Chapter 14: Bites the Dust

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Author: So, as I was getting ready to write this new chapter, I saw this.

Rank 794?! In the random category?! No way! This ranking might not be that high, but I'm happy about it! It's all thanks to you guys who read this story and I really appreciate it. Even though I say it at the every end of the chapter. Anyway, let's continue your bizarre adventure.

Y/N Pov

After buying the revolver from the black market, I've been training non-stop. If I get tired? I drink the water that I brought. Now, I'm just practicing on the spell, The Emperor. Luckily, this spell and some others only requires magic, not stamina.

Guido placed targets at different locations. All of them are blocked by something like a flower pot or a wall. Some even in the room. The Emperor, allows me to cast it on any range based weapon, and I can control the projectiles which was fired. I don't have to use bullets but I have to use my magic as a substitute.

Guido: Alright. 15 seconds to get all of the targets. 10 of them. They are hidden around this villa. You better improve this time. Last time, you almost destroy every single thing in the villa.

Y/N: You wanna bet? 100 Euro.

Guido: Hoho. You're on. 1000 Euro that you will make the same mistake just like last time.

Y/N: Oh, I'll prove it to you alright.

Guido: 1...

I got my revolver out and cast The Emperor on it.

Guido: 2...

I put my hand on the hammer.

Guido: Fire!

I shot 10 times in 3 second. 12 second left. A magic screen appear at my right eye and I started controlling the bullets. The con about this spell is, it's hard to concentrate and control all the bullets to go to different place at once. I found the first target, which is behind me, and shot it.

Giorno: 1 down.

I started controlling the bullets again and got one in the living room, behind the telly.

Giorno: 2 down.

Guido: 11 seconds left!

I control the bullets and found one in Guido's bedroom and hit it.

Giorno: 3 down.

I control again and found one in the bathroom but Narancia just went in. So, I control the bullet to go into the small gap between the door and the floor. Knowing it probably won't fit, I focus my magic and made it smaller.

Narancia Pov

Stupid Guido! He freaking put the best or the worst combination of spice that gave me a freaking stomach ache. As I walked in and close the door. I saw a target board on the wall behind the toilet bowl. I ignored it and went straight to take off my pants and sit on the toilet. Then I saw a bullet with purple aura coming towards me, aiming my head...

Narancia: Shit!

I quickly bent down, but it seems to curve up and hit the target. That is when I realize...

Narancia: Guido!!!

Guido Pov

Oh? It's Narancia! My calculation is correct! I'm a genius!

Giorno: 4 down!

I check the time.

Guido: 9 seconds left!

Y/N Pov

I have no time! I have 6 more to find! I group up all my bullets so that they can move together.


I've got it! I got all the bullets! 1 second left until the challenge end!

Guido: Argh! Damn! Here you go... *gives 1000 Euro*

Y/N: Thank you, kind sir.

Just then, a small bat flew into the court. It's Rias' familiar! The bat changes into her human form.

Familiar: Y/N! You've to go back to Japan! Rias and Sona are being attack by Kokabiel!

Y/N: ...

Giorno: Look Y/N, I know what you thinking. You haven't unlock you balance breaker yet!

Y/N: I have to go help them!

Giorno: You will die! Listen. Knowing your mother's gear, simply using Sheer Heart Attack and Switch On won't defeat him! Your gear is only for attacking! It has no defense! Your mother unlock the balance breaker and that balance breaker is the only thing that could guard powerful attacks like Kokabiel's spear!

Y/N: Then, I'll unlock it now.

Giorno: And how are you going to achieve it?

Y/N: By having you to use your balance breaker to fight me.

Giorno: You crazy or what?! My balance breaker can stop you from reaching reality!

Y/N: And I'll use that stress to achieve it. I got a feeling that the balance breaker needs the host to have a lot of stress during battle.

Giorno: If you are not afraid to die, *golden aura starts pouring out* Then bring it.

I charge towards Giorno and send a barrage of punches.

Giorno: Gold Experience!

