Uttara's Ragging

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hey guys... it's dharshaini again... i know it has been sometime since i post a part... n i am sorry for posting this update late... actually my wifi has crash and for now there is only a temporary one which can connect to one laptop... since i have to submit my assignment by thursday... so it has been connected to mine... so i was tired of doing my assignment so thought to take a break and thus i am posting an update now... hope u like it...

Precap: the actual incident... swara burning herself...

Scene starts in swasan room...

This bright morning shines through swasan room bringing new hopes for both... where sanskar is hoping to find proof to prove himself innocent infront of his love... whereas for swara is hoping that some miracle happens that her pain will vanish...

The sun rays shine brightly that it woke up sanskar... from his face, it can be seen that he was awake till late night... even though he slept for awhile, his sleep was not peaceful n was only thinking how to proof himself innocent infront of his love... his thoughts were broken by some weight on his body... when he turned to the other side... he saw his love cudduling into his chest to avoid the sun... seeing this, there was a broad smile on sanskar face... he immediately use his hands to block the sunlight so that it will not break swara's sleep... but the moment was soon ruined when swara woke up... she saw that sanskar was staring at her... n then she felt that her head was not resting on the pillow so when she turn she was shocked to know she was cuddling to sanskar... she woke up immediately... n to avoid the awkwardness she ran to the washroom to fresh up...

Scene shifts to the dining table...

Everyone was in the dining room eating their breakfast... well not eating but was playing with the food... all of them have no appetite to eat anything... only one thing is going in their mind n that is to find some evidence to proof sanskar innocent... none know what to do as they are als thinking what swara will do next to herself... they are more worried for her compared to the evidence... suddenly a voice broke all their trance...

Uttara: swara di... come fast... I'm getting late for college... (shouting while walking near dining area)

Twinkle: hey Uttara... come have ur breakfast...

Uttara: no di... u guys eat... I'm getting late... (calling swara) swara di... where r u???

Swara: coming... (soon reach Uttara) come fast eat ur breakfast... than I will send u to college...

Uttara: nvrm... I will eat something in college... n I can go by myself... u r still not well yet, (reminding something) n ya why u did that last night??? Do u even think of me when u try to end ur life... (tears welling up)

Soon all looked up hearing what Uttara asked... swara was shocked with this question... she does not know wat to ans her... but she composed herself n was about to answer her when someone cutted her...

Swara: Uttara... ah... ah...

Sanskar: Uttara... ur di will explain u ltr... cuz now u r getting late for college...

Swara: Uttara... I will explain u ltr... come I will drop u...

Uttara: ok... u have a lot of explaining to do ltr... but for now whr r u going???

Swara: to drop u to college n than to work...

Uttara: what!!! No u r not going work today???

Swara: what!!!! But why????

Uttara: what why??? U r still weak after yesterday's incident... u go n take rest I will go myself...

Swara: but Uttara.... (cutted off)

Uttara: meri kasam...

Swara: arhggg... ok fine... but call me once u reach college... (went to room)

After swara went to her room... uttara quickly took a piece of paratha rool it n stuff into her mouth n was about to go when sanskar stop her...

Uttara: bye jiju... bye everyone...

All: bye...

Sanskar: Uttara wait... (Uttara turns)

Uttara: yes, jiju???

Sanskar: come I will drop u to college...

Uttara: no... its ok... I will go myself... u may some work... I don't want to disturb u...

Sanskar: who say u disturbing my work??? Come I will send u...

Uttara: but jiju (cut by sanskar)

Sanskar: if u really think me as ur jiju than juz follow me... I will drop u to college...

Uttara: ok fine... (defeated tone)

Sanskar: waise which college???

Uttara: St. louis college... (got it frm D3 serial... in my ff its in Kolkata... n idk if it exist... cuz im from Singapore...)

Karan: WHAT!!! (shock tone)

Uttara: why r u so shocked??? (confused tone)

Jeevika: cuz he aslo studies in t same college...

Uttara: ouh... ok...

Sanskar: waise uttara which year n course???

