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"Jimin,I know this might sounds crazy..but..please..."she said while Jimin's looking down at their intertwine hand."She doesn't have anyone else...please..I didn't ask you to marry her..just please..make her your daughter and treat her like your daughter please...she has never feel the love from her father.."she pleaded.

"B-but.."Jimin stuttered before sighing."Ok.."He said slowly then smile weakly at her.


"Mummy!Don't leave me!Mummy!!You promise me you're not going to leave me!!!Mummyyy!!"Bella cried out hugging her mother that's lying on the hospital bed.

Jimin can't do anything.He just watched her crying onto her mother's body."I'm sorry,miss.She's gone now.We're sorry that we couldn't save her..."The doctor said sadly.

Jimin pulled her into a hug,trying to comfort her."It's okay,Bella.She's gone to a better place now,"he said comforting her.

"I promise I'll take care of you..."Jimin said.

"I'm home.."Bella said walking up the stairs.Jimin who was watching the television surprised by Bella's behaviour.Usually,she'll be excited to be home but today she seems different.Jimin decided to check on her condition.Jimin went up the stairs to Bella's room.He hesistated to knock the door at first but then he heard the sounds of crying came from inside.Without thinking first,he open the door to see Bella burying her face in the pillow while crying softly.

"Hey,what's wrong,dear?"Jimin said sitting on the bed and pulling Bella's body in his arms.

"It's nothing..."Bella said softly.

"It's okay,tell me what is it"Jimin reassured.

"It's seriously nothing..."Bella said while sobbing in Jimin's arms."Tell me the truth,Bella.I know you're lying".

"I-it's...t-they said that I'm a slut,hoe and things such like that cause well,we live together...and they think..you and I...you know..."Bella said sobbing in Jimin's arms.Jimin sigh.

"Is that all?D-did they hurt you physically?"

Bella just keep quiet.Jimin started to get mad."Bella,did they hurt you?"Jimin asked again.Bella stay quiet."Tell me Bella!"Jimin said louder.

"I-it's nothing bad seriously..I'm used to it...just a few..punches and..."Bella said slowly but good enough for Jimin to hear that.Jimin start to get mad."I'm sorry that you have to go through that,love.I promised you,you'll never going to go there anymore"Jimin said kissing the top of her head.

Bella's P.O.V

"Urgh.."I wake up from my deep sleep.It's like a habit for me to wake up early in the morning.

"What time is it now?"I said looking at my phone that shows it is 7:30 a.m.

I wake up from my bed and go to the bathroom to take my shower.I changed into a simple black shirt and a pair of denim jeans and put my hair in a messy bun.

I walked down the stair to the kitchen.It's really lonely to be in the house.Oh yeah,if you were wondering,I live alone in this house actually.Jimin usually is busy with his group and his stuff that sometimes he doesn't come home.By sometimes,I meant most of the times.

I make myself breakfast and eat it silently while looking through my phone.I got 2 messages from Jimin.I open and read it.

7:00 a.m.
From: Daddy❤
Hi Sweetie!You're awake?

7:05 a.m.
From: Daddy❤
I will come home today.Miss you so much❤

Forget to tell you,Jimin right now was actually in Japan with his group for some music stuff and all.His flight will arrived in Korea at 3:00 p.m.

I decided to not reply his messages cause he probably wouldn't read it since he's on the flight.After finishing my breakfast,since it's still early in the morning,I decided to take a walk around the neighbourhood.It's been a while since I go out.I grabbed my earphone and wear my Adidas sneakers.

It is so nice to be out.Especially when it's morning.The road was not really busy today cause it is weekend.I stopped at a Starbucks near the neighbourhood and order Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappucino.I love to try new drinks at Starbucks.It came out that the drink was actually taste pretty good.

I keep walking along the street.I smile watching the people along the streets.It is so nice to look at people.You might think I'm weird to say that but hey,I find it really nice to see people cause I always stay at home and doesn't really go out much.Jimin is a protective person.He doesn't really allowed me talking to random people that I don't know.

I keep walking while listening to some songs that I played on my phone.I decided to walk back home after an hour of walking.I don't really wanna go home early cause I have nothing to do.

When I reached home,I went to my bedroom to changed myself into more comfortable outfits.I changed into an oversized shirt and a pair of sweatpants.I lay down comfortably on the couch at the living room.I then turn on the television and decided to watch some Kdramas while waiting for Jimin to be here.

I make myself some hot chocolate and watched the K-Dramas happily.I love watching K-Dramas cause the feels.They can make me cry sometimes and sometimes they can make me die with sweetness watching the sweet scenes.I keep giggling while watching the K-Dramas.

Time goes after hours and hours,I fall asleep on the couch.

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