swara self-punishment

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Hey guys... I know its been a long time since I have posted... but it was my fault... actually I am finding more about degree courses offered for my course... so I was busy finding more about it and which university degree certificate is approved in my country... and one more thing, I am flying off for almost a week and I am not able to post an update as I am not bringing my lappy and I will only have wifi in the hotel... so will only be able to post when I am back... and I promise I will post the update regularly... just pray that I have a safe trip...

Precap: swara beating up the boys... swara parents death day...

Screen starts when all reach the temple... they saw Uttara decending down the steps... all rush towards her...

Riya: Uttara... where is swara???

Uttara: she is still in the temple...

Sanskar: then where are u going leaving her alone in the temple???

Uttara: like every year, di and I wll do puja for our parents on this day... and then after that di will ask me to spend the day in swattara NGO with the kids and di will stay in the temple the whole day...

Riya: ok ok... u should go now... if not the kids will not leave u... (somehow composes and trying to talk to her in calm tone)

Soon swara left and thbe rest were looking at riya in confusion...

Shivam: why did u send her away???

Riya: because, she does not know what swara will do after she leave the temple... swara took a promise to not tell Uttara anything about this... that's why I send her away... and I don't have time to explain everything... (saying this she ran to the temple and the rest follow her behind)

Scene shifts to the temple where swara waslooking at the buring charcoal...

All reach the last stpe of the temple to only see that swara has started walking on the burning charcoal... all were shocked at their place seeing this... riya was the first one to recover from the shcok as she was seeing all this for years now... she started going towards swara and that's when all of their trance broke... they to follow behind riya to stop swara... sanskar was in a vulbnerable state seeing his love suffering like this due to her misunderstanding... he quickly ran towards her and hold her hand... but swara shoved his hand away...

Sanskar: swara, what are u doing??? Come out now!!!

Swara: (no answer)

Sanskar: swara... swara...

Karan: Bhabhi... pls get out... u are burning ur feet...

Swara: (no answer)

Jeevika: swara... pls come out... (in tears)

Swara: (no answer)

Twinkle: Bhabhi... pls come out...

Sanskar: swara why are u not answering to us??? Pls atleast say something!!!

Shivam: (turns towards riya) riya atleast u tell her to come out... (concern and worried tone)

Riya: she will neither talk or listen to anyone of us on this day... its impossible to stop her now... (lifeless tone)

Hearing this all were again in shcok... but sanskar was the first to come out of the shock...

Sanskar: what rubbish are u speaking??? What do u mean she will not talk or listen???

Riya: in this years, I have tried to stop her many times... but I failed and this year too... (crying) and the she does not talk to anyone for the whole day...

Viren: we just cant loose hope... there must be a way to stop her... (turns to riya) riya, u must know something that stops her...

Riya: there is a way...

After hearing this all turn towards riya to know what will stop her... there was a hope in the eyes except riya... they looking at her curiously but what that heard drained all the colour of their faces...

All: what???

Riya: the only way to stop her is u must wait until she faints... this is the only way to stop her...

All were in shock and were in shock but they soon resume in shock... when they hear some music... and when they go nearer they saw swara dancing angrily... (more like maa kali dance)

Suddenly yuvi came with an idea and all look at riya with hope if this will work but the bubble of hope burst within a second hearing it...

Yuvi: how about if we bring Uttara here??? If Uttara will tell swaara Bhabhi to stop... the Bhabhi would listen to her... what say riya Bhabhi???

Riya: no... swara has taken a promise that Uttara will not know anything about this... and if you go against her and call Uttara than, I am sure u all know swara better and I am pretty sure u guys have not forgotten how ... she will do something worst...

All were just looking at swara... they were just praying one thing that swara should faint quickly... eventhough they never tink of her fainting but now the situation has come that they prayed for her to faint... all the ladies were crying seeing swara like this whereas all the guys were looking so helpless and worried for her... sanskar was in the worst condition to see his love like this... it seems that a knife has stabbed his heart 1000 times... and he bet that the pain is lesser than what he is feeling now seeing swara like this...

Precap: more self-punishment for swara... sanskar to take care of swara... and some swasan moments...

So my flight is around 5 a.m. in the morning and I had about an hour before leaving for the airport so thought to update before leaving... hope u like it... just pray that I have a save trip...

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