Uttara: 1st year, arts course... (smilingly n nervously)

Sanskar (sensing nervous): what happen??? Why r u nervous???

Uttara: woh... ragging... (worriedly)

Sanskar: don't worry... u will not be ragged... (turns to karan) karan, make sure nobody rags or disturb her... got it???

Karan: but bhai, im in science n she is in arts... our buildings are in different ends...

Sanskar: I don't care... deal with it... n if I heard that she was being ragged or disturbed than u gonna get it... (serious tone)

Karan: yes bhai... (gulps in fear)

Sanskar: Uttara, now u don't have to be worried... come lets go... u r gonna get late... (turns to karan) since im dropping Uttara, I will drop u as well... come lets go...

Karan: no bhai, u go with uttara... I am meeting my friend n we will come together... (turns to Uttara) I will see u in college...

Soon three of them left for college... Uttara n sanskar were talking with each other... n sanskar was behaving more like a brother than her jiju... they both share a different bond which is adored by everyone... soon Uttara reached college... the car was stopped infront of the college gate... n by seeing the gate, Uttara became nervous as it was her first year... however sanskar sensing her nervousness calm her down...

Sanskar: here comes ur college... all the best n (saw her nervousness) Uttara... look at me... (calm n soft tone)

Uttara: ha jiju... (nervous)

Sanskar: what happen???

Uttara: woh jiju... will I be able to fit in???

Sanskar: don't worry... everything will go well... n ha if u r worried about ragging than karan is there to handle it... (saw Uttara was still nervous) even I am also here... juz give me a call n I will be leaving all my job... nothing is important than u n swara to me... u both r the only ons who I can call as family... after them... (virika, shivam, twiraj, karan)

Uttara: sacchi??? (innocently)

Sanskar: mucchi... (saw Uttara again) ok now go on... if not u will be late for ur class...

Uttara: ha ok... jiju kya app muhje pick karne ayege???

Sanskar: ofcourse... mein kaise apni Sali ese kese chodu... wat time does college end???

Uttara: 5 pm...

Sanskar: I will be here at 4.30 pm itself... so don't worry, enjoy ur classes n ha make friends as well...

Uttara: ok...

Soon Uttara got down of the car n went... sanskar ensure that Uttara goes inside the campus before he left...

Soon Uttara enters her college... she saw some seniors ragging the juniors... but she ignored it n was going when one junior call her...

(new character the senior yug... u will know more abt him in the upcoming episode so introducing bharat chawda as yug...)

Yug: hey where r u goin??? (block her way)

Uttara: pls let me go... (worried tone)

Yug: I will let u go... but first tell me ur name...

Uttara: Uttara

Yug: uttara, nice name... waise r u frm some royal family or something???

Uttara: no... why do u ask??? (nervous)

Yug: cuz that is what ur name means... (casually)

Boy: aree yaar... stop the talking n lets start ragging... (laughing)

Yug: rite raj... (one of his frens) ok so wat shall u do??? (thinking)

Raj: aree yaar... I have an idea...

Yug: what???

Raj to Uttara: find who is the handsome one here n than kiss him... I mean a proper kiss...

Yug: wah... what an idea... (turn to Uttara) u heard him rite??? Come on... we don't have the whole day...

Uttara: pls leave me... (in a pleading tone)

All his friends block her in every corner n were looking at her... she got scared n tears well up her eyes... she was wanted to call her jiju immediately but realised that she left her phone in the care... she was juz praying that either her jiju or karan come quickly...

Scene shifts to sanskar's car...

Sanskar was driving home when he heard a ringtone... when he looks around he saw Uttara left her handphone n left... he decided to go to college n return to her n thought to check on her as well... soon he made a u-turn n left towards the college... soon he reach the college n saw a crowd... he was about to go there when uttara's phone ring again... thus he decide to find her when he stop hearing a familiar voice...

Girl: pls let me go... (crying voice)

Sanskar: Uttara... (soon he went towards the crowd where he saw a group of boys cornering her...)

