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" Why did I chose here to work?" I asked as I heard the creepy sounds of the hospital. The door swung open as some doctors ran in with a little boy around the age of 6 on a stretcher. This boy wasn't normal though. He had lots of wounds on his body but he still could thrash about trying to get out of the stretcher. The doctors ran him into room 13. I got curious and walked over to the door and watched through the window. I saw the doctors unstrap the little boy who jumped up and screamed. He jumped onto a young doctor and pinned him down facing the opposite way of the window from where I was watching . He threw his head back and arched his back while letting out an ear peircing scream. Something was different about him though. I stepped back as soon as I saw that the boys' eyes have rolled back and his teeth have become somewhat like a wolfs'. I walked up to the window more cautiously this time. The screaming continued from the doctors and the little boy. The little boy grabbed onto the pinned down doctors' head and twisted it. A loud snap could be heard as the young boy snapped the doctors neck. I dashed over to my desk and grabbed the phone then called the police. The lights started to flicker and you heard a very eerie humming to the tune of Pop goes the Weasle. I then heard a scraping on the walls. I caught a glimpsee of the little boy. He was smiling like a mad man with sharp wolf teeth. I ran at the speed of light to a closet. I wasn't thinking very well I was just trying to survive. I heard the boy walk past. I let out a sigh of releif. The closet door flew open to a little boy staring down at me. I screached and hhe reached out and grabbed my arm, digging his nails into my skin. He lifted me up. Holy cow was he strong! He threw me into the wall and clamped a chain onto my wrist. I'm still locked in this hospital getting tortured by the boy. The boy never ages. I don't know what he is! This may be the last time you will hear from me. Please he-...

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