Chapter 17

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Y/N Pov

I wake up to see Xenovia sleeping on top of me. *sigh* Why does some people like to- wait, is that her hand on my chest?! N-no way! Suddenly, my breathing started to get heavy. I want to feel the hands so much myself! I grabbed her hands and put it on my cheek, caressing with it. It feel so... satisfying...

???: Umm, Y/N? What are you doing?

I open my eyes to see Xenovia awake! I quickly throw away her hand from my cheek.

Y/N: Umm, good morning! I-I am just... umm...

Xenovia: Do you like my hands? *blushes*

Y/N: Ummm, no? 'Damn it! I want to say yes but it's too weird for her!'

Xenovia: It's ok, you can do whatever you want with it!

S-H-I-T! This is getting weird! Too weird!

Y/N: Ummm, get ready! I'm cooking breakfast!

I quickly get up and run out my room.


Cat: Bye! Save travels Y/N!

Xenovia and I walk to school. Let just say that the entire walk is quiet and awkward.

Xenovia: Y/N, I want to tell you something...

Y/N: What is it?

Xenovia: Do you like me?

Y/N: As a friend? Yes.

Xenovia looks down as if she is sad. I have feelings for her, which is true. But I love Akeno too. I'm trapped. I don't know who to choose...

We arrived school and boys just glare at me as I walk in.

Boy 1: Tch, just how many girls he attracted?!
Boy 2: Man! That girl is cute! Why?!
Girls: Aww! Not another one!

As I was walking, some punks blocked our path. *sigh* Can this day get any worse.

Punk 1: Hey girl~ wanna come with us? We can give you a real good time~
Punk 2: Yeah~ Why don't you leave this nerd alone, and come with us~
Punk 3: Is he bothering you? We can beat the carp out of him you know?
Punk 4: Man! Her tits are fucking big! I wanna suck it like I'm a baby!
Punk 5: Her ass too! Man! I wanna grope it so much and listen to the sound of it smacking against me as I fuck her!

My eyes twitched. This bastards. They really don't know what manners really means, do they? Xenovia is about to say something until I cut in.

Y/N: Manners *loosens tie*, maketh *rolls up sleeve*, man *glares at them*. Do you guys know what that means?

Punk 1: As if we care! Do you think after seeing you loosen up yourself, we will be afraid?!

Students started to surround us and some whispering could be heard.

Boy: 'Man, he is fucked.'
Boy 2: 'You bet he is.'
Girl: 'They're gonna beat him into a bloody pulp!'
Girl 2: Someone call the student council!

Xenovia: *Pulls my shirt* 'Forget it Y/N, let's leave.'

She still worries about me. She is afraid that this is going to be just like last time.

Y/N: *smiles at her* It's ok.  I'm different now. *looks at punks* Sorry, I forgot animals like you are too stupid to understand what a human says.

Punk 1: Tch. *smiles* Don't get too cocky nerd! *charges towards me, winding up for a punch*

Y/N: *sigh* Amature, why are people afraid of you again?

I parry the attack and did a Dempsey Roll and finish it with an uppercut, knocking him out. The other 4 stare in shock.

Students, Xenovia: !!!

Y/N: So, are you guys going to stand here all day? Or are you guys going to fight? Your dignity is on the line~ Oh wait, you guys don't have dignity.

Punk 2: Think you're a big shot huh?!

All of them charges at me, coming from different sides. Finally, they use their brain for the first time, if they have one that is. I run towards the one in front of me and duck a punch from him and did a hip throw, punch his face, knocking him out. The second one takes out a knife and charges at me with it. I grab his wrist and did a flying arm lock, making both of us fall. As soon as we hit the ground, I apply pressure instantly, breaking his arm. The students cringe at the sound. The third one did a flying kick at me. I sidestepped and punch his stomach while he is in midair. He fell to the ground and I kick his face, knocking him out. The fourth one is shaking with his mouth open. I walk towards him. He is just standing there, too afraid to move. Then, I'm right in front of him. *sigh* He is still shaking. I stuff my fingers into his mouth and grabbed his tongue. He started whimpering like a goddamn dog! Shit, my head!

Y/N: Did you know what you and friends just did? Never mind that, you are too stupid to understand. I'm fine if people insults me, but saying stuffs like that to a woman is unforgivable. Since you didn't attack me, I'll give you a merciful punishment.

I took out a small soap from my pocket that I always bring with me so that I can make sure my hands are cleaner. I pull out his tongue and he started crying like fucking baby.

Y/N: A little wash will be helpful.

I put the soap on his tongue and started rubbing it with force. The students stare in horror as they see a new side of me. As for Xenovia, she is surprised. After I finish rubbing, I punch I let go of his tongue and punch him in the face, knocking him out.

Y/N: Tch. Should have wear a plastic glove.

Sona: What is going on here?!

All the students look at her and they walk away acting as if nothing happened. I can see some are satisfied on what I did to those punks.