At that time karan came... n was surprised seeing sanskar in the campus... thus he decided to go to him when he heard saying uttara's name n running to the crowd... karan listening to this also run behind sanskar n move into the crowd... both got shocked seeing that Uttara was in the center n a group of boys were surrounding around her... their bloods boiled seeing this... karan was about to hit yug when he was stopped suddenly... all were shocked to see all that yug was beaten up badly... when they move upwards they were shocked seeing was so brave to beat up yug... when yug friends saw this... they decide to confront him...

Yug: ahhhh.... (screming in pain n was lying on the floor)

Yug's friends: yug... what happen to u???

Yug: pata nai... some mad guy come n beat me... (looking towards sanskar)

Raj (goes towards sanskar): r u mad??? What did he do to u??? (was about to punch him but fear occupy him wen he heard something)

Karan: I won't do that if I were u...

Yug: kyu... tumhe iss pagal ko janta hai kya???

Karan: sanskar maheswari ki naam toh suna hoga na???

Yug: ha toh... what is it got to do with this???

Karan: kyunki tum jo insaan ko pagal bulati na... wohi sanskar maheswari hein...

Hearing this all were rooted to their places... n raj who was gonna hit him moved back... infact not only him but everyone moved back n Uttara ran n hug him... she was crying inconsolably n sanskar was juz hugging her n trying to console her...

Sanskar: who is the dean of the college??? (loud n serious tone) call him here now???

The dean was in an important meeting when a peon came in hurriedly...

Peon: sir... sir... (running n reach t meeting room n breathing heavily)

Dean: can't u see there is an important meeting going on... do u want to loose ur job is it???
peon: aree sir... leave about me loosing my job... but sir what r u gonna do if u loose ur job???

Dean: what u mean???

Peon: aree sir, the kolkata's gangster, sanskar maheswari is here... n is looking for u...

Hearing his name all who was sitted in the cabin stood up n a fear was visible in their faces... soon the dean left the room n came to the ground where all the students gathered n was looking at sanskar maheswari...

Dean: s... si... sir... r u here for any work??? (scared tone)

Sanskar: r u t dean???

Dean: y... yes... sir...

Sanskar: good... now I want u to expel this students... (pointing towards yug n his frens)

Dean: but what happen sir???

Sanskar: they were misbehaving with Uttara... (narrated t whole incident)

Dean (hearing tis went n scolded them): how can u rag ur juniors??? Is tis wat t college has taught u??? now go n apologise to her now... n I m calling ur parents up... pls look for a another college... I am not gonna tolerate tis behaviour now...

Yug n his frens: no sir... pls don't inform our parents... we will not do tis again... (begging tone)

Dean: its not up to me... now u better apologize to Uttara n sanskar... only they can help u now...

Yug n his frens (move towards Uttara): we are very sorry... we will not do tis again...

Uttara seeing them sincerely sorry accepted their apologies n somehow convinced sanskar to take back his decision of expelling them... however he gave them a warning to everyone if they ever disturb uttara again...

Uttara: ok... I accet ur apologies... (moves towards sanskar) u should also forgive them...

Sanskar: no... (determine tone)

Uttara: but this will only spoil their future... atleast think about their parents state if they come to know about tis...

Sanskar (thought for a while): ok fine... but I am giving u all a warning... if any of u disturb or rag Uttara than u will have to face hell... (loud n scary tone)

Hearing this everyone gulps in fear... but one question was lingering in their mind that wat relation does both of them have... somehow the dean gains some courage n ask sanskar...

Dean: sir... may I ask a question... (nervous)

Sanskar: ya sure...

Dean: how is Uttara n u related??? (scared)

Sanskar: she is my wife's sister, or to be precise my Sali... I hope I have answered all of ur tis question... (loud voice) I guess all r getting late for class... so u should go now... (turns to Uttara) Uttara don't worry... now no one will disturb u ok... (wipes her tears) n ya, I came to return ur phone...

Uttara: tks jiju...

Sanskar (gave a hug): ok... u go to clas snow... (turns to karan) karan now u have to take care of her in college... n if there is any problem than call me straight away... got it???
karan: yes bhai...

Soon trio left to their respective destinations...

Precap: don't know

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