Swara's suicide

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Precap: riya-shivam wedding, swara slaps shivam

Scene starts in shivam house...

Suddenly everyones eyes were wide open in shock after hearing the thudddd sound... Swara got angry that she slapped him not once but several times... this was a shock for everyone...

Shivam: why did u slp me now? (anger voice)

Swara: I told u rite... I told u rite... tat if u ever try to hurt riya than I will be there for her... so how can u juz force yourself on her... (shouted at him, anger n bloodshot eyes) do u know how it feels if ur being forced... anyway who am I talking too??? Nvrm leave tat... juz ans my one question... if u have a sister n so happens her husband forces her than wat will u do???

Shivam: wat kind of question is this??? I will definitely kill tat person...

Swara: exactly... so tell me wat I should do with u??? u also tried to force riya rite...

Shivam: btw... don't u have any other work than this... always insulting me... listen I will not tolerate u anymore... juz get out of here before I kill u...

Swara: if u going to threaten riya or try to hurt her than I will be there... n coming to insulting u... imjuz stating the facts of the work u do... im not adding or exaggerating about it... n ya, since u wanna to kill me... than why not...

Saying so she moved infront of him...

Swara: come on... im sure u always carry a gun rite... than come on use it... im not scared of it... ok fine if u not gonna shoot me than I will make ur job easy...

Saying so swara scanned the room n moved towards the dining table n took the knife n moved towards everyone... she lifts he left hand n slit her wrist with the knife... everyone was shocked with this act of hers...

Sanskar: wat the hell r u doing??? Karan bring the first aid box... (saying he tried to move forward)

Swara: stop wherever u r... if u move a step closer than I will stab myself... (she was moving backwards)

Everyone was trying to catch hold of her so there she does not hurt herself more but to their bad luck she never let anyone came near her... not even riya... her soul sister... after 15 mins swara fall unconscious due to blood loss... before she could hit the ground, sanskar came n hold her... she was rushed to the hospital immediately...

Scene shifts to the hospital...

Sanskar: doc... doc...

Doc: sir... what r u doing here... if u call us... we would have come...

Sanskar: juz check her... n make sure nothing happens to her... if not u r gone... (threatening voice)

Doc: yes sir... (gulps in fear) nurse prepare the operation theatre fast...

Soon swara was taken inside the operation theatre... everyone was tensed for her n no one knows why she is doing this to herself... sanskar was walking to n fro seeing if the doc has come out of the operation theatre... this all was witnessed by virika... they decide to talk to him alone...

Viren: sanskar... come here...

Sanskar: why u call me???

Jeevika: don't worry... nothing will happen to her...

Sanskar: wat do u mean... she has to be fine... I still have to find the reason for hating me...

Viren: have some trust on god... he will make her fine... he have to make her fine for u...

After an hour the doc came out of thr operation theatre... all rush to him... before sanskar could question the doc someone else have question doc about her wellbeing...

Riya: doc how is swara now??? She is fine rite??? Does she need any treatment???

Doc: ma'am... I can only tell if u let me answer ur questions...

Riya: sorry doc... but pls ans to my questions...

Doc: she is fine... luckily u all brought her in the right time... if u r a min late also than it would be hard to save her...

Riya: can I meet her???

Doc: she is unconscious now... u can see her after an hour wen she is shifted to the general ward...

Riya: thanks doc... (doc left)

After the doc left, riya thank god n turn to the rest who have accompany her...

Riya: thanks bhagawan ji... (turns to rest) thanks for bringing her here... but u can leave now... if she gets conscious n see u all than she will do something worst...

Shivam: how am I suppose to trust u??? what if u r saying this to escape...

Riya: I know her since childhood... n if u don't believe me than u can see it ueself... I will not stop u all... but if anything happens to her than I will not leave any of u...

After an hour, swara gained her conscious n all were shocked as she tried to hurt herself again cuz sanskar was there... so to cool down the situation viren has sent all out n jeevika n riya was with swara...

Scene shifts to outside the hospital...

Sanskar was on call...

Sanskar: work done???

Other side (OS): ...

Sanskar: ok... make sure everything is according to plan... if not all of u will be dead... if any of u try to lay an eye or so something than u all know sanskar maheswari anger rite???

OS: ...

Call ended...

Sanskar: swara... I have won the challenge... I have extracted my revenge... but no matter wat I will never let u be someone else's... u only belong to sanskar maheswari... u r only mine...

Sanskar soon rushed to swara's room...

Swara: wat r u doing here??? Cant u leave me in peace...

Sanskar: wat to do??? I juz cant leave u... btw I came here to say tat I won the challenge...

Swara: u won t challenge??? (mocking laugh) So tell me wat u did that u won the challenge??? i really want to know what have u done that u r proud of winning the challenge...
sanskar: as far as I remember u do have a sister rite... (swara's face turns pale) ahhh... wats her name... ummmm uttara rite...

Swara: wat did u do with uttara??? Tell me fast... (scared n anger)

Sanskar: so far nothing... but if u don't accept my deal than a lot of things may happen... like there are many guys there with her... with my one call... she would be screaming n no one can safe her... (smirk)

Swara: wat do u want??? I will do watever u say... juz spare my sis... pls don't do this to her... don't u have some humanity threatening a girl by using her sis dignity...

Sanskar: wow... in this state u are still challenging me... (he was about to dail a number)

Swara: pls don't do this to me... I beg u... I will do as u say... (crying n sitting on her knees)

Sanskar: ok... I will leave her n make sure she reaches home safe if... if u agree to marry me... so will u accept this condition???

Swara (was shock but determine to save her sis): ok I will marry u... if u make sure she reaches home safely... but I also have a condition as well...

Sanskar: wat is tat???

Swara: hereafter u will not use Uttara to threaten me... n she will stay with me after the marriage... (staring into space while saying this)

Sanskar: I accept ur conditions... (call his men) leave her... n make sure she reaches home safely... n if I find a scratch on her than u all will be gone... understand... (he was saying all this looking at swara)


Sanskar: take rest now... u need to be fresh for our wedding... n ya tmr we will be going for our wedding shopping n the day after tmr is the wedding... take some rest as it will be a hectic period... (saying this he walked out the room)

Outside the room...

Sanskar: I need to tell u guys something...

All: wat???

Sanskar: I won the challenge n swara has agreed to marry me... so day after tmr is the wedding... (saying tis he left the place)

All: WHAT!!!!! (all were in utter shock)

Riya (recover frm shock): swara... I need to go to her... (was stop by shivam)

Shivam: where r u going???

Riya: im going to see swara... I want to know that what sanskar did that she agreed to marry him...

Shivam: u don't have to know... sanskar will tell all of us in the right time... now juz go do the preparations for the wedding...

Screen splits with shocked face of everyone, crying face of swara and happy face of sanskar...

Precap: swasan shopping n wedding...


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