Sona: Y/N?! You did all this?!

Y/N: Yeah. *with a poker face*

Sona: *sigh* I never knew that you will do something like this. Come with me.

Y/N: How convenient. Xenovia is applying for Kuoh. Go on, don't waste my time.


Luckily Sona called Asia to heal those punks. Sona also also make them forget what just happened. For me? I get an earful from Sona herself. I entered the class and all the students looks at me.

Teacher: Oh! Mr. Kawajiri! You're late for the first time! Please don't make that as a habit.

Y/N: Yes teacher, sorry teacher.

I walk towards my table and see that Xenovia us sitting beside my table.

Xenovia: 'You don't have to do that you know. You just got yourself into trouble.'

I sat down and whisper back.

Y/N: 'Those punks need some lesson anyway. Plus, Asia just healed their injury. I don't see the problem there.'


The bell rang, signaling recess. As soon as teacher leave the class all the students cheer at me and started giving compliments.

Boy: That is sick! Where did you learn to do those?!

Suddenly, the door open to reveal some students who I assume are president of some sports club.

TKD pres: Hey! Join our Tae Kwan Do club! We need someone like you in our national team!
Judo pres: Please, he should join our Judo club!
Kendo pres: Please, with his agility, he should join our Kendo club!
Gymnastic pres: No! He should join gymnastic club!
Boxing pres: Nu uh! Boxing is the one!

Y/N: Shut up!!! Now if you excuse me, I have food to deliver.

I stood up, grab my bag and walk out of the class. As soon as I step out, I can hear their arguments again. Plain annoying.

*timeskip to Rias taking everyone to kill stray cause I'm lazy*

Rias: Kiba! Your turn!

Kiba: Right!

He charges in with his sword in his hand, ready for a strike. The stray uses it's mantis-like arm, ready to chop him until Xenovia blocks it with her sword. Koneko and Issei jumps in and punch the stray while Kiba slice it. Akeno uses her lightning and strikes it. The stray fell to the ground as Rias walks towards it.

Rias: Any last words?

Stray: Catch me if you can!

Suddenly, the stray jumps up and started running away in full speed with it's legs.

Issei: Oh come on! We can't chase that!

Y/N: But I can. Highway Star. Release.

A car comes out of the portal, shocking everyone.

Rias: That's-

Y/N: Satan's Runner, AKA, Devil Z. *opens the door and get in* I'll send that stray to Hell for sure Rias.

Akeno: Be safe alright.

Y/N: I will.

I step on the gas and the engine roar to life. Blue fire covers the tire as soon as I drive away.

Rias Pov

Issei: That's so cool!!! I want that!!!

Xenovia: Can he drive?

I see Y/N did a drift to the left, following the stray.

Rias: Of course he can.

Y/N Pov

Man, I haven't drive this car for so long! The acceleration is amazing! I look at my speedometer and this car is travelling at 200 km/h! I see the stray right in front of me. Now I can activate the second spell.

Y/N: Highway To Hell! Release!

This spell allows me to choose a target and the target will be lead to Hell no matter where he or she goes. The condition is to travel 666 km which is no problem because the stray is faster than me. I can easily out run it, but, let's see how this goes.

Narrator (Author):
Spell name: Highway Star.
Effect: Summons a car known to be Satan's Runner or Devil Z. The car will pass through a human like it's a ghost. Any human got 'hit' by it will forgot what he or she just saw. As for devils and angels/fallen angel, it will send them straight to the layers of Hell, killing them.

Spell name: Highway To Hell.
Effect: User can chose a target and that target will enter Hell no matter where they go when they travel for 666 km. User must be at least 10 meters behind the victim to activate this spell and achieve the goal.

(Imagine how the chase goes cause I'm bad in writing chasing scenarios. Sorry)

Stray Pov

That kid is catching up to me! He is around 5 meters from me! Wait, did the surrounding just gets hotter? I look around and I see flames and lava all over the place. I'm in Hell? How is that possible?! It must be that kid's work! Suddenly, I heard a roar of an engine and look behind to see the car about to hit me!


Y/N Pov

I stop the car, drifting it. Mission complete. Now, to go back. *VROOOM*

Xenovia Pov

I'm sitting on the sofa, waiting for Y/N to reach home. He is taking too long! I hope nothing bad happens to him...


The door opens to reveal Y/N, back without a scratch!

Y/N Pov

Xenovia ran towards me and punch me in the face. I was about to ask until she hugs me, crying.

Xenovia: You worried me damn it! I thought you're gone!

Y/N: Well, sorry to worry you. Come on, let's get some sleep. You can sleep with me tonight.


                  TO BE CONTINUED

Author: Alright! Chapter 17 done! Nothing to say, so, thanks for reading this story, and thank you for being a patient reader to all of you! Thank you so much for reading, and I will see you in the next chapter!

P.S: Sorry if it's bad. This chapter is rushed.

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