Chapter 4: A New Job

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Author: Umm I haven't thought of any girls for the main character, to be honest. So I'm going to need some help from you guys to help me vote. Have a girlfriend or a harem. Please vote.(Please don't be a harem.)



Y/N Pov

*yawn* Another good night sleep. But what bothers me the most is the fact that there is another person in my room is very, annoying.

I turn to see her, Rias Gremory. Why is she sleeping naked? Does all devil sleep naked? Do I sleep naked? I checked and I still have my pajamas on. Oh, I don't sleep naked. 

I got out of my bed and went to my bathroom to get ready for school and also cook the orders given. *sigh* At least today's order isn't as hard as last time, I'll have to charge them extra for that.

*Timeskip brought to you by finishing the orders in the kitchen*

I could've work faster if there is a certain English madman in my kitchen.

???: Oh? You've finish cooking already?

I equip Killer Queen and turned around to see Rias. 

Y/N: Oops, forgot you're here. *unequip Killer Queen*

Rias: So, where's my breakfast? *smirks*

Y/N: I thought you'll say that. *Levitates the meal with fork and knife to the table*

Y/N: Enjoy, mademoiselle.

Rias: *chuckle* Why thank you.

*Timeskip to arriving at school*

3rd Pov

'What?! That guy is walking with Gremory?! Rias Gremory?!'

'Nooo! He is taken. Why?!' 'It's useless! We're outclassed by Miss Gremory!'

The whispering goes on and on until both Rias and Y/N got into their school.

Y/N Pov

Rias: I'll see you after school, Mr. Kawajiri. I'll send a person to pick you up~.

Y/N: Goodbye, Ms. Gremory, I'll be looking forward to it.

After saying goodbye, I turn around to see the three stooges running towards me. I shot them a menacing look.

They slipped and fall face first on the ground. I walked past them and enter the class.

*Timeskip to break time*

After delivering all the orders, as usual, I settle down in my seat and took out my bento.

After finishing it, I can hear the girls in the class scream. *sigh* Must be him.

My guesses are right. It's Yuuto Kiba. The girls call him a prince. Well, I can't judge them really, he is a good-looking student.

He walked towards my table and ask politely

Kiba: President sent me to guide you to the clubroom.

Y/N: Well *stands up* lead the way then.

I followed him to the ORC and walked into the club room.

There I saw that little girl again, Koneko Toujo.

???: My, my, aren't you handsome upclose~.

I turn around and see a girl with black hair and a yellow ribbon, tied to her hair.

Y/N: I believe I've never met you before, care to introduce yourself?

???: Oh how rude am I, my name is Akeno Himejima. It's a pleasure to meet you~.

Hmm, a horny woman? That's something you don't see in your everyday life.

Rias: Oh! Y/N, you're here.

Y/N: Indeed, I am. Get to the point Gremory. I can't stand this dusty room.

Rias: Sorry, I would like to give you an offer.

Y/N: Oh? And what is it?

Rias: I would like you to be my private cook and part of my peerage.

Y/N: You do know I don't work for free right? I still need to eat.

Rias: Of course I know that. You can tell me how much you want, or, a good time in the bed with me will be good~.

Y/N: Sorry I don't take your virginity as my payment. I only accept cash.

Rias: Oh, you're not fun at all.

Y/N: I just see that as a waste of time. As for the payment, I want 150,000 yen per month. For cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You'll be paying for ingredients as well.

Rias: That can be settled.

Y/N: Good. Also build a kitchen here will you? I'll cook here.

Rias: That can be settled too. Now, I want you to come here.  I shall make you become part of my peerage.

Y/N: Sure.

I absorbed a pawn piece.

Rias: Good now, you are part of my peerage.

Y/N: *looks at the chess set* What happened to the seven other pawns?

Rias: Oh, Issei absorbed them.

Y/N: Oh, so that means his pretty strong. Well, I can't really say much. He got a dragon in him anyway.

???: Hi president! Eh?! Y/N! You are here too?!

I turned and saw Issei with a blonde girl, which I don't recognize.

Issei: Anyway! This is Asia Argento, she is in the same class with us!

Asia: H-hello, nice to meet you.

I nod and turn to Rias.

Y/N: So, I believe I have to do this pact thing, isn't it?

Rias: Oh? You know your stuff.

Y/N: My mom is a devil. She told me about it when I was a kid.

Rias: So that's how you got your sacred gear. I believe your mother is Mika Kawajiri?

I tensed up. I can feel my nails growing a little. Purple menacing aura flows out of my body, signaling danger to everyone in the room.

Y/N: *glares* What do you know about my mother?

Everyone in the room backed up a little bit, except for Rias.

Rias: I heard an old peerage accepts her request and let her have a normal life. She is given the name Killer Queen. That sacred gear you wield, she created it too.

Y/N: That's her favorite song. The very same song my father played while my mother is there. She fell in love. She wants a quiet normal life but this damn sacred gear she created, it's sought by devils and fallen angels alike. I know they will use it for evil deeds, but I will use it to protect the weak. For good. This very sacred gear is what got my parents killed in the first place. I went to an orphanage and got adopted by a devil. She asked me to join her peerage after training me. But I refused and asked for a quiet life. She accepts my request and left me alone. I got my parents' will and lived by myself thanks to what my mother taught me.

Rias: Hmm, I think I will excuse you from making pacts because of how strong you already are.

Y/N: That's good to hear, at least there's less work for me.

                                                                             TO BE CONTINUED

Author: So a little back story of our protagonist. Hope you guys enjoy and thank you so much for reading. I shall see you in the next chapter.


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