Sister Bonding

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Hey guys... I am back... I know I was MIA for about 1.5 months' n I am truly sorry about it... but I was busy with my classes... but I finish it already... so from now on I will be regular till my next milestone starts... n I know man of u are missing swaragini a lot... even I am missing it badly... but when something starts it must end as well... but don't worry I will not end this ff so soon... hope u enjoy...

so, lets start the story...

Precap: swara thanking sanskar by making his favorite kheer...

Scene starts in swasan room...

Swara self-talk

Swara: swara... u should not have make kheer in the first place... did u see how all were looking at u??? urghhhh... but he saved Uttara from ragging... so I cooked... I know I hate him but he saved Uttara... so for saying thanks I made kheer... n I should not care what they think... they are no one to me... accept for riya and Uttara... so its best I do not care what the rest think about me... (her thoughts were broken by Uttara)

Uttara: di... why did you leave your food and come... you know na, I don't eat if you don't than why are you doing this???

Swara: okok... I am sorry...

Uttara: no, sorry not accepted... (babyish tone)

Swara: uttara sorry na...see even I am holding my ears for u... (holding her ears) ok n I will do anything to make u forgive me...

Uttara: anything... (with a bright smile)

Swara: ya... so now you forgive me???

Uttara: ya... so di get ready now...

Swara: but for what??? Are we going somewhere???

Uttara: di, u said u will do anything so I want to go n eat pani puri now a long drive with u riding the bike... just like old times...

Swara: Uttara, sorry I am not riding the bike... I don't mind bringing u to eat pani puri but not with bike... if u want I can bring u with my scooter but not with bike...

Uttara: but di, why??? Pls... I know you still feel guilty that due to ur bike I met with an accident... but it was not ur fault... it was due to the breaks n it was raining heavily that day n neither I nor u could see anything clearly due to the rain... so stop blaming urself... pls di... its been long since we spent time like this... pls...

Swara: ok fine... you go and get ready, I will meet you downstairs in 10 mins...

Uttara: ok... see you downstairs... (she left the room)

After a while swara got ready n was about to leave the room when sanskar enter... when sanskar saw swara... he was lost in her as for the first time he saw swara wearing a crop top with shorts n she was looking hot n sexy... his trance was broken when he heard swara voice...

Swara (saw him lost in her): done checking out??? Now if u move aside so I can leave... (she was about to leave when sanskar stop her)

Sanskar: where are, you going???

Swara: none of ur business... (rude tone)

Sanskar: it is my business to know where my wife goes n that too dressed up like this...

Swara: wife... (sacarstic laugh) look I may be ur so called wife for the world but I don't even think u as a stranger n what makes you think I will accept u as my husband...

Sanskar: whatever you say... but the truth is u are my wife... so I have the rights to know where are you going this time at night and dressed up like this...

Swara: look... I don't want to fight with u now... I am happy n pls don't spoil my mood with ur "husband concerns" n "I have my rights talk" (saying this swara left from there)

Soon swara decends form the stairs with sanskar following behind her... whereas in the living room where everyone was relexing and chit chatting with each other... at the same time Uttara came down wearing a trible backless romper... riya was the first to see swautt and called out for them which brought everyone's attention to them...

(guys, in my ff swara and Uttara will wear this kind of dresses... its just that I don't show it often...)

Riya: looking hot and sexy as usual swara and Uttara... (with a tesing smile)

Swautt: thank u...

Riya: going somewhere???

Swara: yup... want to join us???

Riya: nope... I am too tired today... u guys enjoy...

Uttara: sure... and next time u should join us... infect jeevika di and twinkle di should join us next time... for now its just sister time...

(till now all the guys and jeevika n twinkle were looking at them in shock n surprise... as they have not seen them dress this way... they were also shocked with how riya talked with them... they came out of their trance when they heard jeevika n twinkle name...)

Swautt were about to leave when karan stop them...

Karan: aree but where are you guys going so late???

Uttara: that's a secret and we want to spend time with each other... sister-bonding... its been long since we gone out like this...

Twinkle: ok... but its too late and its dangerous to go out especially when you both are dressed up so hot and sexily...

Swara: you don't have to worry... we know how to take care of ourself... (rude n flat tone)

Jeevika: ofcourse we will worry because now you are our family as well... and its not safe to go out so late at night...

Swara: you don't have to show ur fake concern for us... ever since our parents died...we are taking care of ourselfs only... n now we also know how to take care of ourself as well... (rude n flat tone)

Uttara: di... now why are u being rude now... they only ask out of concern... n anyways pls don't spoil ur mood... cuz if u spoil ur mood than my mood would be spoiled automatically... pls... (pouting cutely)

Swara: ok fine... so shall we leave???

Uttara: ok... but wait a min... so guys, u don't have to worry for us as we have pepper spray for our safety... n besides di is the wife of kolkatta gangster SANSKAR MAHESWARI... (in a funny tone) so do u think anyone would want to lose their live by misbehaving with us??? (turning to swara) di... is our ride here???

Swara: yup... so shall we leave now???

Yuvi: ride??? What do u mean???

Riya: yuvi... u should see for urself... come let's go out...

All move outside n were shocked to see a super cool sports bike... swara got on the bike n Uttara was behind her... swara rode off in lighting spped that it took a few secs for them to realise that they left... since riya knew about this since she also accompanies them some times so she was cool with it n decided to bring the rest out from their shocks...

Riya: aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (screams which brought them out of their trance)

Shivam: what happen??? Why did u scream???

Riya: just to get u all from the multiple shocks u got in a day... n btw... they left... u can go to ur rooms now...

Sanskar: what do u mean go to ur rooms now??? They left so late that too without any guard's n you are saying to go to ur rooms... (angry n irritated tone)

Riya: so, what do u want me to do now??? It is their normal way of spending time... n I can assure u that they are not going clubbing or getting drunk so u can relex... (in an understanding tone)

Twinkle: and how do u know that they are not doing that???

Riya: because I have dressed up like this before and went we them before my marriage happen... if I was not tired today... I will surely go with them...

Sanskar: I don't care... I am following them behind...

Riya: and besides like Uttara said... swara is married to the kolkatta gangster SANSKAR MAHESWARI... you think anyonw will want to mess with u knowing that swara is ur wife... so you should relex a bit...

Viren: but still... its not safe... I think sanskar u should go behind them n bring some of ur guards as well... and karan u too follow them...

Shivam: ya... karan bhai is right... u go beind them... we will stay here... call us if something goes wrong...

Sanskar: ya... come karan lets go...

Saying this sanskar n karan left with some guards...

Precap: don't know...


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