Swasan Meet

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So lets start the story...

The story starts with maheswari mansion...

Girl: sanskar... sanskar... where r u??? the breakfast is redy... offff whr does this boy go... now I have to find him...

Scene shifts to a garden...

Four boys are holding guns and aiming the board... from the way they are holding they look professional in holding the gun...

Guy 1: today I will win... (loading the gun)

Guy 2: sorry lawyer... (u guess it rite... its viren) today I will win today, the 3rd in command... (yes guys its karan)

Guy 3: ohoh... stop it guys... im not gonna fight... let me enjoy my last day as bachelor instead of hearing ur arugments... (u guess is rite, its shivam)

Viren: wow... u are exiceted for ur wedding ah... but I don't understand one thing... why u threaten to kill her family if she does not marry u??? u love her rite??? Or its lust???

Hearing the word lust shivam raged...

Shivam: how dare u call my love lust... (anger with blood shot eyes)

Viren: I never call... im asking u... cuz u never ask her will... u juz force her to say yes cuz u wanted to kill her family... (loading the gun n says cooly) (oh guys viren is the only wan who is not afraid of the other 3 anger)

Shivam: I love her damn it... if I never threaten her using her family than her family will marry her off to some other guy... ha I admit I use the wrong way but everything is fair in love and war...

Guy: ok guys... stop ur discussion n come lets shoot.

Karan: aree yaar sanskar... (yes it was sanskar) it was fun seeing his anger... why did u spoil the moment...

Sanskar: stop it... come lets practice...

At that time jeevika come from behind... seeing them practice she walk quietly not to disturb them but...

(Since they are shooting one by one... n it was sanskar turn n the other 3 was looking at him)

Sanskar: (while shooting) Bhabhi... I know u are here to call us for breakfast... juz make urself comfortable... we will come in few minutes...

Immediately all turn back n was shock to see that jeevika was actually there...

Jeevika: how do u always find out tat it is me... even viren cant find out than how do u do tat???

Sanskar: its like tat... anyways Bhabhi, im hungry... come lets go n eat...

Soon all were in dining table... all were eating n enjoying themselves...

Sanskar: Bhabhi... I have ordered the things u have asked for the wedding... it will be delivered by the afternoon...

Jeevika: ok... I will look into it... waise sanskar... shivam is gonna settle down... so when r u gonna settle down???

Hearing this everyone stops eating n looking at him while he was busy eating his food...

Viren: sanskar atleast answer the question...

Sanskar: I haven't found a girl which fits to my liking...

Karan: and what is ur liking???

Sanskar: I don't care if the girl is rich or poor but the girl should be beautiful from the inside n not out... she should be fearless n not say yes juz cuz im a gangster... always think about others first before herself... love everyone selflessly and last but not least stand up for what is right...

When he was done he looks at everyone, they were hearing this curiously... soon they finish their breakfast n left for their work...

The scene shifts to gadodia house...

Girl: di... di... di... whr r u??? im getting late for college... faster give my breakfast...

Girl 2: aree Uttara... (yes the girl is uttara) u sit in the dining table... I will come with the breakfast...

Uttara: jaldi aye na swara di... (yes, girl 2 is swara)

Swara: Uttara, I will come home late today as I have a delivery... I have cooked the food... u juz heat up later and eat... n ya come home fast after sch and lock the door... don't let any unknow person in...

Uttara: I know di... u always say tis... anyways di... pls do eat something before u go work... I know u only eat once a day n u will also not eat when u come home cuz u think the ration will not last till end of month... pls di... if not I will also not it...

Swara: ok Uttara... for u I will eat something before going work...

Soon both left for college... scene in swara college...

swara enters college and saw her best friend riya crying and running towards the washroom... she follows her and each the washroom...

swara: where is this riya... abhi tak to aajati...(looking at her watch and looking around the college) oh there she is... ri (was about to call) what happen to her? Why is she crying... let me go and ask her...

scene shifts to washroom...

swara: riya... what happen to u??? why r u crying??? (concern n worried tone)

riya: swara... tis shivam is not leaving me... he is forcing me to marry if not he will kill my family...

swara: what!!!!! What are u gonna do now???

Riya: I have n choice but to marry him... I know u r not happy with my decision but I cant let my family suffer juz for me... I hope u understand...

Swara: I know wat u r saying... I will attend tis marriage cuz I know u will need me most... anyways when is the marriage???

Riya: tomorrow... he let me come college cuz I begged him saying it was the last exam paper... if not he will not let me leave...

Swara: wat tomorrow!!!! Nevermind juz forget all tis for now and concentrate on the paper...

