Okay here it goes

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I was tagged by my beautiful wife bloomatdusk and my two beautiful friends __elysian__ and ShonaKS

1. What are you most self conscious about?
- my body I guess .

2. What is most embarrassing picture of you?
- There are so many embarrassing pictures of me...oooof. One of them has to be where i was doing a bhangra pose with a statue of a sardarji.

3. What would you do if you were the opposite sex for a month?
- I will get worried..?

4. What is something that you have stolen?
- I steal my sister clothes' on daily basis. Ooof

5. What is the most childish thing you still do?
- There are so many
I clap my hands like a kid whenever i get excited/happy, I stick my tongue out at people randomly or in an argument, I stomp my feet when I get angry and the list goes on...

6. Have you ever let someone take the blame for something you did?
-Umm not that I remember

7.what do your most friends think about you that is totally untrue?
-That I am a very happy person and I don't have problems in my life or the fact that I know all the good places and that I never stay at home ooof

8.Who here would you most like to makeout with?
-Can I say Shawn...?
If not, then I really don't know guys here so, no one.

9. Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?
- I have never cheated and I will never do thay because I know how it feels when you have been cheated on.

10. What lie have you told that hurt someone?
-Umm let's see
-> I have moved on &
-> I don't care about you.
These are the lies I told someone who was at a point of time really important to me and these lies hurt me more. I don't even know if these lies hurt them tho.

11.What is the meanest you have been to someone that didn't deserve it?
I snap at everyone when I am really angry and I might have been mean to the people who have no idea.

12. What is something that people think you'll never do but you have?
- dated a psychopath

13. What was the worst encounter you had with a police officer?
- I never had a serious and a bad encounter, but there is a hilarious one, so we were like going somewhere, my brother was driving and he didn't notice that he was about to jump the light, so he hit the brakes and a policeman came up to our car. 2 pf my brothers went outside and opened the bonnet of the car and acted as if something was wrong with it, so the policeman just saw and left. While, we were laughing our asses off in the car.

14. Tell me about your most awkward date.
- I have never been on a date.

15.What is the silliest thing you have an emotional attachment to?
- My pillow. I legit can't sleep without one specific pillow so yeah.. ooof

16.what is you deepest darkest fear?

17. Tell me about your first kiss.
- I lost my first kiss to a lying asshat.

18. Where is the strangest place you have peed?
- probably on someone's lap when I was a toddler?😂

19. Who is the person you most regret kissing?
- I have only kissed one guy and I regret it the most.

20. Have you ever crapped your pants since you were child?
- No, I have been potty trained very efficiently. LMAO

21. What is the most embarrassing thing your parents caught you doing?

22.What secret  about yourself did you told someone in confidence and they told everyone else?
- again, NOTHING. I don't have such secrets or friends like that.

23. When was the most inappropriate time you farted?
- what is the most appropriate time to fart?

24.what is the scariest dream you had?
- there was this dream few months ago, about my family . Someone did some black magic thing on my family and everyone was either dying or getting crippled. It was so horrible to see that.

25. Why did you break up with boyfriend/girlfriend?
- Because he lied to me and cheated on me.

26. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?
- dated my ex.

27. When was the last time you peed in bed?
- I don't remember so it might be when I was really small or so.

28. What is the grossest thing that come out of your body?
- what kind of a question is that?

29. What terrible thing have you done that you lied to cover up?
- if I have covered it up with a lie, why would I write it here?

30. Who have you loved that didn't love you back?
- I don't know really, I have never been in love except once and even in a toxic way, the guy loved me.

31. What is something that you have never told anyone?
- why would I tell here?

32. What is the most disgusting habit you have?
- ummm let's see

33. What was the cruelest joke you played on someone?
-  I have never played a cruel joke on someone, I don't have the guts to do shit like that.

34. What is the most embarrassing thing that you put up on social media?
- My embarrassing pictures and probably this?

35. What bad thing you have done that no one else found out about?
- If no one ever found about it, why would I tell it myself?


I am tagging

I guess that's it.

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