A tree grows out front he ground and intercepted my attacks. After I stop the attack, I got hurt from multiple side of my body. I kneel on one knee on the ground.

Giorno: My sacred gear, Gold Experience, allows me to create or give life to any object I chose. Anyone who attacks the thing that I create, the damage will be reflected back to the person who attacks it.

Y/N: So, all I have to do is attack you only.

I charge towards Giorno again. Winding up a powerful punch, he summon another tree from the ground and I punched it. Blood spills out from the corner of my mouth.

Y/N: I'm not done yet!

Sheer Heart Attack comes out from behind and charges straight to Giorno, ready to force him to use his balance breaker.

Giorno: You are to naive.

A ladybug come out block the attack, causing me to fracture some of my bones.

Y/N: Argh!!!!!!

Giorno: You have a lot of potential. More than your mother. If you can't even force me to use my balance breaker, how can you get your revenge? You are just plain pathetic.

Y/N: Shut up! Silver Chariot! Release!

I started charging at him from different side and he just summon more trees front the ground to block.

Giorno: Having more of you to attack me won't even work on me.

The clones disappear, leaving Giorno to look around his surroundings.

He then look up, seeing my finger with Killer Queen equiped close to his face.

Giorno: Gold Experience Requiem! Back to zero!

Suddenly, my body floats up and came back to the ground where I stand with my clones. What the hell just happen?

My clones charge towards Giorno again and attack from above. Then Giorno looks up as if he knows what I'm going to do! An eagle suddenly rams my back from behind and I came falling down with no control. I summon Sheer Heart Attacks to land me safely on the ground.

Giorno: My sacred gear, Gold Experience Requiem, have three abilities. One of them is giving life, just like Gold Experience, the second one is back to zero, which allows me to revert my opponent's movement or strength back to the start. That means I can revert your strength to the one like a baby. The third ability is, I can stop you from reaching reality. That mean, if I kill you, I can use it on you and you won't be able to know if you are dead.

That is like the most powerful sacred gear I heard in my life! And yet no one knows about the gear?! Maybe he is cautious and use it at the right time. I don't care, know I want to achieve my balance breaker, and that is all I want to do. To protect the others.

I charge towards him again and suddenly, bunch of veins pops out from the ground, binding me. I'm too busy trying to get out, not noticing Giorno getting near me. Suddenly, I felt something went through my body. I look down to see Giorno's arm, in my body, and his fist comes out front he other side. I started puking blood on the ground. I failed. I'm weak. I'm pathetic. I can't even help the ones who are weaker than me. My vow, is a waste.

Giorno Pic

I pulled out my hand, seeing Y/N body falling to the floor. I was about to safe him using Gold Experience when suddenly, his body glow a purple light and shines, blinding me for awhile. I opened my eyes to see the wounds are closing back up. And there stand him Y/N Kawajiri, standing perfectly fine with a new attire. From what I see, that must be his balance breaker.

(You wear something like this)

Y/N: Thank you... Giorno Giovanna... for helping me... achieving my balance... breaker... *with head down* Now, *raises up head* let's hunt a big duck.

Giorno: I got you covered. Bruno!

Bruno: What?! Woah... He achieved it?

Giorno: Yup! Now get your Sticky Finger ready. You are going to teleport him to Japan.

Bruno: That's kinda far but oh well. I've done further.

Giorno: I'll mail your luggage back to your house alright?

Y/N: Sounds good to me.

Bruno: Alright, here goes. Sticky Finger!

Bruno punches the ground and a zip appears. He open up the zip and both him and Y/N jumped in.

Y/N: Arrivederci, Giorno.

Giorno: Arrivederci, Y/N.

Bruno: Right, let's go! Ari, ari, ari, ari, ari!

Th voice continues until it's not beards anymore.

Giorno: Hope Y/N will be alright.

I walk away, preparing a good and nice snack.

                TO BE CONTINUED

Author: Hope this update isn't late, hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I shall see you in the next one. Arrivederci.

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