Soon both went to their respective examination class... after exams swara went to her office to deliver goods...

Boss: swara today u have to deliver goods to sanskar maheswari house...

Swara: I have to go to tat killers house... but I have no way cuz its my job... (in mind irritated and angry) ok boss... (fake smiles)

Scence shifts to the road where swara is driving her scooty to deliver goods...

Swara: I hate this sanskar maheswari... but look at this fate... but its good atleast I can see that jerk face who kill my parents... I will not leave him... I will definitely punish him for killing my parents... nvrm leave all this, I better deliver all this goods n leave for home soon... uttara must be alone at home...

Soon she reach maheswari mansion....

Guard: what do u want???

Swara: I came to deliver this goods...

After the guards confirmation she was allowed inside the mansion... swara rang the door bell n waited for someone to open the door... soon jeevika open the door n allowed her in... since there were many things so she was carrying it ne by one... jeevika even offered her help but she refused politely n continue her work...

Swara: mam the delivery of the things u have ordered...

Jeevika: oh ya... pls keep it here... (looking at the amount of things) do u need any help in carrying the things???

Swara: no... its ok... mam here is the bill... I will keep all the things in the meanwhile...

After keeping all the things she collected the bill n was about to leave when she saw shivam coming down with sanskar, viren n karan...

Swara: mam... can I wish the groom...

Jeevika: (was surprised by her act) what!!! Oh here they are... shivam come here... (all 4 went towards her)

Shivam: yes Bhabhi... why do u call me???

Jeevika: she wants to wish u for ur married life...

Shivam turns towards her n was confused for a sec but was shocked seeing her...

Shivam: you... wat r u doing here??? (shocked tone)

Jeevika: u know her... no wonder she wanted to wish u... btw how do u know each other???

Swara: I will tell... I am swara... best friend and soul sister of riya... the same riya he is gonna marry... but I pity him... he is so big in power yet weak that he is forcing to marry riya by threatening her parents...

Hearing her... everyone was shocked as no one ever dare to talk infront of sanskar maheswari but tis girl here was shouting at shivam...

Shivam: so... u think I care wat u think... If I guve a damn about everyones thinking than I would have become someone else... but I only listen to myself... so I don't care... anyway riya will be living like a queen as im rich enough to provide all the facilities for her... unlike u who cant mmet ur food and studies... tch... tch... tch...

Swara: ya... I agree that my job cant feed to my studies n home expenses... but it is enough for me n my sister... unlike u, karan and ya who is the head... ahhh sanskar maheswari (blood shot eyes n even more hatred) who earn money by killing people...

This has hurted the 3 egos a lot... especially sanskar maheswari...

Sanskar: listen... I don't care who u are... I would have kill u now if u wont riya's fren...

Swara: btw who r u???

Sanskar: u don't know who u are talking to??? (scarstic laugh) than listen im sanskar maheswari...

Swara: ouh so ur sanskar maheswari... than I would love to kill u before die by ur hands... (blood shot eyes n hatred)

Everyone was shocked including sanskar hearing that she wants to kill him...

Swara: look I came here to deliver this items for tmr so called wedding where the bride does not have her consent but made to hear the decision... anyways I have got better things to do than yelling to u guys...

Sanskar: I will not leave u now... (took out his gun n pointed towards her head) u have hurted my ego n now im gonna kill u...

Swara: (moves forward n now the gun is touching her forehead) tch...tch...tch... i didn't know u will accept ur defeat so soon that u wanna kill me... come on shoot me... come on... im not scared of u than why will I be scared of death... ok nvrm... leave it...

Sanskar: I will definiately take my revenge from u...

Swara: lets see... I issue u a challenge... if u r successful to extract ur revenge than I agree to ur conditions... n if u r not successful in extracting ur revenge than I myself will kill u... deal (forwarding her hand for a handshake)

Sanskar: u r issuing a challenge tat too to sanskar maheswari... I must say u r brave n have guts... if im successful... u will have to become my wife... deal???

Swara: im afraid tat day will never come... but nonetheless deal... (shaking hands) for a headstart I will be at the wedding tmr... lets see if u can do anything to me or not... (turning to shivam) ouh ya... juz cuz I hurt ur ego tat doesn't mean u will hurt riya... if I found out u hurt riya cuz of me than tat will be ur last day...

Saying tis she left house... everyone was in utter shock cuz no one ever dare to speak infront of sanskar but tis girl has acutally hurt his ego n issue a challenge to him...

Lets see if sanskar is successful or swara...

Precap: shivam-riya marriage...


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