know that she don't like to eat anything outside🤨
M- ya u just have meet her yesterday🤔
V-(in mind) I know her more than she knows herself🥺
M- oi where r u lost (padding on his shoulder)🧐
B- actually jiju I told him 😰
Be- when??
B- when u n jiju were busy roaming that time
V- yes yes
M- k

Then the waiter took their order n give it . After having the food they went back home

After reaching home bani got a shock

She saw her friend Nakuul Mehta waiting for her 😳😳

Nakuul came n hug her bani reciprocate the hug 🥰🥰

N-how I u ??
B- I m fine n u
N- me too I miss u so much (Caring her hair)
B- me too I miss u alot. Bt u suddenly here 🤔
N- ya u toh didn't call me bt mahir n Bela call me for their wedding
B- oo I forgot
N- how can u even forget me 🥺🥺
B- sorry nak
N- it's k ni

Veer was staring at them in jealous.

V-(in mind) who is he n y is he hugging bani n talking so friendly with her .

Then mahir

M-hi Nakuul (hug him)
N- hello(reciprocate the hug)
M- n how r u
N- Fine . Hi Bela
Be- hi I m so happy that u came
N- offcourse u guys call me so I have to come

Then they four were talking

M- o wait (he took veer n came) meet him veer
N-veer Singhania I know that famous singer of india. Hello veer I m Nakuul Mehta (gave his hand)
V- hello I m veer singhania (shaking hands)
N- nice to meet u
V- me too

Then Nakuul

N- bani take me to my room
M- ya bani took him
B- k sure

Then bani took Nakuul to his room.

Behir too went

Veer was fuming in anger+he was super jealous

He directly went to his room

Be-will this work
M- offcourse baby

So Nakuul has enter their life. What more problem will come with him??

Would he help Vani come closer or will he separate them

To know

Keep reading

Thank u 😊😘

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